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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
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....and I shot you twice!!!!
you sound chipper Neti, how is the finger?
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it's bl**dy sore today but I did just knock it, it`s still hot and fat, but at least I can move it a bit now! Thanks.
A'noon...what a crip day, it hasn't stopped raining & it's very cold with it.
erm, yes waking up to Dame Edna might be funny...just the once.
<makes note to call Sweedie tomorrow with Crazy Frog on a loop>

So has it dropped off then neti? I've sorted out a replacement for you just in case.... caused quite a stir when I asked for a jiffy bag for it in the PO

Hope Mr S's procedure goes well shaney...whatever it is I'm sure it's not something to look forward to but hopefully he'll feel better afterwards.

<waves to jno>
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when I prayed for something hot, swollen and throbbing in bed, this finger is not what I wanted! Oooops................................
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Can you believe this? I finally let the Red Balloon go as I felt guilty keeping it and yesterday couldn't find it. Well this morning when Mr N was driving us out of the gate, I espied it in the pool housing, so it had to float down the land, and then turn right and squeeze in a narrow bit and then enter the pool house and hide behind the wall there. so ot is sitting proudly on my gate!
You've been chosen Neti....Don't know what for though. (Red Balloon)
By the way at the risk of getting boring get to the Drs. with that finger. You may need anti - bs.

Hi everybody else hope you are ok..on this crip day as Robi calls it and you're right. I walked to the paper shop with me brolly but then I drove to my sister's for my cuppa.
I've had a good clean round this morning and I'm going to sit down and listen to Derby play Scunthorpe this afto. I'm still supporting them even though they haven't won lately. I live in hope.:o)
Hoping my friend is coming round for a drink tonight but if not I'll see yer later!

You have email Shaney.
Bloomin' 'eck it's so cold and so wet. I don't believe we are ever going to see the sun again.

Great to hear that all went went at the hospital Shaney. I had to look up TURP!!

Neti you are very rude and I have reported you!!

Hi to all of you. xxxx
naughty Neti!!
That red balloon must love you.
Started off grey here but is brightening nicely
Shaney TURP is quite routine nowadays and works very well...did you say he had had a procedure a while ago?
In Anatomy and physiology classes years ago, the lecturer said there were 3 design flaws in the human body - the shin bone, the female hormone cycle and the prostate gland.
Only 3 design flaws woofy?...they haven't seen me :o)

Well the Tudors is on the tele rhat's rude...I love it :o) It gets a lot of criticism for being inaccurate but how the heck would I know? Fail big time stylie when it came to my history results... lol.
It's even crippier weather than it was earlier. They said it would clear but that was big fat fib, I didn't get to the shops, got no choccy...I'm eating dairylea dunkers at the moment and I hope there's nothing remotely healthy about it... :o)
I keep picking at food today! Just thoroughly bored. There is loads to do around the house but to hell with it. Have ironed some shirts though?
I am just sleepy...think its the weather.
Trying to keep awake too Woof. Got up at 5.30am. Goodness knows why. Went back to bed at 8.30am for a cuddle because I was frozen!! but never went back to sleep.
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Weather is not very clement here either now, this am it was lovely but almost wintry here now. I am having a Dr Oetker salami pizza and salad for dinner and hija is making pork kebabs for herself and Mr N!
Neti listen I think Jude must be right, you have been chosen. To do a workout vid >>>>>

Second episode of Downton Abbey tonight, must set my mobile alarm! What a shame I can't watch your programmes at the same time you lot do ('cept Neti).
haha, lol Kit
I'm tired because some twerp called my number just after the time I'd come round & put the lamp on it had stopped. I 1471'd, it was a local-ish number but not one I recognised. A few mins later it rang again so I left it a few seconds and it stopped. Then I couldn't get to sleep...pah! I think I'll give them a call tomorrow morning, about 3am.
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Ha ha Robi, I did just that in America when some very rowdy students in the next room kept us up all night, so the next night when they were tired, I kept phoning their room (it was direct dial, not through the switchboard) and whenever they answered it, I hung up, I did that for several hours, biy it felt good, but I was really tired the next day. Alternatively, blow a whistle down the phone, dodgy unless you have caller id and you know it's not someone who should be calling you!
I wouldn't worry too much about it Robi, probably just a drunken call from Jude, I've had'em too... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Goodnight, sleep tight Biddies. Lottie is going to bed! xxxxxxxxxxx

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