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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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oh I think they all fancy themselves as baby Sherlocks or something, Robinia, ferreting out incomers and chasing them out of town with pitchforks. In spite of B00 trying to kick some sense into them. The population of self-satisfied idiots seems to be increasing in these parts. Must be the weather.
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I do rather like the hamster ball but as things stand I feel that something more weatherproof would be better.
Just to send love to all of you. Sorry to be uncommunicative of late. I will be back in the swing of things in due course. Just cooking roast chicken and I don't feel in the least bit hungry. Am off to hospital on Wednesday for injections to my feet done under a scanner with local anaesthetic and apparently will be in pain afterwards and have to rest for two days!!! Grrrrrr
I think they all need shoving into a hamster ball and rolling down a very steep hill.

Oh dear woofy, poor Rab and the dreaded v. e. t. I hope he's ok.
Hope you go on ok Lottie. I've had a poor appetite for a long time. Sis brought me a bag of M&S dinners on saturday (to make sure the old gal's eating :o)) and I've just had a cod mornay & really enjoyed it, it was lovely. I could get used to meals on wheels. There's a cream eclair calling me now.
Oh dear ..I hope the woofer will be Ok woofy .Shaney had various lumps at times which turned out to be nothing serious . Benign cysts etc .One he had was from another dog charging into him which caused a bruise under the skin .They just drew the fluid off .
Good luck Lofty with the feet .I hope it won't be too painful for you and that it eases things for you .
I wish there was a giant injection for the hips :)
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My big sis lives on the m and s meals. She says life is too short to cook. When she comes here though we cook together for fun and she enjoys it. We eat loads of eclairs too. When she isn't here I live on fish mostly.
Ha, ha Shaney. One giant injection all over at the moment to deaden everything might be appreciated. The weather isn't helping.

All of my dogs have had lumps of one kind or another Woof and not one of them has been a 'nasty'.

I shall pop in tomorrow and have a chat all being well. xx
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Lottie I hope all goes well on wednesday. While you are resting we will do loads of net chatting with you.
Oh Gawd ..I've been mentioned in his mangled poetic dispatches now in CB .
Thomas Hood must be turning in his grave :)
godalmighty, crawling in verse

My own epic poem got as far as rhyming shaney with brainy, but it's a bugger trying to rhyme Robinia with Abyssinia.
Lol....Jno ...I nearly spluttered my tea all over me mousey :)
I'm shrieking with laughter ...
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Oight oight all, thanks for being'll never guess what? It's raining here........
Oight Oight Woofy ...It's raining here too and who's left her washing out .... guess who ..haha ..Good job it's only a few teatowels and a pinny :)
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good morning all, sat here while dogs dry off a bit which they now have so off to bed. Good thoughts please for 9.50 when we have out V E T appointment.
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Morning all, I see Neti still has a hangover....
I have just had a bag of m and s blouses delivered.
That is the end of the news
whispers anyone got neti's address? I need it by tomorrow

Hi Everybiddy. I've caught up with all your posts after a weekend away. Will expand on that later when I've been to Tai Chi etc....All the best with your feet op Lottie and I hope when the initial pain goes you feel a lot better.
My dear friend Sue with Vascular Dementia passed peacefully away yesterday. I am sad but comforted knowing now that she is at peace and not having to live in that dreadful way.

I will see you all later without doubt knowing that you all will be there for me...x
Just got up, do go back to that suggestions thread Shaney and Woof. I hope you know who does the same and reads and digests.

Goes to find Neti's address..............................
Just saw your post Jude. I am so sorry, but at least she is not suffering anymore xxx

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