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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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you'll have to break a leg on holilday, then.
well, let's see if I posted anything lat night...
nothing yet...
Afternoon all,
Talking to yourself again then jno? Nah i wouldnt make a false claim or even a legit one for something silly. Just want to be covered in case of breaking a leg!
Lovely day here. Didnt wash bedding until midday and its all dried and put away by 4pm.
Am gradually clearing out old jars and bottles of foos and washing shelves as would hate the guardia chappie think im dirty when he stays here.
How are you all? How was birthday Shaney, big shin dig?
afternoon all...a tad milder today and we've seen some sunshine.

Sounds like you had a lovely birthday shaney, make sure you wear your new bling, no keeping it for best. I need to practice what I preach :) I do like rose gold, I keep looking at jewellery online. It seems that spending is actually 'circulating money energy' so that will be my excuse from now on.

For me it's less of a dry January and more of a write off January so far, nothing earth shattering, just a drip, drip ,drip of annoyances. (Literally actually, kitchen tap keeps having a mad fit) Completely lost my balance for hours yesterday evening, I was reeling all over the place, so when the bed came whizzing by I jumped in it. Not as bad today so long as I don't make any sudden movements. I don't want to even think about the flu.

I don't want to think about the Conservatives either, I see the awful (I'm being polite) Esther Mcvey is back. We're all doomed.

Sorry you've lost the laburnums jno, lovely trees. And if you want to hide your pills try one will suspect a thing
That would defoget me arrested in Dubai. I have a stamped printout of mt prescribed meds and they have to be in original packaging although the Dubai custom officers are notoriously lazy. But I dont want them getting excited!!!
Evening all
Been a bit busy,more in a muddle than busy really but back to my normal sloth like self:)
I rarely wear a lot of bling Robinia and it's been put away in the very nice jewellery box which was another present I received.I never go anywhere these days to bling up! The rose gold is nice though and I would like some rose gold earrings because that's all the jewellery I wear apart from my wedding ring.I broke the glass in my watch when I tripped over in the garden so perhaps I ought to wear the new one but I have other watches I never wear either.Silly really ,keeping stuff and not wearing it.
I expect you're getting all excited now Neti and ready for your trip.Yes, abide by all the rules ,we don't want to see your name in the papers :)
Not much else to report .It's been a gloomy day weather like.
Hope you're all ok.
Morning all...gloomy again.
Local news - A Jack Rustle has been seen running loose in the area.
Morning all. Sunny but so cold here. Yes started sorting out summer clothes. But Mr N wont let me take too much and I want to take whole wardrobe. Whats a girl to do??
just been to neurology about leg cramps but they basically said nobody knows what causes them, just keep on taking the bananas. I knew all that but it was nice to have it confirmed. I take a teeny little ropinrole every day, and he said I might like to monitor my behaviour for a sudden surge of addiction to alcohol or gambling, so I'll do that. And they had a poster in the corridor about Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. There are so many things you can learn in a hospital.
Just had to google that jno. Wow gambling, sexual urges and drinking! Bit like going back to the 70s then. I could flog those tablets here, no worries!!
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Hello all. Its been cold and dark here all day. I have done quite a lot of sorting and tidying and now I ache. I wouldn’t say no to a bit of addictive behaviour but I don’t have the energy
I've made a note of the name of those tablets :)
They might help my get up and go which has got up and gone over the hill and far away.Gloomy ,damp dreary day. Foggy too and so was I.I've done nothing of interest so I may as well have a banana and go to bed.
I used to get awful cramp in the arch of my foot at night but haven't since eating a banana everyday,so they must work.
Night all.
shaney, I eat bananas morning and night and I think they've made a difference but they haven't eliminated the cramps altogether (I get them in the calves). They've probably improved my tennis, though.
Morning all. Whenever i put shoes on and turn foot I get cramp, never know when. Right ties very painful atm, its the arthritis. Cant wear sox under boots and they hurt! Just bought some dusky pinky stylish slip on trainers for lumping around Dubai
Oh that shot off quickly!!!
Have also bought 2 tops casual smart. White cotton shirty things with a loise knitted top . One in white/blue and tother in white pink. All this shopping I must have caught a whiff of jno's tablets!!
Chilly here but sunny.
We are out to lunch in San Jordi today. Yippee!

don't forget a nice burqa, neti
Hello all
There's a glimmer of sunshine out there today.Chilly though.
Very glam Neti ,you'll be wowing them in down town Dubai.Don't forget to pack your tiara.
Nothing much going on here.
Your local paper sounds like ours Robinia ,Mr.S wonders why I waste a quid buying it every week but it's good for a laugh.Always full of spelling mistakes and incorrectly captioned pictures.
Hope you're all ok .Keep calm and eat bananas.

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Bananas give me dreadful acid so thats a no no. I find the calmagzinc works well. I am in a phase of real and unpleasant dreams.....not nice at all.
Good evening ...
I love that burka :) :)

No rustling today, either in the streets or in the house. It's been a very quiet, grey one and I've done nowt apart from watching Father Brown ...I love Flambeau...and rubbish on YouTube. Apparently I'm intelligent/smarter than I think/schizophrenic and I know how to make everyone like me immediately. Told you it was rubbish :)

My brother had a similar drug for his Parkinson's. When we took him shopping he'd be piled high in his wheelchair with his purchases. Wilkos was a favourite, the staff loved us. One of the most ...erm...challenging trips was when he decided he wanted a large pendulum wall clock for his room, haha.

My dreams almost always have a similar theme, hectic and involving lots of people, I wake up shattered. I hate it when there's some bad feeling, it stays with me all day.

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