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Sending Jewellery to Australia

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Robinia | 14:12 Wed 08th Aug 2012 | How it Works
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Is it ok to send silver or costume jewellery to Australia? (Just a small gift for my granddaughter).


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haha woofy, I had green hair in the 60's when it wasn't fashionable, Mum disliked the Black tulip that I had and she poured Brobat all over my head, so I went green, I was mortified.
I always had long hair when I was younger and then had it cut very short on an impulse when I was about 30. My hair suits that sort of cut and it is so, so easy to manage But it does need cutting every 4 or 5 weeks otherwise it turns into Woofy's mop on head!!
Oh dear, I have just been chatting away to you lot on the wrong thread and it included a picture of Woofy with a mop on her head!!

I got rid of the evidence very quickly!!
Oh dear lottie!!
Think I better slope off...................
Oight oight x
Lottie what you up too :) I think it's time you went to bed...
That's where I'm off now. Have to be up early to get in the queueat the Drs. to get may appointment.

Neti thanks I'm so please you got my post joke at last!! I think you're the only one :)

Oight oight everyone See you sometime tomorrer begorrah!! Sleep tight.
Lottie that's so funny, I thought I was the only one who did stuff like that...oight oight all
good morning! a lovely cool start to the day here. We went out and enjoyed the cool and two of us ran for miles.
looks like another nice day out there, long may it last. Jude, I got your 00:00 comment instantly but didn't mention it because I didn't want to embarrass other people who are slow on the uptake :-)
Good morning biddies.

He, he Woofy!

Good morning, my goodness, we are awash with biddies!

Just woken up and am in bed with a cuppa.

Lovely and sunny outside but very hot.

Hope you are all feeling OK today.
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Good moaning...the tickling stik signing in, my hair's turned to kapok :) I'll have to tame it with some brylcreem, it'll look like fried capellini by the end of the day I expect.

Hot already in the sun so I think I might wait til tomorrow to shop, I need to stock up on mega calories, my hairdresser noticed I'd lost a lot of weight..
For Robi

I have been a very 'earthy' person this morning. Picked strawberries from the garden after breakfast and ate them straight away and then made delicious peppermint tea from my home grown peppermint. It was surprising how much nicer it was than the packet varieties!
Lottie I have never thought of using my own mint and I have tons of much did you use and did you just pour hot water on it?
It was peppermint as opposed to other mints Woofy, but other mints could be used. I just played it by ear. Gathered a palm full of leaves. Tore them up a bit and squeezed them so release the oils and poured a mug full of boiling water over them. Left it for about 8 or so minutes and strained it. Added a bit of honey. Delicious!
I have lots of ginger mint growing, so might try that too or mix peppermint and ginger mint together. I did have some apple mint but it has disappeared.
I always use fresh mint, they grow it where I have coffee on a Monday so I snaffle some, and it is actually growing in a pot, yay for neti the gardener!

So sweaty here- going to medico on Thurs as am busy tomorrow, my nostril is totally blocked and the eye isn't any better, very watery and itchy and sore, and a lot smaller than the other one, will be Cyclops soon!!!

Just preparing port sate with veg and noodles for later.

Just heard about soupsop fruit, apparently excellent for all health things, anyone heard/tried it?
Well said Woofy, on the neighbour thread ;o)

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