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Dirty dishwasher

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woofgang | 13:41 Sun 26th Dec 2010 | How it Works
1028 Answers
My dishwasher has started to not wash the dishes in one quarter of the lower tray, the front left The filter etcet is clean, there isn't any obstruction and the arms are not blocked and rotate freely. The dishes get wet and hot so there does seem to be some water getting to the dishes. Any suggestions please?


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Enjoy jno!!
Lucky you jno, what are you hoping to see? Anything as long as it's not female boxing, but you on the other hand may like it! I'd love to see athletics. We went to Madrid in 2002 to see the European games, so enjoyed. It was Colin Jackson's last appearance and they were all waiting with flowers and cameras but he fell over and lost, it was a tad embarrassing!
oooh, it's lovely and warm, but not too much so. I've done nothing but gossip over the front gate, every time I tried to come in someone else came along with plenty to say....I only nod now and then, I never gossip of course...oh deary me no....


That's a coincidence neti, the milkman just told me that famous spanish dish was his first meal last night after having some teeth out on Monday.

Enjoy yourself jno....not my thing tho', I'd just be watching Joe public.
I can never understand any female wanting to be a boxer - come to that I cannot understand any male wanting to be a boxer either. I think it is an absolutely horrible 'sport'.

It's not just warm here Robi - its bloomin' hot and my glasses have just steamed up!!

I have a hospital appointment tomorrow afternoon re my hernia and I really don't want to go as again there has been no change. But I will go and perhaps we can go into the city afterwards and I can peruse!!
It's been lovely here .
Enjoy the Olympics Jno ..I've been doing the Olympics in the garden .
It's called the snip,shear,slurp and sit hurdle race for dodderers.
But I didn't get a Gold Medal today on the Google Doodle .I'll obviously never make a canoeist .
Fishfingers mash and peas Neti ..yummy ....
We're having similar ..Greggs sausage roll ,beans and fried spuds...oooh we do live well :)

Look my darling bro-in-law standing for the first time on his false leg. Methinks tis time I visited him again!
we reached 23 degrees which is my upper limit...there are butterflies about, there's been a frog basking in my mini pond, and it's been lovely to see the sparrows dust-bathing. Anyone would think it's summer.

That's a lovely positive pic neti, well done your bro-in-law!
That's lovely Neti ..He looks very cheerful .I bet you and your family are pleased to see him make such a good recovery .
Yes ..several flutterbies around today Robinia and the bees were getting drunk on the fuschias .
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What excellent news! Neti, he has come a long way. It's summery here but very humid. Too hot to take the digs with me to shop and too hot to leave them in the house for long. I popped out to the shops today for a few bits but will leave the bulk to my nice waitrose delivery man.
Thanks, yes, I at least, am delighted, my sis and Mr N are very pessimistic about him, "oh he won't manage it,he won't bother" so I say to her at least; no matter what she thinks, she has to encourage him and applaud every little improve (or step in this case). Mr N is just a miserable bugger at the moment!
I didn't have fish fingers etc, I had melted chse n onion pot wedges (courtesy of Ibiza Rocks Diner!) delish, and then a
funny squashed type of peach which tasted of peach and pear, lovely although no idea what they are called, then hija produced some spicy chicken wings from her bag a bit squashed (courtesy of Ibiza Rocks diner) She's not stealing, it's her dinner which she chooses to bring home to Mum, then a lime ice lolly. Mr N is just have a chicken wing and a strawberry icecream milk shake, too hot for health food and we are sick of salads!
Have you noticed that even when going to the gym my b-i-l has to have an ironed cotten shirt and his pullover, We tried to get him into a tee shirt or casual top but he is such a gent that he can't do it.
Elderly chaps get set in their ways Neti .I think he looks very smart and no doubt he feels better for looking tidy .
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It's warm and sticky......oight oight all
Yes it's time all old biddys were in bed ! Including me ...
I suppose Jno is still hurdling away and waving her flag ....or practising the Olympic shuffle on the Tube :)
Oight Oight folks ..sleep toight.
jolly nice night out, though all the medal ceremonies seemed to be for Americans. Thank heavens for the Jamaicans blowing everyone away... honestly, Usain Bolt didn't even look as if he was trying by the end of it. Plus a Kenyan set a world record, and a lot of women were throwing javelins for ossum distances, though not always in the right direction. But the only Brits on show failed horribly, so I'm pleased to see they were winning golds elsewhere.

Lottie, I never watch boxing but I think in the Olympics they all wear proper headguards so it's about skill, not about knocking people's brains loose like poor Muhammad Ali.

neti, that's an encouraging photo.
Morning biddybuddies.

jno did you actually see Bolt, were you actually there, how exciting, would have loved it.

Not much happening here today. Have to hang about in case hija needs a life to work at 12.15.
I was there live and in person. He started near me (well, about 50 rows down) but finished at the other end of the field.

in case hija needs a life

Hey, I need one of those
Morning all... ☼ ☼ ☼
Lovely here, it makes all your troubles seem less....haha, yes, I'd like a life too....preferably one of luxury and sunshine.
Oops I need a life., hija needs needs a lift.
Am now going to scan the recording of Bolt (50 roes down) and wave to jno!

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