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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Mr N is not bothered about this footy match, it's a noting match he says.
or rather an un noting (Nothing) match!
ooo Tome Selleck....he just gets better with age like a decent cheese.
He's rather tasty isn't he and all moody and smouldering as Jesse. It's always sad at the end. I love his dog. He had his first old dog put to sleep and that was really sad.
I have been watching the reruns of Kingdom as well. That's a lovely program, great cast music stories and scenery. I wish they'd made more. Tom Selleck is on Sky now in a series called Bluebloods, older but still smouldering.
Oh I loved Kingdom, why did they have to scrap it. Karl Davies (Lyle) was hilarious.
Yes,he was so believeably funny.
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I enjoyed that film .Seen it before, very funny but sad at the same time and I like Tom Hanks .
Yes I was annoyed when they axed Kingdom.I loved Lyle ,he was so funny . Karl Davies was in Happy Valley but he was really good as a soldier who was suffering from shell shock in The Crimson Field.

Oh that's good Neti ..I had visions of you being swamped under a mountain of duvet covers ..
had a lovely plain dinner tonight. Fresh tuna steak with sliced cooked new potatoes fried in lemon oil with a little chopped rosemary and dressed with lemon juice and sea salt. Then i had cadbury's chocolate eclair sweeties.
Mr N has just prepared an almost "ding" dinner, a ready made lasagne which he had to put in the oven for an hour, it was nice, and he made a watermelon and onion in balsamic vinegar salad, really refreshing as an amuse bouche!

In bed now avoiding the footy, but there is not much on teevee to watch!
I can't do pasta when its hot. That salad sounds nice.
Good morning all.

Lovely day here of course. No idea what we are doing today, don't actually feel like doing anything. Just being lazy.

I didn't wake up until 10am again.

We do lots of pasta in the summer, can't eat potatoes and proper dinners as too hnot, I once roasted a chicken in July, none of us could eat it until it went cold and we could have it with salad, but the heat does not put me off food, I can always eat! Although once we went out for a full English brekkie, and resolved never to do that again in the heat!
Morning all...much fresher, we had some rain but not exactly the good soaking my garden would have appreciated. Have to say my robinia's looking the most healthy it's done for years, I really thought it was on it's way to the wood pile at one point. I wish this Robinia was as healthy! maybe I need to stand at the bottom of the garden more.
I've poked about 9 pink buddleia cuttings in a pot for you Jude...if none of them strike I'll throw in the trowel! :) Did you want the blue one as well?

I caught a good film by accident last night, just flicking round before I went to bed and The Fishing News with Kevin Spacey, Judi Dench & Pete Postlethwaite was just starting. Well I enjoyed it but some of the online reviews aren't sparkling.

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Hello all
Not bad here ,bit sunny now but it was drizzling earlier .
Hope you're all ok .
Did you mean The Shipping News Robinia ? I have read the book but not seen the film .
Oh well, it's countdown to either misery or happiness tonight :)
Been on beach, now at lovely hidden from tourists restaurant eating goats cheese walnut raisin you name it its got it salad, and crunchy baby squid and calamar rings delish, rose wine and fizzy lemonade. Now waiting for melon.
The writer fell in love at first sight of hija last year and keeps asking things about her. Is she here? Does she have a boyfriend? She would chew him up and spit him out. I wish she would settle for someone like him!
The waiter that is!
sobs at the sound of fancy food, if my diet gets any plainer it'll be bread and water

oops, yes, The Shipping News shaney. Not a very elaborate, interest grabbing title so I'm glad I saw it start before I'd read the tv listing.

It's lovely here now, bright & camera's not very good but you get the idea...
Robi that is beautiful, I wish I were there, so so fresh.
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That's lovely Robinia .Gorgeous colours .
Sloshing down here now ,thunderbolts and lightning .

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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