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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Creeps out from under cover phew that's a relief, thought I was in trouble.

Good morning all, hope you had a good night's sleep, I did!

We are going off to the beach a bit later, it's just something to do, then lunch! then bed again!
Well done woofy and sis on getting 2nd prize, do all the guzzlers have to pay to sip your cherry brandy?
Morning all...much cooler breeze but none of the showers on the met site only about 3 spots of rain about 9.30pm....I was outside talking to my friend over the road at the time, I don't have a rain spot spotter.

Yes woofy, I love to pop round unnoticed and brighten up people's outdoor lavs with my handiwork...
Well done you and your sis with your work.

lol shaney, just treat it with the indifference it deserves...and think of the dancing Pooh bear :)
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Morning all
Grey day here but it's not cold .
Hope you're all ok . Haha ,I like the little spider .
Picky should be coming shortly to sort out this wifi thing so that I can use my bongbinger .Better get my tin hat out ....
why do you have to fiddle with things Mother
well that's two good night's sleep in a row - both of them drug assisted, unfortunatley. I can't seem to drop off on my own,

And yesterday I slept so long I missed a medical appointment. So that's something else to worry about as I lie awake. Sigh.
Have had a lovely day, we went for coffee in the posh area of Playa den Bossa, there was no where else, we were sitting with all the clubbers, honestly talk about grandpa and grandma, then we went to out favourite beach and it was lovely in the sea until the wind changed and then all the seaweed and flotsam came in just as I was getting out I was right in the middle, so we sunbathed for a while and then cleaned up and went for a hamburger and chips which was my choice (how low can you go, but he refused to go to Mac's), then home, put all beach stuff into washer and then I swam in pool for a while naked, only to be buzzed by a hornet, obviously looking for somewhere to make a nest. Now showered and clean and in bed.
Neti that was all going very well until the 'I swam in pool for a while naked, only to be buzzed by a hornet, obviously looking for somewhere to make a nest' bit.

Oh dear jno, just lie close to the edge of the bed...
I hate not sleeping but although I'm no stranger to drugs I won't take sleeping pills. I've been managing about 6 1/2 hours lately. I'll lend you my worry dolls.
I have often "dropped off" when in bed and I mean literally - over the edge and splat on the floor, no idea why I sleep so close to the edge, maybe it was cos the hija or cat was in my space, haven't done it for a while now. When I wake in the dark because I sleep upside down, I know to take a minute to get my surrounding or I'd be in wardrobes clambering over Mr N, you get wiser with age!!
just as well it was a hornet and not an eagle, I suppose. Decided to take some exercise since I am semi-conscious today and walked around Hoxton, which I believe to be frightfully hip. It looked the same as any other part of inner London but I saw a fake English Heritage blue plaque: when you looked closer it was from English Hedonists and was about Nell Gwynne. It was a genuinely historical spot, where she set up a trust for debtors' relief, but presumably the real EH didn't think it deserved a plaque.
Just had another naked swim to cool off now got air con on in bedroom. A plane came right overhead, but I reckoned they couldn't see me as I didn't have the pool or patio lights on. What a thrill for them!!
Hoxton jno? are you now an Eastender and shall we be seeing you in the prog?
goodness knows what happened to my last post there... I think it was explaining that it was supposed to be a Shakespearean walk but really all we saw were a few plaques. We should probably go witha proper guide rather than just a book.
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Morning all
Dull and overcast here. Hope you're all ok .
Good morning all, Its lovely here today, cool and fresh.
No Neti, they don't pay to sample, they pay 50p entrance money though.
Did I say about the garden bench I had bought? It cost 200 quid including delivery but was lovely, very sturdy and a nice design. Imagine my annoyance when I saw that they had it on sale for 40 quid less! Anyway I opened the box yesterday to find that the bench had been damaged in transit and several of the bits had come unglued. I thought briefly about repairing it but decided for that price I wanted a perfect one. This morning I phoned them and nice lady asked was it possible to see a picture of the damage so I emailed her one while we were on the phone. She agreed it was badly damaged, did I want refunded or replaced. They have no more in stock at the moment so I said I'd like the refund, sneakily planning to reorder at the reduced price. Then she said could I dispose of the damaged bench please?
All it will take to fix it is some time and a bottle of glue so essentially I have a free garden bench!! result!!
PS yhe company are Greenfingers. They are really good,they have nice things and the customer service is excellent.
that's nice, woofgang; pay full price and you're entitled to get it in good order, I think.

Have been back to the mexico and she is trying me on yet another pill, looking for a way to treat BP, swollen ankles and peeing all night simultaneously without upsetting anything else. The search for a supermedicine goes on...
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Wow did well there Woofy .No good geting old if don't get crafty :)
I hope the medication helps Jno .My ankle swells ,just the one ,but I think it's a left over from the gammy leg I had .It goes down if I raise it up for a while .
It's just sloshed it down here but looks as if it's brightening up now .
Morning/afternoon/whatever time you're living in...lovely here, sunny but a comfortable low 20s (comp says 21).

Great result woofy! How chuffed are you going to be when you're sitting on it? I often have a browse around Greenfingers....wonder if they want to send me a dodgy tete a tete?

I know, I know ...I'd just like a top to toe scan and a one pill a day remedy. Hope your new med does the trick jno.
Goos luck with that jno.

Morning folks. Mr N out, hija in, drives me ad, I want some time to myself!!

Went for coffee, came home, tidied up, now defrosting flakey pastry to make a cheese and tom flan type thing.

Saw this in East Dean Village in June, I had to laugh but am sure some people belive it!

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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