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Cordless Mini Trimmers

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Robinia | 13:04 Wed 13th Feb 2008 | Gardening
510 Answers
Does anyone have one of THESE or something similar? I need something light to tidy up plants & the smaller shrubs - I get a man in for the big stuff! :o) I wondered if it will only cut very soft new growth or if it would also be handy to cut down perennials that might be a bit woody?


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morning...well I think it is, it's been as dark (& wet) as November until now.

Yes woofy it's good that there's some control on here but golly gosh old beans, I really think it ought to be adjusted so that us (or is it we?) old school chummy types can use quaint phrases like c0ck-a-hoop, don't you?....tut

I think my brain cell, judging by the pain Kit, is giving birth, hopefully to sɛxtuplets <playing safe>....'ll be this air pressure , up & down all the time. I see it's sunny in Sweden again......
<I'm sure a man just took something from his car & threw it over that wall in Wooly......if that was Vinny dumping that tank top I knitted....>

Morning all - I was up at that time too>b>woofy we could have had a chat!! How are the little pups these days?

Poor Robi hope the head is getting better.

Mr N is feeling unwell today which is most unusual for him, he normally struggles on - I am the drama queen -but he got stung or bitten 2 days ago, which left quite a big hole in his ankle and I am just hoping it's nothing to do with that, having had a friend who died from a thorn prickle. I will mother him and tend to his needs, and if I don't cure him, he'll get so fed up he'll decide it's better to be up and out!!
Afternoon all..
umm not meee robinia....bu66er she saw me...hehe..! puts me brella brella brella up...
that should stop her spying on me frum google eye earth oi.....novembers a lovely month...tis always sunny..
whys me nose growing... that will be tonight jno...(:O)yo (((*_*)))
Vinny yesterday I emailed all the biddies with a "Remember when" but yours has been sent back via Maelerdemon (I hate that) did you receive it. I only sent them cos I thought they were funny, I'm not into sending round robin letters normally!
v nice it was too, neti, though as I told you (and am now telling everyone), I was allowed to play until the end-of-work hooter sounded down at the docks at 5pm. You could play on the streets as there was never any traffic, though being on the side of a steep hill may have had something to do with that - not every car could get up it, and it wasn't on the way to anywhere in particular anyway.
Dawgs, it's been too hot... I need a pool too, like Neti, perhaps they'll make one for my park next summer... today the kiosk/caf� have added beach chairs to their repertoire, I'm starting to feel like I have to put on my make-up before I draw the curtains aside. But I do like it - living alone it's nice to have voices around when the window is open. Thanks to the articles being written about the new kiosk I've finally learned that what I've always thought of as "big trees outside my window" are lime trees, probably the common lime. One article said "hundred-year-olds" but that could mean either one hundred or several hundred. One day I'll try to find out.

jno did you by any chance roll a hoop down that childhood hill of yours, you make it sound like the nineteenth century...

I've stopped watching the Woolacombe web cam Robinia, I suspect it's just some kind of front for something else going on. Couple of weeks back when I had a look there was a man standing behind his open van and rummaging through it forever, in the end I became so fascinated that I had to check back every quarter of an hour or so and he was still there, I swear he was at it for hours! Hence my theory that the footage is on a loop and there's something dodgy going on behind the scenes! (What's Vinny smuggling?)

Starting to worry about you now Shaney, don't stay away this long!
you know, Kit, I don't suppose things had changed in many ways between the 19th century and my childhood. The houses were much the same - we lived in a wooden villa that was probably built about 1900. It was pulled down a few years after we left to make way for a motorway that never happened - the street's still much the same now as it was then (I last saw it about 10 years ago) but a few houses vanished unnecessarily, including ours, so it looks like a mouth with a few teeth missing. Still not much traffic as it still doesn't go anywhere - not a dead end but you can only drive round the block to where you started, so most people understandably don't bother.
I love that image, jno... Remember the film Once Around?
(They drove around in a roundabout.)
...or rather they drove around in a car... he he...

...well you try speaking Swedish and see how easy that is!
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Great tennis from the junior girls...well done Laura!

oh I forgot about that mail neti, yes It was all true & we had a tele like that :o). Even though we had a garden we seemed to have just as much fun at my grandparent's house where there were just dusty yards & alleyways that went right along the backs of the houses. The only greenery was the dandelions that always seemed to grow in the cracks.
Hope mr n's bite's not infected, it can make you feel grim.

Yes Kit that's what I meant when I asked if anyone else found webcams one answered so I thought you were all tutting & calling me a 'nosy old buffer'

I was wondering where shaney was....p'raps she's holed up over in craft corner....

Well, looking at the size of the ring on shaney's finger, I reckon she hasn't been paying the butler and so he's hopped it and she's now busy doing the butlering as well and everything else.
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haha, lol neti...less microfibre dusters & more knuckle-dusters
Butlering ?.I could do with a bl00dy butler I can tell you .
Since Lampwick went orf to cruise round the Med
I've been run orf me feet ....but I won't bore you with the details of my stubborn brother , his dicky heart and impending knee replacement ,his garden and all the watering ( no rain here to speak of ) my cantankerous aunt and my child who turns up with enough washing for a chinese laundry.

I've had a quick whizz through ...lovely pics Jno and thanks for the one of the "Usual Suspects " ..they look a dodgy lot ! Congrats on getting out of the rat race too .

Hope you are all OK ... not counting bites ,headaches,broken vacs ,hangovers, dodgy webcams and other dodgy bits and pieces like knitted cereal :)
Toodlepip for now .......back later ....I have to darn my microfibres ....
Ps Neti I can't open that Remember When that you sent .I don't know why .It says I have to save it to disc and I don't know how to do that .
Ha ha ha is that me on Shaney's wall, knitter of the month, Robinia - I don't believe I've done so much as a stitch since the computer got into the house - I miss it though. Doesn't sound like you have any knitting space either, Shaney - time for Plan B perhaps...?

Or Plan C: more arms

(((*_*)))Evening Biddyplanet.!Hic..1(my name aint hic one??/)
I come in Peace...I do........,,.,..I just bin to a Sixties night in er barn,
Pleny of drink and loads of them there Erb,s.THe ole days when carrots were bent and covered in dirt..HiC..!you juist new you cud trust erm. and wen yer mum wouod say"Them starving bac in China...So finish wat yer got" hehe..those wer the days...Iluv yer all i do (:O)
OOOOps sorry netti,I cant get into me own email...the Putta says nooooo.!
In this country we get that there your Maelerdemon the spanish one..>>goes away on all which way is the bar (:O)

here it is Vinny

Sounds like you had a great evening ;-)
hehe..I love it Kip.The last time I had two gentlemen see me in a car,it was the Feds.
get yer Ya Yas out (:O)

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