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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
good morning all, whew, hot night. Cool and foggy out this morning.
Good morning, v hot night but I lay upside down with the fan on as Mr N does like air conditioning.

I liked Made in Dagenham, some of it (on the seafront for 2 secs) was made in Eastbourne when I was there a few years ago, they closed off all the promrnade and road to Beachy Head for 3 days just for that!
Morning all...sunny and it's going to get really hot over the next few days. I'm going to get the fan ready.
I fed up, another 'rush' job this morning...something's obviously not right, I doubt it's an ongoing bug. Looks like it's a trip to the mexico. This is my worst nightmare, I hate stomach stuff.
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Morning all
Lovely day ,very warm .Muggy night here too and I didn't sleep well.
Every seagull in town seemed to be having a party .
I would go to the mexico Robinia .
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My new toy has just arrived . I haven't got a clue though and will have to wait for a child to tell me how to use it .
You'll soon get used to it Shaney, I love mine, takes terrific photos though I still have to teach myself how to get photos from tablet to laptop. I have a USB adaptor to make things easier!
I am cleaning, its ot. Shaney get your toy on charge!! You will need to do that before you do anything.
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Lol..I think I'll leave it until Picky comes here tomorrow .If I unpack it and charge it up then I'll be tempted to fiddle with it and knowing me I'll do something wrong and get told off :)
Hi all. Another lovely day here. Chinese Monday, Italian last night and tonight then back to the Chinese tomorrow!! Not escorts restaurants!! ;-)
Very warm here too but storms are threatened.
Neti why don't you blue tooth from your tablet to your lap top. Just a suggestion. As a last resort email them to yourself then save them off that. That probably sounds barmy to you other techies but hey ho!!
Hope you feel better soon Robi. Good luck with your gadget Shaney.
have just showered with lovely scented shampoo and shower gel. I feel normal and quite grown up.
Just got my new duvet covers, match the room perfectly. And the delivery driver found the villa and rang the bell, I was delighted, no one ever finds us! I thought it would involve a phone call and a trip to Ibiza town. Already have gbf on standby!
and i an going out to eat! only to the local nice pub with my mate down the road but OUT!!!!!
Hi Jude, yes I'll email them , thanks!

Enjoy your meal Woofy. Do you take the dogs with you? I'm just heating a pizza as hija was out for lunch and Mr N has been for a long walk in the heat to get out from under my feet, he's eaten yesterday's leftovers and is snoring like mad on sofa and I can't hear Pointless!
He's shared half of my pizza :-(

I've washed one of the new covers cos didn't like the smell, they really are nice!

Sitting in bedroom with ceiling fan whirling round waiting for Corrie.
Robi - yes go to your mexico asap, you haven't felt well for a while, you will need all your energy for when fairy moondust arrives, and anyway you are our great leader, we do not need you to ail in bed!!
Robi, do as your auntie Neti says and go see the mexico. Actually I agree with her, rest and slippery elm food can only do so much.
No Neti, I don't take the dogs. My friend doesn't like dogs which is strange as she totally gets my weird lifestyle because of the dogs. Anyway a break is nice and they stay home quite happily.
It was very nice I had scampi and chips and a strawberry meringue sundae and my friend had a caesar salad and a rocky road sundae and we had a lovely gossip.
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Mr S's old friend and colleague from his Brown & Root days came round this evening and we had a nice chat .
I think I'll turn in and read my book .Very warm still but there is a bit of a breeze.
Oight all .
I am awake and hungry. Some stupid wrong no called and woke us up an hour ago.
Good morning folk, hope you are off to mexico Robi.

My conjunctivitis is not getting any better, surely I should by now?

We had to read for a while after the phone call last night, really unnerves me.

off out for a coffee later. Hope jude is enjoying herself.
Morning all...sunny and fresh at the moment, we had a welcome steady downpour yesterday evening. Could have done with a couple more hours of it tho'.

Yes I know I should go down mexico way, I'll see how I go over the weekend. I feel as if everything below the waist is inflamed, my hips/pelvis are raw to the touch, and so that's probably affecting my insides too.

Anyway, I was up early to get the windows open and I'm getting some cool air through the house before the sun gets strong. The fan still works....unfortunately it's like being next to a plane engine. Are those tower ones quiet? Can't help thinking it'll be freezing by the time I've ordered one, it does say it'll be much cooler by the end of the month.
Hope the boys cope woofy, it's at times like this I'm glad I don't have a pet.

waves to Jude ....I see your insides are working well! Enjoy and keep cool.

That wasn't shaney calling was it neti? Oh no, I see she's got someone to sort out her phone :)

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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