PART 3: I'll tell you now where 'I'm coming from'. I don't get as far as having to deny the existence of God. I ask, why consider that there is a God in the first place? If you're familiar with such things, this is, in simplistic terms, an application of Occam's razor - why bring in an unnecessary factor. As far as I'm concerned, I'm satisfied with the answers that science provides. Bringing God into the equation only complicates things - it raises more questions than it answers. (I discovered that there was a name for my brand of atheism long after I realized that I was � I deliberately truanted from Sunday School on a point of principle � not that I knew what principles were then � or how to spell them.)
I try to conduct my atheism as though it was a search for God and rather than rubbish any views anyone else has (unless they deserve it, of course!), I would rather say "Here, you believe in this stuff, can you help me by explaining something".
El Duerino should try that - inviting theists to try to help you get over your atheism results in a far superior discussion, particularly when the opposite happens as a result (only half joking).
I believe that mankind will only reach the truth (whatever it is) if all disciplines share in the search for it. We all have something to say, so we all have something to contribute. I say tomartoes (I do), you say tomaytos (you do, you USCs) but the definitive pronunciation is out there somewhere and we can't both be right.
But I do like a good argument as well. If I offend, let me know.