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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
today I have moved two HUGE wooden tubs and filled them with compost and two big Japanese maples underplanted with christmas roses. The tubs are about 24" by 24" 24" and each tub took 2x 70 litre bags of compost, they are BIG. I like them so much I have ordered 4 more to put other small trees in.
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The late afternoon/evening has crowned the day here .
I removed all the stuff Robinia and substituted your sdns for sausages :)
Gawd ..Mr S will be dining out on this win for weeks now .He got a free beard trim this afternoon at his barber ! He's bored my brother silly with it .He only rang up to see if I wanted any bread
Men eh??

I've had a lovely busy day, changed bed, swept and mopped all floors, love not having a carpet in front room, cleaned out 2 fridges, but still have 2 freezers to sort, done 2 lots of ironing as it dried, several loads of washing, didn't bother to cook as it's too hot so I had a baked spud with chs, love it, and Mr N is having a fruity healthy salad.

My bedding should be delivered tomorroe but don't hold your breath, they never ever find my address!! Am getting a hair cut tomorrow, it's been looking great but suddenly looks all out of kilter and odd, so off I trot!
It has finally become awful here, the humidity set in today, sweating everywhere, hate it!
cooler here tonight, but thunder forecast again for friday :(
Good morning all, am using my tablet today. I love the auto correct, it changes words even after I have typed them!

Nice day here, Mr N working on other side of the island today.

Have a good day you all!
good morning, we al slept through the night and went out early. It feels like a nice day here today, bright but cool. More gardening later. My summerhouse plan has turned into a group fo huge wooden tubs and a very expensive teak garden bench...sort of a mini arboretum.
this one
I haven't won the lottery but had an unexpected cheque so am spending it before they decide it was a mistake!!
Back from hairdressers, so nice to have it shorter again, well pleased with Vidal, think his partner is a bit miffed cos I had her for ages but switched to him when she was ill.

So humid here, I forgot how bad it gets and my hip is aching like billyo.
I have just sealed my leaky shower. In doing so i managed to wipe my sweaty cheek with the kitchen roll that I had been using to wipe off excess sealer. I now have a waterproof cheek
oh dear sitting here eating a lovely red grapefruit and have found out that it should not be eaten when taking simvastin - ooops!!
one wont hurt neti, it can affect absorption of the tablet but it wont hurt you
Thanks woofy, I'll probably have another one tomorrow, they are so delish.
A'noon. S'a bit dull but nice and fresh....Where's the day gone? I've only done some shopping....erm, thanks shaney but I can't read all those German labels :)

That's a lovely bench woofy, very stylish, and a good reduction. I'd like an uxepected cheque but all I keep getting are unexpected bills...pah!

Baby Moondust would like me pass on this message...

Hope you can see that, tinypic is beggaring about....grrrrr
OH my goodness Robi, you'd better get knitting!!! How lovely!
oh Robi how lovely, it'll be fairymoondust. You will have your hands full.

woofy how is the waterproff cheek going? Try crying and see what happens ;-)
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Hello all
it's a lovely day here and that's lovely news Robinia .Congrats to all .
They'll have their hands full ! Tell them, during the day for delivery this time please :)
Hope you're all ok .I like that bench Woofy ,very stylish .
It seems a bit soon but they'd never intended to have only one and when you're 40 there's no time to hang about. It would be lovely to have a fairy moondust but any healthy happy variety is a gift. I've known a while but had to keep you remember I bought some pretty rainbow wool? Well the following week was when they told me...spooky!

It's turned nice here too and I've had a potter, it's going to be too hot to be out of the shade later this week.
waterproof cheek has dried to a white smear. Hopefully some facial exfoliator will get it off otherwise its a brillo pad. And NO I am not posting pics. I just cut a big bagfull of brambles out of the garden. We get garden waste bags for an annual payment, they are a cubic meter and I have filled mine.
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I've just watched Made in Dagenham ,it was quite good .Good cast and soundtrack .
Goodnight all.

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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