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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 15:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
17:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
Guess who can't sleep, I think I'll make a few phone calls Ha Ha!!!
No I really can't - so I'm having a cuppa and listening to Bob Harris on 2. It is now 2.20 a.m. don't know what's up. I think I'll have a wander round CB.Not to comment just to read.
See yer in the mornin' when I'll probably be yawnin' x
good morning all, Jude, i hope you are tucked up and sleeping peacefully. Took the boys out this morning, Rab still on a lead but much better. Its COOOOOOLD here.
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Morning all, hope jude finally got to sleep.

Our leccy blipped during thenight, no idea why!

Hope you are all well.

Finger very stiff but feels better. We are off on a jolly today, around the island and then lunch!
Good moaning...I'm yawning but amazingly I slept right through last night...cold and dull here too :o(

heck neti, some strange goings on in your house...

What's all this rubbish about double summertime? I don't want that thanks...some silly woman on Andrew Marr said it would be better & that despite darker mornings it gets light quickly. What?! On a cloudy day it doesn't get properly light until mid morning as it is....I don't like dark nights but I like dark morning even less, tut.
Hi folks
Freezing cold, damp and dull here .It was even colder at the market yesterday which is in the middle of nowhere in an old aircraft hangar .But it's worth turning out at the crack of dawn for the food :) I spent most of yesterday yawning or slumped in front of Law & Order and went to bed early . All the jobs I was going to do are not done and I doubt they'll get done today either .No motivation in this weather .
Yes Woofy ,Mr S had this op before back in 2004 .It's enlarged again .He's got all the things his Dad had .
Hope your finger is better Neti .Have a good day all .Bye for now .
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Back home again. 16° and partially cloudy. Had a long pleasant walk from cala gracia to cafe del mAR SAN AN, and then found a superb restaurant, with delightful "fine dining" food, crispy goasts cheese on caramelised apple and onion to start then shared a mixed grill with grilled veg, the meat was first class, no rubbish, we had to bring half of it home, way too much to eat.

Trying to catch up with the soaps and Marchland, is anybody else watching this!
shower is in and doesn't leak!!!! bathroom back together...nice man is coming back on march 1st to do the floor. Pork is roasting in the oven...lovely.
Shaney pour yourself a tincture and settle down in the warm....
Oh dear. Have they moved and not told me!!
Don't think so Lottie. Well I'm still here anyway.
I'm off to bed now so will say goodnight to whoever is out there.
See yer later 'gater(s)....x
I am here too but just to say nighty night
Moved? Biddies don't move do they, they just get shoved?

Mornin' btw...not a good one, it's another dark, wet, very cold one & it's getting very depressing now. Pe po piddle....
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Glorious day here, was up and driving hija to airport (yes, again) at 7.30 ns it was raining which I hate driving in, but it cleared the nearer w got to Ibiza town so am in fine fettle and cleaning everywhere.

finger is vastly improved, although still fat and cannot straighten it but feels a lot better.
Good morning biddyfriends on this wet and windy morning. (Just remember when you get fed up with it, some people feel the rain others just get wet).
I'm now refreshed and feeling better. Had 2 good night's sleep and my leg is really getting better as well..
That's the good news......
The 5.00 this morning I heard this dog barking and someone thumping on the next doors window. (New neighbours) I heard this kid (15 year old) shouting "Mum Mum let me in quick". I got up and looked out and there was this adolescent ,bare-chested, making the noise. His Mum obviously let him in cos it went quiet after that.
I just hope it's one off and not a sign of things to come and that he had a good reason for being like that.

I've been out early and had my tyres checked and done some shopping, so what I'm going to do for the rest of the day is anybody's guess. I have Carrots and Orange to make a soup so I think I'll have go at that if Lottie can come up with a recipe for me. I have a lemon as well and loads of herbs and things in Lottie so if you can help me I would be grateful.

Hope you are all feeling ok today and various aches and pains aren't too bad.

See yer later 'gater(s)
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Oh jude, If you have a packet of Knorr's Onion soup, then mix that with half water and half orange juice (but not the whole liquid amount slightly less) grate the carrots into it and boil, adjust the orange flavouring, don't make it too citrussy, hmm delis! I usually whiz it up so no bits (I hate bits)

Glad you are feeling better. I feel for you about next door, just I have a feeling of relief for a) the mother (her child finally came home and b) for the child who got home safely! I've lived this scene too many times!
Well try repeating your first sentence to Charlie Jude, haha...he hates this weather too and no amount of optimism is going to make us like it more :o)
mmm, well what on earth was the lad doing outdoors & bare chested? Do you think he'd sleep walked and locked himself out? Hope it's a one off for tenants they'll be on a 12 month trial.

oooh, get a load of nigellibiza...haha
Hi folks.

I would gently fry some chopped onions in a little oil and add some celery as well if you can. Celery is always good in soup. Add your sliced carrot after five minutes or so and keep gently frying till the veg sweat. then add some good veggie stock. Marigold is about the best I think. Season to taste with plenty of black pepper and then add the juice and zest of an orange. Add some uncooked rice or chopped potatoes to thicken. Brown rice is particularly nice with carrots. Cover and simmer for about 3/4 hr. Then whiz. Stir in some creme fraiche.

By the way, all my recipes are pretty well made up Jude! So adapt to suit your taste. I would be adding quite a lot of garlic to this and some tarragon.

Once you start making soups a lot you won't need recipes!!
Now you have two recipes to choose from!!

It is still cold and grey here.

We have had mice nesting in our conservatory and am slowly having to sort everything out in there. They have destroyed one of our nice camping arm chair thingies and eaten through some books. We didn't realise they were actually nesting!!
I am having to wash all the throws and chair covers and the weather really isn't condusive to such activities.
Thanks Lottie and Neti - have copied your suggestions. going to have a go later.
I was concerned for the young lad Neti. I didn't explode but he did look a bit 'haywire' drunk or drugged don't know which and then again he could have a problem. Still, if he's still going to school he has a week to get over it.
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Jude, you notice that do as little cooking as I can (I do not fry onions too often and if I do I add a bit of water and sugar to make them brown).

Jude you are one of the Earth's good people, anyone else would have exploded and ranted about the kid!

I have just put up a newblind in hija's clean (very clean) room. Had to get it from stpreroom and I always bang the door first to remove any critters, but this time when I barged it open, a little gecko head popped round, I was frit! so I gor a piece of plank and banged all around the door, and it's little head kept popping up all over the place, so I got my trsty broom and covered my head and make a dash for the blind which I could see was , lukily straight ahead at the back, so zoomed in and zoomed out, and opened the blin on the patio in case some little critters had made it's home in it.

Here endeth "TheTrials of a modern day Ibicenco housewife" (not available on amazon!!)
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Any of you who can read the above post with all it's typos deserve a medal!!!

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