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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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We had another noisy night here last night but fences are still standing touching wood. Much snoring here today as there was very little sleeping last night.
went to the dentist - not the implant man, my regular dentist - as my gum's been inflamed for a while, and he's booked me to see the hygienist tomorrow. All these dentist trips take time, it's only 4 miles but takes an hour each way. I'll have seen the entire staff soon at tis rate.
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good morning all cold here and too early.
Good morning. Sunny and chilly here. Am off to get eyebrows tinted!
Veey pleased with eyebrows. They look so good. Rather chilly out today. Jut sitting in pavement cafe having my coffee. Its empty today. No one to admire my eyebrows!!!
Robi I really think Im going to stoo watching Corrie. Its getting worse andworse. David Platt is goung to get raped and I really do not want to see all this. Its jyst one disaster after another.
neti, you look divine

Right, my teeth have been hygienistically cleaned, I hope that will remove the inflammation. Awful chilly out there, but we were lunching at the Skylon by the river and the wind was whistling in from Siberia or somewhere. So many restaurant discounts this time of year!
Morning. Jno with your flashing teeth and my stunning eyebrows, we could set the world on fire.
okay, been to hospital for a blood test - here it is only Saturday morning and already my medical appointments for the week are done.
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I see a hygienist twice a year. Its not pleasant but I need me teef as I know I couldn't tolerate a denture. Having a fun day here. One dog has got a stomach bug which woke us at 6am and means that I will need to get the carpet shampooer out once he's feeling more chipper. Happily it doesn't look to be serious, he has had a small lunch and is asleep. Then I opened a packet of cold roast chicken for lunch which was delivered yesterday, dated use by 25th and it stunk to high heaven....checked two others equally stinky so have contacted sainsburys who told me to please dispose of the chicken and have refunded the cost. We are having a cosy quiet day which is actually quite pleasant. If I try to go and do jobs then the invalid wakes and worries so its a good excuse for a good book (re reading Ngaio Marsh) and some junk telly.
we've been out to another light show

All across town, but we only got to the central ones since we missed the first two days and half of tonight. I might try seeing some more tomorrow if it doesn't rain.

Some really imaginative and high-tech installations. I could have done without the Tracey Emin, I think.

Good morning folks. Hope everyone is ok. I have a very itchy eye! Most annoying!
Very sunny here.
sleety all morning here. I may have to spend some time sitting on the sofa.
We popped out to Burger King( my choice and Mr N took a bit of persuading) There were several homeless people lurking, one when we got there asking for money so Mr N offered him a meal and he gladly accepted it. He was scottish and spoke no Spanish, didnt ask but wonder how they got there. As we were finishing an old lady came in, and just sat there, and a young girl bought her a meal. Its all very sad.
Good evening...ding dong merrily. Is it Christmas again already? Very dark day and a covering of snow but it turned to rain later in the day and a lot of it has gone.
I wondered why our lights were dim, it's them there southerners draining all the leccy is it. They are lovely though...I think I'll have one of those giant rabbits in my front garden this Easter.

Nothing interesting to report, just the same old aches and feeling a bit low. Hope you're all as well as and keeping your thermals on.

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those light installations look magical
they were lovely, I went out and saw some more this evening once it stopped snowing. A lot of them were son et lumiere with quite a lot of electronic son. Some of them would change colour or pattern if you walked past or hit them or thought happy thoughts or whatever they can do these days.
Those lights are amazing Jno.
Perhaps I could lobby our mayor to provide something like that here .Fat chance though,we don't even have street lighting on some roads. Not to worry ,the latest news is that cruise ships will be coming into the harbour this summer. God help the passengers is all I can say unless the council get their act together and tidy their side of the river up a bit.
Nothing doing here.Gloomy and cold,sleeting most of the day.Fed up with it now.
Watched Call the Midwife.What a tearjerker. The winter of '63.I remember it well. I fell asleep after that and have just surfaced.
Hope you're all ok .Night all.
right, hospital at 2.30, then scan at the same hospital at 5.30, means I have to have lunch now as I mustn't eat for six hours before scanning. Then that'll be today's medical business over and the evening will be all my own.
What are you scanning for jno, Im having a blonde moment?
Yes Shaney Midwife was so sad. I teared up. Getting some goid programmes all at one now. Anyone watch Kiri on Ch 4, thats good too, and Girlfriends.
Glorious day here, no need for a coat just a gilet over a sweater and not even a vest!! Washing drying naturally at super speed.
I didnt get to sleep until 5. Just laying thinking and thinking. Then at 4.15 I heard 2 notes on a dlute thingy. Very soft and very creepy. Happened 3x. I dived (dove) under the duvet and sweated. The cat was on my legs. It sounded very ghostly and I admit I was terrified. Almost fled to Mr N but he was fast asleep.

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