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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Oh dear, it's been very windy but warm and bright.

Funnily enough a friend of mine couldn't dial out on her bt phone earlier but mine's ok...I hope. I expect you've done all you can woofy? BT told me in not so many words that if they come out and it was something that could have been sorted it would cost me £129. :-o
Thanks for the warning Robi, yes I did do all the checky stuff with much swearing. They were quite up front with warning me that if it turned out to be my problem I'd get charged but I can't see how it can be. I have got one phone plugged into their socket and it doesn't work. I keep an old corded one to check that its not the cordless phone playing up and that doesn't work either.
Hi all sorry I've not been around and I haven't even had time to catch up on all your posts. I just hope you're all ok and having a good week.
Monday for me was a hospital trip which included an xray on my wrist. Carlos said the pain was more likely from the plates as he said the swelling in my fingers wasn't artheritis and he says he can take them out whenever I want so he has given me a 6 month open appointment to see how bad it gets! I think he could tell by the look on my face I wasn't too keen.
Today I've been with 2 sisters to a village called Shackerstone to meet our cousin and his wife who live on a boat. They have a house in Bath but let that out to tourists. We had a lovely meal in The Rising Sun sitting in the garden for 3 hours luvverly!! Haven't seen them for 4 years.
I'm off tomorrow to meet up with my B-in-L before he goes in Hospital for his op next week. I am off to York next Monday til Friday so I will have to go and see him when I get back at the weekend.
Anyway that's enough rattle from me just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. And Robi I have some seeds saved and will prob drop them off Saturday a.m. when I come home from Fuschia's.
Oight Oight Biddyfriends....x
Come on Holland!!!
Hi jude, didn't see you there, hope your hand doesn't pain you too much.
Hi Neti just watching the penalties. Come on Holland!
Good morning, shame about Holland, I liked them! but I fell asleep before the penalties! So when Mr N came to bed he told me the result. I thought the Dutch goalie was rather cute!!!

Hope you are all feeling hale and hearty.
Good morning, took dogs out at 4 them a coffee and a couple of hours nap then phone man came at 8. Phone all fixed and it didn't cost me anything. Just need to put house back together now!
Morning all...♫teeeea, a drink with jam and bread♫...well I'm all out of marmalade. Blue skies, sunny and breezy here...I'm a little behind today, I had intended to work wonders and sh** miracles as we say round here.

That's good service woofy, we won't need to have a whip round for you then.

Okey dokey Jude, I should be here but if not could you climb over the back and plant 'em for me please? :)
just had the last of the cheese on toast for lunch. Have run out of milk as well.
CBA to stir, as waitrose is coming later.
Lovely day here, have repaid Mr. N for the bedding but he doesn't know it yet.

Have taken an antihistamine as my eye and one nostril are driving me mad. Will have to visit medico soon!
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Helo all
Another very windy dull day here .Hope you're all as well as.
Good luck to your BiL Jude ,I hope the op is a success .
Good result there Woofy .Waves to Neti and Robinia .
Yes I wanted a Holland /Germany final ...Mr S is on hot bricks :)

Shaney I have to admit that I wanted Holland to win the cup, but failing that I will support Germany!

Have made an appointment for mexico mañana as eye is driving me crazy.

Wonder how Lottie and jno (not together of course!) are getting on.

Robi knowing jude, she will shimmy over your wall and plant the seeds!!
What is going on techstyle today? None of my emails will match passwords, and I have even created a new email and it still won't accept password, fed up!!
Have you got the caps lock on?
on/off nothing helps, but in the last few days it has made me change password so many times, I am confused, the account is now locked for 12hrs!!
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It's been a grotty day here .I hope someone somewhere has had better and warmer weather .It's raining now .We've got the lights on and I've donned my tatty cardi :)
Yes this someone somewhere has lovely weather although not too hot atm!

Hurrah, I have reset yet another password for email and all is OK for a while!
Evening all.I've been having probs with my Lap top too Neti. I've been talking on Skype for years to New Z and Ozzie but now it tells me I don't have a video on my lap top. Rubbish! I say! Will have to have a look.
Thanks for your good wishes for my BiL Shaney. I saw him today at his house and he was on his way to spend his day on his boat again but on his own this time. He and his twin, my OH, were identical and it's quite strange some times. They had different personalities but that was all.
Thanks to you too Woofy for your prayer. I'm asking whoever is looking after me to take care of him too.

No telly for me tonight. Sitting at my kitchen table with the door open and there's a gentle breeze. Loverly!!

Going to have a coffee with Baileys instead of milk now. Have a good night all. (Seeyerlatergaters! I've justhadtogo throughmy whole post and sort out the spacing. Fed up with it!Back to my ipad when it'sfullycarged)
Morning all...just here for a grumble, it's dull which rather suits my mood, I'm thoroughly fed up. Got up with the runs again this morning and now I feel no how. I know people cope with worse but it seems to have been one thing after another since the middle of May and it's wearng me down. grrrrr...

Mizmog of Derby.

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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