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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Good morning all. Its still raining here. I have run out of ark jokes.
hello woofy

lol jno, my sticks will be held up by sticks before long.
Hi buddies.
Sorry about your friend, Jude
Hope the pup is ok woody.

On train to London to meet an old friend.
Went to see"JJoseph" show at night, love it.l
Going again on Sat.
The swifts have arrived! \o/
rang up the AA and said i thought the premium had gone up a bit this year, so they said, ah, we'll take £60 off it, then. That was quick. Rushed out while it was dry and spent £50 in Tescos, mostly on wine, so I've got a petrol voucher. Quite a productive day so far.
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Jno that's the kind of budgeting that appeals to me. My car insurance went down this year, not by much but I am happy. Me and the boys went out to the Range today as they are the best place round here to get dog chews. We came back past Macdonalds so happy pups.
It's still raining.
jno - I've been going through and deleting some old pics and found this one you took on your travels. I kept it because it's fantastic and I had it as my desktop for ages...can you remind me where it is please?
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Goodness thats amazing....does it make me a philistine that my first thought was "I'm glad i don't have to dust that"?
We are having peace here...I think they must put doggy sleeping stuff in McD's hamburgers.
well I thought about that too woofy...heck of wear and tear on the old feather duster.
Afternoon all
Drizzly day here and now it's foggy .Stamps foot ..I want hot sunshine and lots of it .
Hope you are all OK though .Swifts Robinia ..that's a sure sign of summer fingers and sticks crossed that we get one this year .
It's just a another dreary day at the office here .Nothing to report really .
Been to the library , bought a microwave saucepan and a pack of two lemon tartine things fell off the shelf into my basket in Morrisons along with a packet of chocolate buttons.
Has that pompous windbag been suspended again ? Good oh ..hahaa...
Taste of his own medicine won't do him any harm . He's always threatening to report people .I must admit he winds me up big time stylee.He's creepy too .
I had a bit of a convo with him once as he knows this area but it was all me me me and I gave up in the end .
Hope you have a good day Neti ...

Be good biddies ..see you later .
just found that, Robinia, it's Santa Clara church in Oporto

Take the tour
Evening Everybiddy. Thanks for all your words of condolence. I am now settled in my mind about my friend. Her funeral is on the 28th. That's a long time I know but I will attend of course. Her husband said he would arrange for me to be picked up but I will be able to get there myself.

It is now pouring down outside after a not too bad a start this morning. I walked along the ringroad to Sainsburys (without a coat) and came home by bus with a bag of shopping which was going to be light enough for me to carry while walking back, but as usual I spent more when I got there than intended, like yer do, so had to get the busi!!

I've had a 'todo' with Virgin Media today. Phone calls no end over the last week over extremely high final bills, one for £124. Anyway finally today I told them I expected my final payment to them for March, which was when I finished with them, would be around £28 they agreed after checking and 45 minutes later, that it should be £23.78 which I immediately paid before they changed their minds. I now have the name of the woman I spoke to, and a reference number in case of any more contretemps. I'm quite proud of myself for standing my ground.
I haven't got much on now until Friday so I think I'd better get some housework done. I'm going to the last Live at Lunch Session in Nottingham then lunch with my walking friend.

I hope your pet is ok Woofy.

Also I hope you all have a goodnight.

See yer later 'gater(s)
funeral on the 28th, Jude? I had no idea people waited that long, I thought it was usually just a few days so you could notify people. Do they use fridges?

Well done you, anyway, it's obviously a good day for haranguing people over the phone.
Oh you have to harangue Virgin Jno .They gave us a new modem at one stage as ours was on the blink .New my backside .It was a used one and still had someone elses details on it .We couldn't access our email for a couple of weeks .
I wasn't best pleased .But they gave us a refund on the phone calls and free broadband for a month so that was a result ,but I had to put myself out and get shirty ..mind you these days that's not hard to do :)

That church is lovely btw in spite of being a cleaning nightmare !.
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we waited a while for my Mum...about two weeks I think. It was getting an appointment at the crematorium that delayed things.

Do not read the next bit if you are feeling sensitive.

When i was working in the NHS we were desperate for storage space for the stuff that we issued to people to use at home - bath aids, loo raises and so on. The hospital manager said that we could use the old chapel of rest but we would have to remove the fixtures ourselves. The old.....cold storage.... had to stay in place as there was no budget to safely remove the freon gas.
It was a bit creepy so I thought I'd better discuss it with my therapy assistant as she hadn't worked in the NHS for long. I told her about getting the storage, what it had been, and that we had to clear it out ourselves then i said "There is one small thing, the old fridge is still there and will have to stay there."
"Oh that's good" she said "we can store the milk in there...."
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oight oight all.
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Ps its raining wouldn't you know.....
not raining here - we must be passing through the eye of the storm.

I just got a good night's sleep. I wish I knew how I did it, I could try it again sometime.
Morning all...I think it's been raining all night and now it's a humid 15C!...that's a rapid rise in temperature.

woofy it works the other way too...I remember going for my hospital check up and the consultant told me that during the flu epidemic that year they'd had cheese wagons brought in as storage for the deceased.

Thanks for that jno, it's a stunning place, nothing like that will ever be built again.
Hello Biddies. First of all, I am sorry for appearing to be ignoring lots of your postings. I think I have caught up, but not sure!!!

Glad Neti that you are enjoying yourself so much over here.

It's warm and muggy here today, but temperatures are due to get as high as 19 degrees this afternoon. Quite a change not to be shiverrrrrrrrrring!!!!

I have had my feet injected and it wasn't too bad an experience. The doc was very nice and gentle. The needle was extremely long and he told me I better not look, but I don't have a phobia about needles. He mixed up his potion of drugs, and determining the right place in each foot injected the stuff, sort of twisting and turning the needle whilst massaging the injected fluid under the skin - very interesting. I am not suffering the expected pains I was warned about and the signs are quite good at the moment that the treatment has worked - I was warned that it might not by the doctor.

Anyway am resting now for a couple of days, as advised and hopefully when the sun shines for the next few days I can be out in the garden.

Holiday is only 3 weeks away!!

Hope you have good news about your boy Woofy after his lump is removed. I know how worried you must be.

I'll be back later - I need more tea and toast.................. xx

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