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Pruning Shrubs

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Robinia | 15:33 Mon 04th Apr 2005 | Home & Garden
799 Answers

Have any of you lovely gardeners hard pruned, into old thick wood, any of the following shrubs and had them live to see another year?!!  I read all the books but there's so much conflicting advice when it comes to renovation pruning.

Olearia haastii (Daisy bush)

Lonicera fragrantissima (winter honeysuckle - think this one will be ok)

Cotinus (smoke Bush).



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oh pooh, the big news here is of course the latest news about the crown... not the Wedding (well, not in my half of the house) but that another flipping blipping crown has fallen out of my remaining jaw. Okay, pales into insignificance besides some biddies' worries, but it annoys me.
Jude, so far I have ignored the upgrade Yahjoo thing, don't want changing.

shaney have just watched Mr Whicher and I did enjoy it, is it a series, as I want more!!

jno smiles at the wedding, sorry folks, it's revolting!http://affordablehousinginstitute.o
Jno teeth are important and crowns that jump ship are blooming annoying and dentists are expensive, moan away as much as you like. dH has worn himself out with 3 days of business and gone to bed feeling slightly unwell. My car is playing up again so no dog walks tomorrow, dog's will love a quiet (noisy day, ha) in the garden and an enforced rest for DH
Night night all
Morning all, wedding day today, I'm just rushing off to get hija to her dole appointment so they can see she is here and not there, I ask you!!

Catch yer laters>>>>>>>>
Yay hija has just texted me I don't have to go, she gong with a friend, back to bed to watch the wedding!!! ♫♫ Oh happy day ♫♫
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Morning each, I'm all red white & blue...and that's just my face, it's freezing here.
It's an exciting day!...I'm having this room painted, haha. Painterer not interested in it so as long as his wife allows him to duck out of their street party he's coming to do my job for me. I'll be out of the way in t'other room, shouting the commentary...and he won't hear me 'cos he'll have his music plugged into his ears :o)

Sorry about the crown jno, I'm paranoid about me teef, I only wish I'd been more paranoid during the toffee apple years.

Good to have you back Jude! I haven't upgraded yahoo yet either so that might be causing the probs.

Have a lovely day whatever you're doing!
Was there a Midsomer this week and if so what was it called and was it no. 4?
nice dress.....if she had had a plackard on her back saying "I an not Diana" she couldn't have made it clearer....did you see the struggle to get the ring over her knuckle....and at the altar, he leaned over to her and said "you (something) beautiful" aaaaah
yes, ouch to the knuckle business. I am reliably informed that at about 1.20 he will kiss her on the balcony, so to speak.
The baby bridesmaid has just come a purler getting out of the coach.
Nice wedding. what is it with Beatrice and Princess Royal, right messes.
kiss was late; what a terrible omen
not really, look at Charles and Di
At least this kiss was genuine!
It was lovely .She looked wonderful ,he looked proud Loved the dress .I hope they'll have a long and happy life together .
Pomp and tradition which we do so well .Coaches ,horseguards,flypasts ,great . Seems as if support for the Monarchy is alive and well .
A lovely day and a bit of joy in this sometimes dismal world.
true, woofy!

The flypast flew over my house a bit later... they'll probably be over Norfolk now on their way to the Hamburg docks.
So you weren't hiding behind the sofa after all :)
nope, couldn't resist! Besides, for domestic reasons I was looking for a familiar face on the telly... didn't see it, though.
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Well if the Queen thinks everywhere smells of paint she'd be so at home here..done & dusted in about 3 hrs, nice clean beige now, instead of grubby beige. I fade into the background quite nicely.

Didn't see every second of the do but I wasn't disappointed by anything I did see. Kate's dress was stunning, very retro, her sister was beautifullly understated as was her mum (Carol is it?), just the outfit I'd have chosen in her position...well ok, one thing did incense me, Sam Cam without a titfer!! And did she have bare legs? Orf with her hatless head I say. I know people don't like wearing them but in her position & all their dosh she could have made a better effort than what she wore....tut. I'm biased I suppose 'cos I can't stand the pair of 'em.

I agree shaney, I do love the pomp & discipline...and I loved the trees in Westminster Abbey! Lovely occasion...glad I didn't have to go, haha
didn't see Sam Cam...yes loved the trees. Have just been out and watered my pots as its dust dry here. Rab still loves to argue with the hose stream and is soaked around his head and shoulders.

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