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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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slaps self on head its not working.

nite nite woofy sleep tight x
Morning all...
slaps neti on head ...not sure why but it might work.
Now neti do you think you'd get in? There'd be a written test on the gate, plant names, in latin!

So far it's a glorious day but I've decided the world's gone bloody mad, I'm starting to feel like a stranger in my own life....
"Acanthus mollis","Bear's-breech"
"Acer campestre","Field Maple"
"Acer pseudoplatanus","Sycamore"
"Aceras anthropophorum","Man Orchid"
waiting for my osteo and his folding table, my neck's still giving me gyp but the rest of me seems to be functioning okay. May even try opening my eyelids later.
slaps Robi with a infectum pisces
here's the moving version
That won't do neti, here's your starter for this plant, I've got one that's appeared in my garden via bird poop I suspect..and don't go asking woofy or lottie

There's yet another sale on at M&S

I've got several items in my basket...just thinking about it :)

Good luck jno, make sure the table doesn't fold up with you still on it.
woofy, lottie, what is that plant???
Am I a luddite? Is this a test to see if I may stay on as a biddy?


that Robi is a droopingish prettyish plantisheum!

Ha ha!! Got ya!
Love that jno, people over here who speak Spanglish usually put "dad" after an english word, cos it happens in Spanish ie sanidad (clean(ish) electricidad is a real word. so they ask whey is the busdad?
All I popped in for was to inform you all that I have very sore nether regions, from lying on a wet lilo for hours, just as bazooms are getting better now I can hardly sit down, back to the lilo then as it is more comfy!!
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its leycesteria, I have got the golden leaved version.
Neti, you idiot.....
Question Author
PS I paid a fortune for mine :-(
have been buying new china at m and s....not in the sale though
I knew that.........
Lol..Lol....Dimmock of Ibiza ....hahaaa
Hi all
Lovely day here .Been doing a bit of snipping in the garden .Lovely plant Robinia .All the birds do in my garden is sh&t over the washing :)
I've had ornamental poppies and hollyhocks pop up from nowhere down the side .I didn't plant them and it was full of some creeper stuff previously which I got rid of when next door did all the work on their drive and fence. There was nothing in that bit and now all of a sudden they've popped up .I think they were dormant as they look as if they've been planted out properly at some stage in the distant past .
I hope your neck feels better now Jno ..mines sticks at ten to two ..I can no longer swivel round and give someone one of my looks as I did in Iceland this am ...I had two items ,bag of spuds and a packet of bacon .As I approached the empty checkout some woman with a trolley packed with stuff cut across my bows and shoved in front ...and then proceeded to look smug .I could have slapped her :)
Oh shaney that is so annoying. But I would have smiled sweetly (yes I do know how) and said in a loud voice, "Oh please may I go in front of you as I only have 2 items", she would have looked churlish to refuse! but then she maybe didn't mind.
oh woofy's told you neti...tut... I'll set you a harder one tomorrow. No, it's not so you can still be a biddy it's a test to see if you'd be fit to gain an entrance pass to look rind one's grinds...I'm not opening to the public, I can't stand the public when they're outside of my garden never mind traipsing about in it. :)

What is it with these people shaney? I was looking at some jewellery in a local shop window when two women came along side of me and one virtually shouldered me out of the way so she could look. I just glared at her, she must have felt me burning a hole in the side of her head 'cos she turned to me...I tutted and walked off. I should have rushed in the shop and got the assistant to take everything out to show me, hahaha
I'm getting fed up by the minute. I wont go into all the details but it started with a Direct Debit fault (not mine) a wrong telephone number which they said was mine but wasn't, a human error they said it was on there part, all that resulted in 6 phone calls, 2 months free broad band and land line for me, after being told I couldn't be re-connected until 15th. then to cap it all I turned on today to use my notepad and abracadabra here I is !!!!

Anyway lovely garden Robi, mine is looking more overgrown by the hour so I'm going to ask a neighbours lad if he wants to earn a few £s.

I cant remember if I told you but I should have een at Wembley last night watching Japan v Mexico but didn't make it but hoping to go to Ascot on Saturday.

Finally Neti you're confusing me I can't make head or tail of what you're on about. Sorry, I'm just assuming I've missed some posts.

Time for my pills so see yer later 'gater(s)
Eh? now I'm confused.

Hi jude, glad you are in fighting form!

Robi, I have been to peoples gardens and all you have to say is coo what a pretty flower, what a stunning garden, they love it, -- latin names indeed--

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