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Numatic George

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netibiza | 21:08 Sat 10th Mar 2007 | Home & Garden
510 Answers
Has anyone got one? and if so can you please tell me how the shampooing bit works, I have managed to soak all carpets and not a drop has been sucked up. My main confusion is do I have to switch between showering water, and sucking up in the same operation? I too scared to try it in case it blows up! Easy instructions please and thank you.


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I wouldn't worry, Neti, she's obviously been the victim of identity theft and will have to get a new identity. This new one may be a lot better behaved.
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Oh praise be!!

Was like the woman on tv the other night being interviewed and she was asked if she knew then what she knew now, would she still have had children - Yes, she said, but not the same ones!!! Oh how I agree.
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Just had a giggle jno imagine if someone has stolen her identity and then find out they'll have me for a mother - serves 'em damn well right!
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These are my daughter's flatmates doing a cheap version of the Dragon Khan ride - with the foldaway bed. Oh to be young - they are speaking Spanish so you won't understand them. They are Eva, David, Fina and David.

Oh Gawd ..nothing worse than having your bag stolen ...this happened to me once at my place of work. My colleague had hers taken at the same time ..Nightmare ..had to have the locks and everything changed .I never realised how much of my life I carried about in a bag !
Needless to say I carry the bare minimum these days.
yo all, poor Dolly, what happened?....oooh don't get me started 'bout hospitals

here's me thinking it would be a silent hideaway in here & it's full of old trollops & mis-spent youth, ID thefts, & language to make a trooper blush.....

well I did it too - been a grumpy today!
I had a go at the neighbour across the road - the one with the son who's been pumping up his tyre EVERY single morning at 6.20 for an entire month! Said we were sick of hearing it & wasn't it very unsafe? All he could say was 'I've told him...' .......what a ****! & you wouldn't believe what he does for a job....??!

I may never be able to leave the house again....but it had to be done. Everyone else round here's too wimpy to speak up. Not at all good for my BP either....

I, in my youth, was a paragon of virtue....never had a boyfriend.....or a drink......or stayed out.....

♫ ...dum de dummmm....♫

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Stupid thing - that worked OK on preview!
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Robinia before she discovered gin
why was your mum such a bad judge of your boyfriends....?
I sent her to get rid of one once & she was most upset at having to lie to him....'Oh he was a nice lad.....' NO mother, he's got 8 hands! ....I didn't tell her that, she'd have been after him like a rat up a drainpipe.
But the one 5 yrs older that she was so worried about fetched the dog in when there was a power cut & we were alone.....tut.
Well, he was obviously worried about what could happen in the dark, Robinia, he might have got whacked with a wimple
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Neti ....Do stop plastering my mug around the place .. ....and that was on a good day ! I'm normally flat out under the tree .
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Thought I recognised the sox shaney!
Hope everybodys Vin..............(*_*)
well that's not much of a verbal contribution Vincent....great music tho' so I'll let you off :o)
Well I've got my identity back (it's not easy when you're never sure who you are -Arthur or Martha).
neti revealed to all and sundry about my secret life Down Under ,you'll have to give her a good thwack with the W.W.Robinia I can't reach her from here !!

Can't stand Don Maclean except when he sings VINCENT ,I've saved it to my favourites . Is your weather improving yet ,time for the bikinis eh?or are the Liberty bodices still in use ?haha
Good Morning....lovely and robinia....sometimes when youve had a pint or two,its best to say nuthin ....hehe.!
on the local news this morning,The beast of Exmoor has left a blood sample on a barbed wire fence,it was sent for dna tests..and they reckon its a cross between a Puma and a piecost...
right, must go and get the sunday sport...later dudes....(:O)
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Yeah Vinny April Fools to you too!!!

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