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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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shaneystar2 | 21:22 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | DIY
1128 Answers
We have water going down the back of the sink and it's running down the wall behind into the cupboard below .This is very complicated :)
The sink is only a gap of about an inch and half from the tiled splashback and has been set into a beechwood worktop .Over time this has started to go all grotty ,the grout is all nasty and any water that gets spashed around is running down the back of it and under the lip of the sink into the cupboard .
This usually only happens when Mr S is doing any washing up .I've tested it with a glass of water :)
My son is going to fit a new sink and worktop for us ....but ..
he's full of good intentions but we may have to wait a while ....
In the meantime is there some sort of waterproof tape that I can buy to shore up this gap pro tem.


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Be sure to wear the right clothes for the job, Plumjob pare pants..... hahaha Ok, I'm gone...
17:56 Sat 02nd Aug 2014
Hi all. Have a good time with your sis Woofy. I'm hopeless at putting things together flat pack wise. Especially doing chairs - remember the legs that went on upside down!!
I've been to the QMC hospital today to see BiL. He was struggling a bit with his nether regions and had what appeared to be a lot of pain. I was supposed to be going home today but said he had been told he couldn't gojust yet. I worry about Steady getting ill. His Dad and both his Grandmothers had bowel cancer.
I always go for all the tests I'm able to have even though I worry for days until I get the results.
It's been a lot better air-wise today and a lovely breeze this evening. I still sitting with the back door open watching the 'opening' on telly.
This evening I went to a pub called The Dog And Duck and had a lovely lasagne and salad and garlic bread. I went with my friend over the road. We are both the oldest residents of this close, time wise and age wise. She's 69 so I'm the eldest at 73. Never thought I'd ever be saying that. :-)
Of now so have a good night every one. Oight oight see yer later 'gaters!
hello Jude, sending some good thoughts for your BinL and i will add him to my prayers. Its bloomin hot here.
Good morning x
Just been to collect hija crom the bus stop, her miniscus is hurting! Mr N has just done battle with the hornets nest yet again. His poor mouth swollen today, I've done the good wife bit and been sympathetic, that's it.

Hi jude hope your bil is ok.
Morning all...Fresh breeze and cloudy, it dropped very cool last night I nodded off on the settee and woke up chilly! I'll waft it down woofy way.

Best wishes to your b-i-l Jude, hope he's well enough to go home soon. I always think busy hospitals are no place to be when you feel ill, no peace and quiet. Have they got a decent car park there yet? They'd condemned the old one just before we lost our brother and it could be quite a walk from the temporary one if it was full.
My friend over the road is a few years older than me but we were once the 'babies' in this we're fast becoming the nosey, grumpy oldies.

lol neti, be nice... I sometimes wonder whether my mum gave birth to you, lol, she was very 'practical' when it came to illness...and you had about three days to get over it. She always regretted not being a nurse, she might have been a good one actually, no emotional involvement. She did mellow in her old age.
do you know there was a time when I swore I'd never use 'lol' on the internet? ...I must stop it.

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Morning all
Very hot again .The internet crashed on me yesterday .Pages wouldn't load I wrote a post here and it disappeared into the ether .
I've fiddled about and unplugged the wifi thingy and it's alright again but of course I can't use my bongbinger now .I think we need a new wifi connnection thingy .Tut .
Good news for your sister Robinia .It's worrying when you get a recall,I've known that to happen to a couple of people .
Hope your BiL will soon feel better Jude .
Nothing going on here ,it's very hot and sticky and I shan't be going far or doing much in it .
Enjoy your time with your sis Woofy and I hope our Jno is alright and Neti and of course poor Mr N. You'll have to mop his fevered brow and make him cool drinks Pip Pip for now .
lol rofl pmsl Robi....
We stayed up till the heat abated last night and slept very well. I raked myself out at 8.30 and the dogs are still sleeping in the waft of a fan.
its quite strange. My Sis arrives in the evening and normally I spend that day cleaning everywhere, but apart from a faff round we are clean! very very odd. Am I finally getting organised in my old age?
all well here, or maybe I am having a coronary every five minutes and don't know about it. Lovely hot day and I am supposed to be going to some sort of talk on new research systems in the City of London archives. What on earth was I thinking when I signed up to that? I can't remember a thing about it but they've sent me an email to remind me.
One of the hottest days here, cba to do anything, Mr N came home as too hot and his poor mouth is hard and swollen, ahhh, that's enough sympathy!!

I wanted to shorten and iron my new curtains, but too many people in this small villa so am in the cool bedroom!
taw.....(titters at woofy)

The breeze turned to hot wind so it's very hot here too.

'Research systems in the city of London archives...? Yes, what were you thinking jno? Tell us about it ...later...if we can't get to sleep. ;)

Woofy I thought I was becoming organised until I realised I was simply becoming blinkered. Actually an oscillating fan on high speed is a great substitute for dusting...until you spot that spider fighting it's way out of the fluff balls in the corner.
blinkered - organised, potato - potahto.
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Haha...Perhaps he came to see if my tiara was on straight ,he certainly wasn't looking for my halo ,that slipped long ago ....
haha, had he come to get a closer look at you in your cozzy shaney? I'm surprised no one in the media noticed that dragon over the UK a short while ago.
ah, it turns out I thought it might be useful for family history research, and it might be but I'd actually have to go to a City library to access Ancestry or Findmypast. However, I can now access the Times archive from home, up till 20 years ago, so that may be useful for genealogy, should any of my family ever have got into The Times, which I doubt.

Anyway, I finished my family history compilation yesterday after several proof copies and tweaks and updates; and I've uploaded it and ordered 20 copies, which I will send to interested rellies. 68 pages of A4, soft-cover, and about two years' work. Will make a nice wedding present for jno jnr.
Oh shaney from what I have heard you lot need a visit from on high!!!

jno, I only hope Mrs jno jr to be is not expecting a toaster!
They have a home with all the fittings already and they don't even have a mortgage; and jno jnr is very hopeful of getting another job after an interview yesterday that went like a dream. Any other gifts are likely to be monetary in nature...
Yes I feel the days of toastera are long gone, every wedding we've attended in the last few years involved monetary gifts, for the last one I gave them a photo frame with the money framed intside, they liked it. Just out of interest, I have 4 toasters, 3 in the laundry room (?) and one in the kitchen.
"toastera"? am I speaking in tongue?
is that the next island after Formentera?

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Some sort of waterproof tape ..

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