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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Good morning, just rushing in and out, been to accountant, and for coffee now off to mexico for a look at my eye, leg cramp and missing mammogram!!

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Morning all
I'll come and sit in the corner and grumble with you Robinia.
Another dull day here .I don't feel very tickety boo either.
good morning all, well just about. Robi and Shaney, sorry to hear that you are under par. I will channel you some good health and good weather. Its hot hot hot here again today. We went out early again and after the excitement of the phone man yesterday the dog part of the family is enjoying restorative sleep. I am doing very little, need to pop out for some shopping later if I feel like it.
Neti, you do go in for bulk orders when you visit the mexico don't you?
It's miserable intit? I might as well start smoking, drinking and living on fry ups. 2 months in a luxury health clinic is what we need, they can scan head to toe, poke cameras up and down and shine lights into the darkness all they like, just get it all over in one go, no waiting rooms, no travelling. Then look after us while we recover. I'll work on much is the euro tonight?
I have conjunctivitis so now have a pomada to apply to eye every 8 hrs. and have to buy magnesium or `potassium no idea which for the cramp, she was a very sweet almost hippyish locum. As fpor a mammogram, oh no you are nearly 70, we stop then, so I was furious especially as my sister found hers at 70, been on logn phone call to the Mammogram organisers who couldn't do anything because Iam out of the programme, but maybe if I call again in August!! I am furious!!!
Thanks woofy will get some from chemists or health shop as I cannot clear my basket on amazon and do not want yet more duvet covers!!!
can you get bananas? If you need to hike your potassium as well, add a banana a day to your diet.
yes she chuntered on about fruit and bananas, will do, and this eye cream can't I do it more often, it's itchy like mad now.

Just been out in the car to take the rubbbish and some wally in a BMW has parked slightly over our lane and it is impossible to turn right without hitting the copshop, so I had to prat about reversing and then go up a hill drive all around the world to get to the rubbish tip, then tried again on the way back, no luck so had to drive almost to UK to turn round and managed to squeeze through from the other direction, B***ard!!
Move over in that corner you two, am joining you.
Good afternoon all.Sorry some if you you are a bit off it. Hope you feel better soon. Don't like to tell you that I have a pain. I woke up with it in my back. Just under my left shoulder. I'm hoping it's just muscular.
Had to go to town again today to get a new charger from the Apple shop for my mini which didn't please me either. Never mind I'm home now and just had a banana and yogurt. I have that every day. I soften the banana in the microwave and mix it together.
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I really need to go shopping but cba. I haven't got a banana to bless myself with:)
I've made an egg, bacon, salami, cheese and crunchy onion quiche with a homemade cheesey oniony base, and pot salad. I've cleaned the floors, found a puddle in kitchen behind some racks where Mousey has decided to pee, moved the fold-up bed from shed to garden for hija's bf to collect later, and changed one of the cream throws in lounge.
Well done Neti! Busy Lady...have a rest now. I'm going to start packing, well sorting, what I'm taking with me on Monday.
See yer later gaters.
Where you off to now jude, and how is your shoulder/back pain??

No one else wanted to eat so I scoffed rather a lot and enjoyed every mouthful, then I had a wicked choc ice on a stick, and now just finished the mint imperials that I brought from UK. Nice. All showered and clean and in bed. Was looking at plain white curtains to go with new bedding, almost see through, just for the summer.
Ohh hahahah hehehe, I cannot believe how stupid I am. I am laying on the bed watching TV, with laptop open by my feet, the main light is reflected in the computer screen, so I thought (only for a minute!) I'll turn the main light off and use the reflection from the computer as a softer light, then of course when I turned the light off there was no reflection, Oooh I'll pack me bags and head off to the orspital now!!
We have pigged out today. We had hamburgers for lunch and roast chicken for dinner.....lovely
Morning all...very warm already and forecast to hit the high 20s this afternoon (and some days in the week). The swifts are lovng it, they're screaming round out there.

Hope you're all feeling/seeing as well as poss (especially after the 'piggin' out, I wish I could eat like that). I'm not sure how I feel....but I do know I'm not turning cartwheels.
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Morning all
It's warm here too but not a glimmer of sunshine .
I'm not doing cartwheels either ,my tum is doing enough somersaults :)
morning all. Its ages since I have felt like that (piggin out) either which is why it was noteworthy. Its warm here, we have been lolling since early doors, guess I should shower.

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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