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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
just in case anyone is interested: I am hundreds of miles from the earthquake, which is very serious because very shallow. At the time it struck I was in fact in a hospital bed labelled "Confused". Embarrassing but true; I lost my memory for an hour. It was diagnosed as transient global amnesia, one of the trials of old age but not dangerous and not likely to be repeated. I'll come back later.
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Oh jno was just gonna ask about you, thank heavens you are safe, and thanks for signing in and letting us know, dreadful occurance. Do take care old bean!!
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"Confused" oh dear, well you are certainly a biddy. I was confused 2x and that is when they found I had high BP. I had no idea where I was but I knew which direction I shouldn't have been going, and the 2nd time I was driving my daughter and I came to a roundabout and knew I had to do something but didn;t know what, then luckily habit kicked in and I braked, very frightening, so you take care.
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Well strange happenings here... my old wicker log basket has disappeared from the side of the house and also those hanger things for socks has gone from the line!! It hasn't been particularly windy, and the very deflated red balloon which is untethered is still here, so that hasn't been blown away. Luckily I do lock the outside laundry room at nights now cos I store cd players, phones; kettles etc in there too. Must ask Mr N but cannot for the life of me see why he would need those things!
Glad you are safe jno. Thought about you!! Take care won't you and don't forget how to get back to us will you. I am very often confused, in fact I am more often than not confused. xx

Woofs I love that litter container. I am tempted to get one. It is just perfect for where our cat litter is situated (tucked behind the open plan staircase). We have one with a lid and the entrance is concealed. It's someone expensive though. I perhaps can track down a cheaper one.

Hmmmm, strange things going on in Ibiza!!
and by the way we have had SNOW this morning. Very fleeting, but definitely snow!! And Norwich was mentioned as being the coldest place.

I was up last night watching the Rolling Stones film until 1.30pm and I loved every minute of it. I ended up dancing round the room to 'Satisfaction' whilst Mr LL sat giving me very funny looks. (Meggie joined in with lots of running around and barking)!!

Wish I was young again - that film put me on a high. I adore The stones and I love love love Jagger!!!

See you later. I have to shop ( :o( )
hello all...jno how frightening, I am glad you are okay now and safe from the quake....very very sleepy here, the dogs fidget all night because they aren't getting out much on the day, still Rab is making steady to poke the tumbledryer then try to source a new one.......
Morning all
I'm glad you're safe and sound Jno and hope you soon feel better .Must have been a bit frightening for you .Take care .

I've had to make investigations this morning into " The Case of the missing Wheelie" which was most confusing, trudging up and down the road in the freezing cold like a bf looking for it .
On ringing the council they say it must have been eaten by the refuse lorry .
Well... the dustman could have knocked and said so .Bah .
Blimey there is a monster around eating wheelie bins, log baskets and sock hangers!! A giant munching machine.

Morning Woofie and Shaney x
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Very very warm here today, but my Android phone said it would be very cold, same temp day and night, so I sat and sweltered in 2 jumpers, jeans (size 12 still!!) and knee high boots. Bah what is it with technology!!!!! was really looking forward to some cold again!! (I know, I know shuttit!!)

Oh finger is a bit better, it's amazing what anti biotics can do and I wished I had heeded you all earlier, but seemed such a little thing to worry a doctor about!
Do you remember last year Neti when I had a splinterin my leg!! Well, biddies and others advised me to go to the docs far earlier than I did!! It needed two lots of antibiotics, special dressings, etc. and it seemed that the whole summer was blighted by it. Still have the scars and a discoloured leg!!

Sometimes these little things can turn into big things.
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But i just seemed so siloly, anyway the doc felt around (the finger!!) and said there wasn´t anything left in there!
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siloly!!!! *silly!!*
"A song of love is a sad song
Siloly, Siloly, Silo"

la, la, la, la etc.
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Anyone done that emailed puzzle yet!!
can't open it on a mac.
Swedie. Sorry I meant to answer your question about Alice cat earlier. She is more of an indoor cat than outdoor. She does go out, although not for long in this weather, but always stays around and comes when called. In the summer she spends longer outside. She is always in at night and she doesn't have a cat flat or anything. I think she believes she is a dog anyway. At the moment, she is sitting on the desk in front of me watching me type!!!

Mind you, we think that it was a pregnant mouse that she brought in that has caused the mouse explosion in the conservatory!! It took a lot of our weekend up sorting the problem out and the dear little mice have eaten through one of our camping chairs and also destroyed a couple of books and loads of magazines!!
G'day...happy to hear you're away from the earthquake jno. One of my cousins is in NZ at the moment visiting her son who lives there now but she's on N Island nr's a terrible disaster. Glad the memory thing wasn't too serious (but scary all the same, well I would have been terrified) we can't have you coming back thinking you're an AB flouncer or floozy. I'm no stranger to confusion as you've probably all realised :o)

Hope your finger heals well now you know I'm not a 'rush to the doc's' type either so I can't slap your wrist (this time). I did have a really nasty gash a while back when I fell against a dead rose & the thorns ripped the side of my leg but that was easier than a hand to keep dry & covered. Savlon is what you need, I swear by it! My sister's a germolene queen...but I think she's more germaloids these days :o)

Love the poshe cat litter tray. I'd have one like that if I ever had a moggy...which I won't.

Well yesterday turned out to be a hellish day for Charlie, that weather certainly didn't help either, he was falling about & distressed & I was up until 2.30am with him. When he finally settled & climbed into his bed I managed to have 4 hrs sleep.:o( He's much better today, pattering about 'n wagging his flag so there seems to be no point taking him to a vet & distressing him.
I, on the other hand, am a chewed rag.
I've done the puzzle neti, I love it but it only took a few seconds, (not bad for 4 hrs sleep).... you'll have to do better than that! :o)
Puzzle done but it took moe than Robi's seconds. Probably 2 minutes. I absolutely have always hated jigsaws!! People used to give them to me at Christmas when I was a child. They are such a waste of time. All that effort and what have you produced. A picture which you then have to dismantle and then put back in a box. I like things doing constructive things!!

Sorry about poor little Charlie's bad day Robi. You much worry so much about him!! Big hugs to Charlie from me and Meggie! x

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