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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
loud thunderstorms last night but we weren't scared as we'd had one almost every day on holiday (sunny the rest of the day, as it is now, and very hot here too).

Ouor retail therapy coup was one of these

pockets for everything (no kitchen sink, but room for an iPad); we'd always fancied them but thought them humungously expensive. But this one was marked down to $17, so we thought right... plus I got a similar one but not a fleece, just a light winddbreaker thing with 20 pockets, for $25.
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Hello all
Lovely day again ,warm but there's a breeze .We've been forecast thunderstorms though. Hope you're all ok .
They are closing our Marks and Sparks . Moving to an out of town site which is difficult to get to if you haven't got a car and even if you have it's a nightmare .They will only be selling food ,no clothes .Of course there's an uproar ,especially from all the locals who live nearby and do their food shopping there .
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Wow ...that's brilliant Jno .Mr S would love a jacket like that .
You got a mega bargain there.
blimey jno.....bargain!
I didn't actually get an owners' manual with mine, woofgang, as I think they were ending the range, so I've had to email them to ask what goes where. OH has already decided that a water bottle in one pocket and an iPad in the other is very well balanced but makes it hard to get up, so may settle for lighter objects.

Thats very bad news, shaney, losing your one decent shop. At least the food will still be available in the same county but it sounds as if you will have to go to Paris for the clothes.
oh great, my dishwasher has died.....
Shaney that's completely odd closing down a shop.
Woo, great price.... 26 pockets?! You'd better behave jno, 'turn out your pockets please' could be a long job.

Oh that's a shame shaney, they assume everyone's got a car these days.

It's cool and breezy here but I bet if I head into the garden the sun will appear and I'll be instantly reduced to a pile of glowing embers.
Morning all. Mr N has jackets like that but without sleeves, he uses them for work, so I have an awful job when sneakily looking for coffee money, way too many pockets to search!!

For some daft unknown reason I decided to get the bus to Ibiza today, disaster, the bus (they are coaches) was so packed with about 40 standing, I couldn't get a seat so I moaned that I was a pensioner and was entitled to a seat, so a nice dutch couple made their young son get up, he glared at me. I was looking for lilac coloured fitted sheets but couldn't find any and then decided that I really didnt need them anyway, took me half an hour to find the damn shop in the first place, so just got the 11.30 bus back, it was Jaume my friend driving it, and it wasn't crowded and it had air con, oh relief, but stupid me, got the sides muddled and sat on the sunny side. Back in SE I had a quick coffee with my friend and then did the €millions 2x.

Mr N bought a new karcher so he has washed the car, as it is a new toy, won't last.
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Oooh no not dishwasher death Woofy . Can you get it repaired ? It might just be something simple that's gone wrong .Mind you our last one died and piddled all the floor and was beyond redemption and was only a couple of years old .Things don't seem to last these days .
Yes I can't understand Marks pulling out of town .
They've had a presence there for a century .I feel sorry for all the elderly people who shop there regularly because they offer smaller portions .
dishwasher is six years old and gets pretty heavy use so I think a new one is indicated. Decided to wait for the weather to stabilise before trying to sort it, can't manage stressy dogs and a stranger in the house.
...and there's my dishwasher sitting out on the back patio, used maybe 3x a year!
I am the family dishwasher and used many times during the day!!
ah, what you need is one of these, neti

It's recommended by physicians.
Oooh it's hoomid....

Surely you don't need a dishwasher woofy, you've got two resident plate lickers :)
Or do what I do & take them in the shower with you.
I would Robi, but the shower is dying too!
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It's as hot as Hades here .Phew .
I have nothing to do with washing up or dishwashers .
I leave it all in the capable hands of the dishwasher manager ...Mr.S :)

we are due more thunder and lightning tonight :(
it's starting to look as if the air is, I don't know, getting thicker here. But apparently no T-storms due till 3am (but then they go through to 9am).

We've had this for the last 2 weeks but apparently it's quite unusual for the Rockies too. Visited lots of ghost towns and places like Laramie and Cheyenne. Had a bear run across the road in front of our car too (I was too busy hurtling back into the car to take its photo).
jno I would never buy anything that had a David Walliams (lookalike) recommendation on it!!

I quickly made some veg and chicken pad thai sort of thing, really light and delicious and then I had half a grapfruit so will probably be doing a jno at the kmart soon.

jno do you know why you did that thing you do in kmart?
apparently Eastbourne is having one hell of a thunderstorm at the moment!

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