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Numatic George

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netibiza | 21:08 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
510 Answers
Has anyone got one? and if so can you please tell me how the shampooing bit works, I have managed to soak all carpets and not a drop has been sucked up. My main confusion is do I have to switch between showering water, and sucking up in the same operation? I too scared to try it in case it blows up! Easy instructions please and thank you.


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Can't stop, in middle of making tea here.....just wanted to say hello! to you all and to say thank you for my birthday posts.

love ya all!

Enter Kit talking to herself again. Sweden vacated, now going for Britain.

Don't worry about my soliloquys, Robinia - it's nice when somebody's on, but when I myself am only online for an hour or two I can't possibly expect you lot to stand by, and I don't.

You're all so funny and lovely - a tonic, as Shaney says - that I always have to curb the impulse to comment on nearly everything each one of you says or posts a link to. But that would probably be tiresome, wouldn't it. (Just know that I read everything.) I wish we could have not only canned laughter (like in the tv shows) but also canned smiles, canned cries et cetera to leave by an entry after we've read it!

You're welcome, BOO! Come back real soon, we thrive on young blood.

Who's LittleMouse and what's the 26th of April?
yo Kit ...I'm here....back in a few mins.....
Hi Robinia. Sorry I wasn't around to peel you a grape yesterday afternoon. BTW I liked your Zombies video. / When's your son doing the bikamper tour and are you coming to terms with it.

That YouTube... I suffer agonies over it. On the one hand there's the copyright issues which I take extremely seriously. On the other hand I just can't seem to help myself... Yesterday I listened to this twenty times on end. Sooo good. Back in -95 I never really caught the lyrics and just felt generally swept off my feet by the mere raw power of the thing. Now that all the pieces are coming together for me - damn!

yoohoo B00 we love you too....stop rushing about you're making me dizzy....

hi Kit & all.....
ooooh Pulp, I love 'em....
<whispers> actually I've got this thing about Jarvis but don't tell anyone, they'll send me away to have me bumps felt....
Son is starting his tour at the beginning of May but he hadn't done much training when I saw him last...think I've got my head around it now, at least he's not going off to a strange country.....oh, hang on, I tell alie, he will be passing through Devon.

♫..there's a moose, loose, aboot this hoose.....♫
cheeky monkey ribena.....hope he's got a passport..bloomin crockles...hehe.!(:O)
hiya kip.
teehee Vincent....I'm looking for a phrasebook....and he'll be bringing all the stale bread I've been saving since xmas to feed the hawks....I told him they're becoming rare & need extra food.
...yes, Robinia, the southwest does seem eccentric... A Swedish magazine just did a feature on Cornwall and Devon, and one of the pictures showed a beware sign saying Sheep lying on the road. I thought that was so funny. That happen a lot, Vinny? BTW, wasn't there rather a large earthquake in the southwest quite a few years ago? (No details on your sex life please.)

OMG, a terrifying thought just struck me like a bolt of lightning: In the future when the cyber archaelogists dig the biddy threads out and click our YouTube links, will they land at the same song we posted or will the content at a certain address have changed over the years...?

even more terrifying - in years to come they might use these barmy ramblings as school lessons about madness in the menopausal in the 'olden days' :o/'s even more terrifying to think that they may possibly dig up one of my old microfibres or a tatty liberty bodice . I would die of shame if they unearthed my empty gin bottles.What if they dug Lampwick up ...? He would be a candidate for the British Museum.
How are we all?
I see we have a mouse loose in the house ! Perhaps I'd better leave that mouse a bit of chs and some Southern Comfort !!

It's been rather dull and dreary here the last couple of days .. proper foghorn weather.
Poor old Shaney is not well ...I am dosing him up with doggy Glucosamine is helping and he can hobble a bit faster ...poor old lad.He's got that old dog look about him ...I am not hopeful.
hi shaney my old libbies are now my 'microfibres' until they fall apart...and my dishcloths were once........well, least said....

love to your poor old doggy, heartbreaking isn't it? I can't bear to see them struggling.
Hi Shaney, why the pseudonym? We know it's you. / That's heartbreaking about Shaney. I know exactly what you mean by 'old dog look', a little grey around the nose, stiff joints but still so friendly. I saw a dog half an hour ago that looked a bit like Shaney, only this one was young. His mistress happened to drop the leash and it was only a matter of seconds before he was happily entering a fast food kiosk which had an open side door (because the night is as warm as a summer's night, almost). She caught up with him just as I saw his tail disappear - so close to his goal and yet so far away...

Hey Robinia, I found you a couple of Swedish lads who say they are willing to stomp your grapes, if not peel them. I'm sending them over even as we speak!

Really have to go now, bye!
Oooh I say Kit ...half naked Swedish men !
We must cover our eyes ....I've led a sheltered life ...... counts gin bottles ,counts up old boyfriends, and other various misdemeanours, many taxis have I fallen out of ....that many ...gosh !
ooh heck, Kit I'm supposed to be getting my BP down, not raising no sudden movements thank you....haha, not much chance of that in here anyway I s'pose.
With all the meds that some of us are on there've probably been no 'movements' since xmas.

c'mon then shaney
let's hear about the old love interests......

<plumps up cushions>
Well.........I was a real flibbertygibbit in my younger days my Dad would confirm.. ..if he were here . He was always waiting for me to creep in and avoid my Mum !! I can remember coming home at sparrows poops once and trying to creep in in one hand ..key in the other ....when the door flew open and there stood Mum in all her glory ...wrap around pinny and one of those headscarf efforts ...with a broom in her hand .....I never went up the stairs so quickly !!
I used to racket around something dreadful ..I was a real good time gal....until I met Mr.S who has calmed me down considerably !!! Bless him.Well after thirty six years I would hope so ! But he still reckons I am slapdashey !
Hi all it's me and not some newcomer(or intruder) Dolly seems to have disappeared and they've left me with the wizardofoz .
Don't know what's happening but then that's nothing new for me ! I have been following all your comings and goings and having a laugh .
But really Robinia do you think it not your duty to steer your son away from the inquities of a place like Devon,he may not come out all in one piece if the Ladies are anything like the men.!!!!
Shaney just reading about a disease in the James Paget Hospital which is killing off people ,is this your neck of the woods if so please keep well and out of hospital . Sorry to hear Shaney 's not too good .
<b.Robi thought I was the only one with impending madness ! Still warm and clammy over here even tho'it is Autumn,no rain and no forecast of any .
Will all visitors to OZ plse bring bucket of water with them Thanks .Bye Dolly xx
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Morning all biddies - "inpending madness"? My madness is full on and as for menopausal ramblings, I can hardly remember the menopause (seems like the good ole days now!!)

Like <s>shaney and a good few others on here I reckon, I was a flibberygibbert. Also had to avoid Mum. We had a 3 storey house (well we were a big family) so had to have a fire escape, so I always made sure that the top door was open so I could enter at will and way after middnight, until Mum found out and locked all the doors and I had to ring the bell, I was literally trembling awaiting her wrath. She used to belt me with a chain link belt and I had ring marked on my legs for days! Imagine that now, she'd be in prison - but I have to admit I deserved it all.

Am enjoying the peace of daughter being away - ah bliss!!
Oh I say Dolly the James Paget is about a mile up the road from me !! They are keeping that quiet ...there was nothing in the paper this week about it . Is it on the news?

Aha ..I have just found it on the BBC ...well I shan't be going there then !
My brother tells me they have a severe water shortage too.
Take care Dolly xx

Hope everyone else is OK ..nice weather here so far ...better than the fog anyway. Have a nice weekend everyone ..enjoy the peace Neti!
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Peace? did you say shaney? she's just phoned and has lost (or it was stolen) her bag with bank card, passport, mobile phone you name it she's lost it. Will there never be any peace. now I'm all nervous not knowing what to do. Have tried calling the mobile but it's been cutoff so hopefully she did that! Had anyone else answered I was going to use the most foulist of words in any language. I am seething!!!
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Datswede please check your email!!

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