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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Ooops I'll have another go in a bit! Still haven't washed those pots !!

Second go! I will wash those pots.....
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Oh.. what a pretty flutterby Jude .
I just watched The Secret History of our Streets .Really good, about the Moray Feu in Edinburgh.Interesting people too,who live there .Wonderful old houses.
I may flutter off to bed ..Oight all.
Morning all...sunny and hardly a breath of wind. If accuweather's really accu today is as hot as it gets and from now on the mercury's falling.
A lot of dead leaves have fallen, it's starting to look like autumn in my garden.

That's a pretty visitor Jude, it's been a good year for them.

I might have a peek at that on Iplayer shaney. I loved the London series but Scotland can I put this politely?...isn't really my thing. I watched the Northern soul on bbc4.
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Morning all
Lovely day again . Yes it looks a bit cooler for the next couple of days .
Hope you're all ok .
Lol Robinia ..there was hardly a scots accent to be heard ! It was really interesting .
Afternoon all, got up late then went to new supermarket, rushed home, unpacked, had coffee, trailed home, as it was too hot and I was on the unshaded side of the road as it was easier to cross over to it.

I started to watched that street prog, but lost interest, as like Robi I liked the London series, cos I could relate to some of it.

Am fed up with having Mr N at home and told him so! I need to hem some white curtains which are about a metre too long, I've tried cobbling the huge hem up but looks ridiculous, so need to be able to lay the curtains flat on lounge floor so I can cut it evenly and then sew it. Grrrr!! It's such a simple job if I had the room!!! Was thinking of doing it on the bed but just know from past experiences that I would probably cut the bedding underneath!!

Lovely flutterbye jude.

Mr N's lip was swollen this am but seems to have gone down, although still hard and a bit fat. (Will be a lot fatter if he doesn't leave this house soon!!)

I have sorted out the hornet's nest, leave it to a woman to do things properly! He was either squirting them with water, or a quick squirt of bug killer but definitely not enough!! I have blasted them into extinction, I hope!
Have finally cut and hemmed the curtains and they are hanging in bedroom now. I was just watching Teevee and just can't sit doing nothing, so I managed to lay them on floor and bed without cutting either the carpet or the new duvet covers, I pinned and measured them very carefully as they are lovely curtains and well made, so couldn't just guess and bodge it as I would normally do! Job done, well pleased !! Now having a well deserved cuppa, just went through the lounge to the kitchen to make a cuppa and was talking to myself as you do, and Mr N said "eh?" surely he knows I am talking to myself and not him! Honestly men!!
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Lol..Neti ..wait until Mr.N is around 24/7 :)
It's very hot here .Freddy the Frog mark 2 records 30C in the garden .
I sat out for a couple of hours ,under the brolly though. Bit of dinner soon. Meat balls cooked up in a sauce with green and red peppers toms and mushrooms and some crusty bread .I keep trying to use up stuff from the freezer ,then Montalbano on TV later .
Hope you're all enjoying the lovely weather .

Yes very hot, I think it's probably been 30C here too.

Well done mrs sewing beeza....poor mr n, bet he's hiding behind those curtains.
Crikey...anyone had a prickly eye this afternoon?
20.15 here and still 30º, it's too hot to sit out in the daytime now.

Mr N just did a ready made lasagne which is a nice one, and we had honeydew melon. Just finding ways to keep cool, have just been swimming in pool, now in coolish bedroom yet again!!
Hi all. Been to a nice pub in Duffield for lunch with my plumber, his wife, and 2 children and another half a dozen of their relations to celebrate his 40th birthday. Then we went back to his house in Milford, the next village up the road.
Got back here about six and now I have to go and make my bed which I stripped this morning before going out.
I'm getting lazier doing housework at the mo. I can understand people in hot countries having a siesta!!
My friends say hat butterfly is a peacock or something!

Hope you all have a good night and a good day tomorrow. SYLG!!
at least there's a nice cooling breeze from Jude whooshing by....
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There's a certain person on here who's breeze I would love to cool .
Mentioning no names of course :)
Hi Jno . I'm lucky that I don't have some of the aches and pains that. some of you have. I will say that I do have a left knee that gives me a bit of pain now and again which I suppose is part of the ageing process but it's not that bad at the mo that it makes me want to slow down. Some people think I'm stressed when I dash about but I'm truly not. I've always been this way and think it's something to do with my metabolic rate. I can relax and enjoy those time too. Anyway you're always dashing about going to places of interest aren't you. Still you may not be as old as me. I have the feeling I'm the oldest biddy.
Oops sorry Shaney just missed you. I've no idea who you're on about is it someone on. CB. Or are you joking!
I don't think she means either of us, Jude.... looks nervously over shoulder...

Here's a nice seat on a street in Laramie. It's outside a wool shop - they have all sorts of knitting evenings and get-togethers, it seems all very sociable... anyway, customers have been encouraged to decorate the neighbourhood, and someone's brightened up the seat. The lamp post nearby is swathed in pink, and there are even some nice little pompoms on the gas meter round the corner.
OOOerr, hope I haven't upset shaney, dives for cover just in case
Hello all, its called guerilla knitting or yarn bombing. Robi, are you a secret guerilla knitter????
Ooof, hot busy day. It was the local Show. Sis got a second for her card and her piece of cross stitch and I got a second for my cherry brandy...but I think i got public approval, The alcoholic beverage entries are available to be tasted by the public. There were 12 entries in my class and most of the bottles were a quarter to a half gone....but this is mine
evidently popular!
Sorry haven't read back so will just wave to all
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Waves back to Woofy ..looks as if everyone enjoyed your brandy !
That's very interesting Jno .I like the carved back of the bench . Yep, yarn bombing .
.. a bit like when I find I've dropped a stitch twenty odd rows ago and I hurl the knitting at the wall .Haha.
Must be the fact that I have six fingers on each hand and an extra eye ,coming from Norfolk, and I'm sick to death of his same old tired cliches.
None of you have to dive for cover.
Goodnight all x

its jealousy Shaney, jealousy pure and simple

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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