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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
goodness, an old friend returns, Kit, in what might be a slightly repentant mode.
Yes jno and two minutes after I mentioned him on this thread...!
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Have to say I thought he was Lily-Lilbert and was keeping my eye open, but he's not doing anything wrong yet!
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am also a bit suspicious of Brenda ( a well known gay name) who is a newcomer since 9th feb!
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gherkin's gone again!
goodness - can't turn your head around here without somebody vanishing.

Phone call from jno jnr to say they've lost their mortgage offer - nothing they've done wrong, just the building society has decided not to offer 90% mortgages any more but they could have an 85% one. Another raiding party on the Bank of Mum and Dad looked on the cards but on this occasion the gf's family (two of them, as parents have remarried) have been able to step in with the required 5%, so all is well again. By by 'eck this relationship better work, all families have an awful lot invested in it!
Ooooh Bon Voyage Jno.Have a lovely time and safe journey.

Is the Gherkin saga still rumbling on ? He was OK as Invictas actually until he compared the Ed to Stalin .
A quick Bon Voyage to JNO. You will be missed!! Keep in Touch.

Be back tomorow to look through thread properly!!

Shaney, my new Taste Card gives two meals for the price of one at Bella Italia for the next three months!! Don't leave things too long!! Really looking forward to seeing you.
oh, was that what it was, Shaney? Ah well then. I can see why the Ed might feel he could do without Invictas's services.

I have checked in online, 24 hours in advance. I now have all night to wake in a sweat remembering something I've forgotten only to instantly forget it again.
bon voyage jno have a lovely time keep in touch (with pics) if you can.
Morning I is, legs a bit less rubbery & I'm not quite so nauseous. This has been a stinker :o(

Great news for your daughter (& you) neti, what a relief!

Well usually I talk to the trees & I always say please & thank you to whoever. My hippy friend said we create our own god & I know what he meant...I don't believe one single Grandpa Walton figure's looking down on us.

Bon Voyage jno <waves>...hope I'm not too late. Going for months? Oh dear I'm going to miss the witty one liners out there? < < :o( Have a wonderful time, take my picture/effigy with you & show me round all those far flung places please. And yes, do check in from time to time, I know they have tinternet in NZ, my cousin's there at the moment. lol @ lean & languid...that could be me :o)

Not sure what I missed yesterday but I've got the jist.
I could see Invictas becoming more excitable in his posts and going back to his ~old~style~ before the Stalin saga so I knew it wouldn't be long before it all went gherkin up. Shame really, he was quite entertaining when he used to pop in & see us in the biddye olde dayes.

Think I need some tinter shopping...a couple of boxes of vanilla Complan are required :o)
Hi Robi, glad to are perking up.

Dull and miserable here but I am going to make a great effort and take Meggi out. The poor dog is hyper and getting depressed about no 'walkies'. I am just trying to find a bit of enthusiasm for a dank and muddy hour!!!

My ribs are slowing getting less painful. I can actually touch the offending area now without yelping!!

See you later

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Morning all, have been spoending (I love it) Have a new Android HTC Wildfire phone but as i want to keep my old number from rival company I hjave to wait 7 days for it to be passed over. Could have had it today with different number and pay 50€ but worth it to wait.

Guess what today i received a xmas card from my adopted sister, posted Dec 13th 2010, I think that maybe beats Sweden. Although in 1971 I sent my mum a telegram saying I was coming here and that took 4 yrs to arrive!!! (guess there wasn't enough wind for the smoke signals over here!)

Gherkin did get a bit silly when he was a biddy though didn't he, posting rude piccies if I remember rightly! but I feel sorry for him, cos he is quite nice, but i was livid when he was begging for sympathy saying his partner ignored him et al:

Keep up the good work robi, getting better every day, and lottie with the ribs!
pah, guttering started overflowing, so I've been cleaning out the last few years' worth of leaves... then the kitchen sink blocked up, so I've had to rush off to Tescos for some unblocker, and get to plunging... why does all this happen at the last possible moment?
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Jno, you still here?

Have a lovely time and keep in touch,

Bye bye jno, jno bye bye (Bay City Rollers)
Oh dear jno!! I thought you had already gone.

Walk was nice. Warm and the sun was out. Very unexpected. Am considering an hour in the garden - have to drastically chop a forsythia about.

Hi Nets. I have a bog standard payg phone which I always forget about. It has spent all week in the car and I didn't even realise I had left it in there. Not the biggest lover of mobile phones at all but I use them for an emergency measure (which is a bit stupid because I rarely remember to take it out)
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I always keep a payg in the glove compartment in the car (but of course sometimes it runs out of battery and I also forget to recharge it) it's for emergencies. I love mobile phones, boots, rings, clothes, bedding, sauceands in fact anything!! I need to get a life!
Evenin', well I need to get a life too, my shopping list consists of cat items only:) Today I had planned to go looking for some kind of scratching device for Zingo but there has been so much snow yesterday evening and today that all my buses have been cancelled. Zingo is as bored as Meggie, I won't let him out as the snow is deep and soft, he'd sink like a stone having jumped off the balcony. He's very confused over my sudden stupidity, just when everything was working out so well and suddenly I don't understand that I'm supposed to open the balcony door when he sits by it, meowing. That's the kind of thing that breaks my heart about animals, not being able to explain things to them. I held him on my shoulder to show him all the snow outside the window and the sight did startle him, he sort of went What The Funicular?! in a cartoon movie ha ha ha, but he doesn't seem to make the connection between the view and what it would be like were he to jump onto the ground:'(

...and none of this till next week
Oh for heaven's sake. I did not write funicular, nor did I write the full word out. This is getting boring.

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