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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Why is that woman from Derby screaming??????
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Neti, its the blue canary in the corner by the lightswitch, who watches over you (make a little birdhouse in your soul)
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It really is, I tracked it down on the US version of IWOOT
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Ah now i see it thank you woofy, I thought it was a desktop computer or robot or something, has fascinated me! Now I know!!

Still watching tv but will say oight oight !
Oight, oight Biddies

And stop worrying Shaney! All sorts of funny lumps, bumps, spots, and freckles attack us as we get older.................. on a daily basis I seem to acquire more of them!!
Oight Oight from me too ..I'm off to don one of my neatly ironed shifts and climb into my bed with a book .)
I won't look too neat come the morning though.My bed head hair would give anyone the heebie jeebies .Perhaps I ought to stick it out the window at 5 am ..that'll shut the seagulls up :)
Sleep toight .
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morning all, no return to bed today as sis goes home so i have to take her to the coach station. Dogs had a whole hour running around this morning, they are now zonked.
busy going through mail that built up... I have renewed a magazine subscription online, confirmed my voter registratin online, changed my Tesco vouchers for airmiles online... Now, is there some way I can send off my new poo sticks online?

Actually, all this computerising has given me shooting pains up my neck... I don't suppose my osteo can cure me online either.
Morning all.

Up at 7 to take care to garage as the wheel is mg a strange sound, and Mr N had to come in his vehicle to take me back! Should be done by this afternoon.

Hi jude hope you are OK.

Shaney stop worrying, its not like you at all. My eyesight is disappearing fast, can't see very far at all now after a lifetime of excessively long sightedness, :-( miss it!

Jno are the teeth behaving now and you feeling better.

Lottie, robi, woofy et al hope you have a good day.

I am so tired, feel really drained but its the weather, so unbearably hot. Even the pool is warm!!

Off for coffee in a min, catch you laters>>>>
Morning all you unironed's a lot like me, nondescript and I'm tired.

Neti -I was screaming yesterday because it was raining and it was mowing day (I had warned you earlier). However it didn't come to anything and I got my lawns ironed, haha....I don't particularly like stripes but it's how his beast of a mower leaves it and it doesn't last long.

I think when it comes to your eyes it's hard to not worry. Mine's never been the same since that vitreous detachment and I really should ask someone about this dryness.

jno, I hope that's woman's weekly you've subscribed to? I've joined the neighbourhood watch, I thought this might be helpful
Huh post just disappeared into thin air!!

I like stripey lawns Robi and that garden is beautiful, even I can see that!

I bought a new zte skate phone at end of June and its been repaired twice already, so I have asked for a new one , and have had to denounce the company, what a bother, am still waiting to hear. So today have taken my English one to be unlocked if they can and then I'll be back on tinternet when I am outside, mind you it is peaceful not having to look at phone every second. Horrendous in the vilalge so many cars bumper to bumper and idiots driving dangerously, stupid women not watching their toddlers who run into road, I am frazzled with all the shouting and arm waving that I have done.
oh, what a lovely lawn, Robinia.

That magazine sounds a bit too general-interest for me unless they do a separate section on foxes. This is more my style
That's only the bottom half of the garden and that's why I need help. :) I do love it down there, private, maximum impact and, apart from some pruning now and then, minimum maintenance.

oooh Paloma, one of my favourite people... lovely, crazy, funny lady. I love her and her music.
Lovely garden Robinia, even with the stripes (I don't like them either, but they soon disappear)

Sometimes I really would like a smaller garden - and I certainly couldn't manage mine without Mr LL. I have learned over the years though that there are some areas of it you just have to ignore and just donate it to wildlife.

Am now about to make advance dinner preparations.

Been out and about most of the day.
Hi all
Lovely picture Robinia .You really ought to open your garden to the paying public could then buy a really expensive handbag with the proceeds :)

Bumbling day here .Bumbled into town to the market via M&S ..who have all the autumn/winter stuff already would you believe .Very tempted but only bought knickers .
Then my bro and SiL came round and we chewed the fat for an hour or two and he brought me some courgettes and a cucumber .

The weather has been lovely but it's dulling up again now getting ready for more rain probably .Hope you are all OK ...
Well done to our cyclists !
Yes I sometimes think I'd like a small garden so I could pay attention to detail...I'd have lots of acers in big tubs and a water feature...oh silly me, I already have one of those, every bloomin day. It's just about to start by the look of it.

Well I'm glad you won't be all fur coat and no knicks this winter shaney! :)
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Hello all. Another wet day here. Robi i love your garden.
O(h yes Robi, paying public, I could turn up with my sandwiches and coke cans and drop litter everywhere, crumbs all round my mouth and jam all down my jumper, !!!

Oight oight

My hypnotist has just messaged me saying I should be there, its a great night!! I try to be polite but it's working!
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...tired.....oight oight all

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