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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Hello all, tum settling. Took dog's out this morning got 15 minutes into walk and forgot to take leads out of car. No problem thinks I , stroll back to car, hold dogs by collars for last 20 feet or so, grab leads and restart walk......except another car turns up. Dogs start pogo dancing and yelling with me hanging onto their collars....decide to quit while I am ahead and go home.....dogs think it was wonderful fun. The other car must have been an over the limit driver who decided to sleep it off, a not uncommon occurrence, anyway he stayed well down in the car and didn't appear, I expect he might have needed clean undies after seeing and hearing my two!! Btw the dog song and dance is their way of greeting new folk, not dangerous but deffo impressive.
Glad to hear you are better Jude. At the local Hort show, president said when presenting the cups that it had been a dreadful year for veg, especially runners,
Big yay for Andy, didn't watch but v pleased to hear he made it.
Sis and I were out looking for microwaves, no success and picking paint colours for mt spare bedroom, pale blue with a hint of grey is fave.
Oight oight all
Thunder and lightening
Very, very frightening............. (not really)

This was behind our house in the rain at 8.00pm this evening, hence rain drops on the lense.

Quite impressive though and the two rainbows were complete bows both ending in pots of gold at either end.

Combine is parked behind us as they are gathering in the rape.


We had an accident outside our house today and our verge and dyke are a mangled mess. Spent three hours entertaining the occupants of the car, plus police and two lovely doggies. Fortunately no-one was hurt and I got to cuddle the doggies who made themselves very at home.

Oight, oight.
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Quiet walk this morning. Lovely photos Lottie, did you catch the leprechaun?
morning all...Very dramatic pics Lottie, it was like that here the other day but without the rainbows. Cloudy and cool today, looks like rain's on the way and it's mowing day...grrr...I'm fed up of this, everything in the garden's romping away and I'm starting to feel closed in now.

Love the image of the 'scary' pogo-ing dogs woofy. I remember once seeing someone walk through the side entrance to my house and Mac the standard poodle was standing a few feet behind it... you might expect if they were scared that they'd quickly step backwards through the door and close it but instead they muttered 'oh, bloody hell' and did a veeeerrrry slow and complete U-turn and crept back out....after about 30 seconds silence there was a very tentative 'tap, tap, tap'. Mac was totally flummoxed. :)

oh, whaddyaknow? the sun's come out...!
Good morning All. Here I is. Writing this lstening to Jo Cocker Lottie. What a lovely song. I loved the Film too. And what great Photos too. It's not sure what it's going to do today so my washing is drying on racks in my back bedroom. nd then like Robi says the sun somes out!!
I'm sorry I can't remember who's aches and pains are where so I just hope you are all feeling better and not getting worse.
Have to try and make my way to get a bit of shopping in a bit so hoping the sun stays out until I get back.
It's good to be back even if I'be not got anything very exciting to tell you all. Life goes on dunnit! I'm typing better even though it's still left handed.

Have a good day see yer later 'gater(s)
You sound brighter Jude. It spotted a bit while I was out...if it pours just before the mowerman's due I'll scweeeeem. I didn't feel like going actually, I'm all wooly headed and spaced out, but I needed some more anti-histamines, these (3) bites have joined up to make a bloody great sore lump.
Hello all
Blimey Lofty ..we didn't get a drop over here after all .It looks iffy atm though .
It's supposed to warm up soon though so iron your short shorts girls .
Ooh be careful with those bites Robinia for goodnes sake and you be careful too Jude .
Now then ..since I went to the opticians and he told me about that fleck behind my eye I've been worrying meself .He didn't seem overly concerned and said they would keep an eye (pardon the pun ) on it when I have my eyes tested .The reason it's worried me is because my old friend Jeannie had this some many years ago and she ended up at Moorfields where they removed her eye as it turned out to be cancerous .Do you think I'm being silly to go to the doctors and ask him to refer me to the hospital ? Just so they can check .
Sorry to go on a bit but would appreciate your thoughts .
I'd mention it to the doc shaney, do any of them have optical training? We had one who'd been an opthingy.....eye doc.

now please cover your ears....

sound of screaming echoes over Derby
Hello all, glad you are up and about jude! GOSH this heat is really getting me down, gonna ask Mr N if I can go back to blightly for another week. Feel quite sick. Mind you have got 3 loads of washing dry very quickly, but just cannot face ironing it today.

Oh shaney, is a fleck a floater?

Yes lottie fabulous pictures, wish I was there. Mind you it keeps going dark here and they mention rain, but it will be dirty full of sand rain when it comes, so not very refreshing. I hear that England is getting some of our Spanish sunshine later on, so you can thank me for that!!!
No it's not a floater but of some sort a freckle behind the eye Neti .
It's also worried me because in all the years of eye tests ,and I've worn specs since I was a child ,it's the first time it's been found .
Anyway I've made an appt at the doctor for the 16th .I may be wasting his time but it'll put my mind at rest .
Well's not been bad at all ..The rain held off and I've got all my washing dry .....and ....ironed ..That must the first time that's happened in twenty years :)
Still too hot, and watching syncro swimming.
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Shaney i think if you are worried, go to doc regardless....its not like they refund you for not going often.
We went out to the seaside for a picnic today and came home in the heaviest rain I have ever driven in. It then paused for long enough for us to get through the front door and tipped it down again. getting very black here I think its going to come down again.
Hi all, Nice to see you Jude.

Personally Shaney I wouldn't go to the doctor, but back to the optician and explain why you are worried and if they feel there is a need to refer you (which I doubt because if they were worried you would have been referred straight away. If necessary the opticician will give you another eye test which is more than the doctor will do, and if there is no change I would stop worrying. (Well, probably I wouldn't stop worrying!! 'cos I worry about everything, as you know ;o) )

I had a letter from rheumatologist who said I had a trace of blood in my urine which may well not be anything to worry about, but to take a sample in to my GP, just to make sure. This has happened before and samples have come back clear. As yet, I have only worried, but done nothing about it!! I am not the right person to give wise advice because I am useless and ostrich when it comes to myself.

For someone who wasn't interested at all the the Olympics I am watching a great deal of it now - especially the cycling!!!

The French are apparently miffed about our success and complaining that we are being treated favourably!!! Silly French, they can't bear us Brits being better than them - which of course we are.

Stop mentioning ironing Robi, I haven't ironed a thing since the shirt I ironed for Mr LL to wear to the wedding!!
woofy I have to ask and maybe you have already andwered but what is your aviator!!

Lottoe I sometimes have blood in my pee and it's usually cystitis which I do not even know that I have, seem to get it a lot! (NO!!)
^ ^ lol @Lottoe...LiftyLotto :)

I didn't mention ironing Lottie, it was today's domestic goddess, shaney. :)
I did tell the optician about my friend .What worries me is that this thing has suddenly appeared .It's not been picked up on previous eye tests and this is exactly what happened to Jeannie .
I've made the appt now so I'll see what he says .I'm probably just being a worrywort .
Well ..from brilliant sunshine and within the space of about ten minutes it went as black as Hades ,thundered like the devil and chucked it down .Unbelievable this weather .
Lol..Robinia ..sheer boredom really .I never normally iron every little odd and end ..but I did today .
I've got the smooothest nighties in Norfolk :)
I was aware that I had typed lottoe but but too hot to amend it, sorry,

Just eaten entremesas (mixed salad) and putanesca pasta w is supposed to be very spicy but I play it down since Mr N suffered with a swollen epiglotis. He's worked all day and still has to collect hija at 1.30 so is in bed til then, I am in sweltering lounge watching athletics.

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