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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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I already take somethingprazole so acid's not a problem, woofgang, and bananas are just another pill. It'd be nice if I actually liked them.

I actually had a classic exam dream last night, beign tested on something I hadn't revised for. I never had them at school (and never had trouble with exams) so I suppose it was telling me I'm tryingt o cram too much into my life with the daily round of AB posts, solitaire and going to Tesco.
Oh dreams! Having loads of strong ones atm. The other day i saw a wife of a friend but I dont know her very well! So dreamed of her and her husband who in reality is black but in dream was a white hippie owner of a bar near a bus stop on other side of island! Yes dreams do stay all day. Lately Ive not wanted to sleep simply because of the dreams which arent scary but wear me out. Mousey cat is behaving beautifully at nights atm and slumbering all through. I do expect to find her dead every morning but when she hears me ( she's not so deaf anymore either!) She shouts from the settee.
Hey ho I'm in the wormhole!
Ah now jno has appeared too.
I take omaprazol and I still get acid reflux! Quite a lot at the moment.
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I use ranitidine when I need it but I try not to.
OH tried to reduce the dose of omaprazole (at GP's suggestion) and immediately had acid. That's the thing about prazoles, even if you only had acid occasionally - if you stop taking them you have it immediately.
I never remember what I dream about . I dream,we all do, but when I wake I can't recall anything.The only time I remembered a dream was because it was a recurring one. I was driving a car and could only turn left .I was under a lot of stress at the time so put it down to that .I was going round in circles in my life and my dream
It was when my Mum was ill and then went into a home (guilty feelings) and then she died and I was back and forth to here from London for ages at weekends and trying to juggle everything else.
I rarely get reflux or heartburn but if I do I swig Gaviscon .
I don't know about wormholes but I've got a bad earworm .If I hear that woman singing on the Safe Style ad "Why are all me winders misty " once more .....I'll chuck a brick through them :)
Night all.
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I kind of know why I am having the dreams I have but it doesn’t stop them.
Good morning all. Gosh its cold, i must add other part of duvet as my knees are frozen.
Awake early as hija was flying to Istambul and then to Athens, no idea if she made the connecting flight but seems Dubai flight was delayed so no idea. Havent heard yet!
I asked my doctor about reducing omaprazol and she said I could if i wanted to but as jno says you get acid reflux again. Meant to be having a review of meds as I dont want to take so many, but that involves a blood and pee test and cba at the moment. Ill wait till after Dubai.
Shaney and Robi hope you both feel better.
Is there anybody there?
Good Sunday afternoon. Was just checking i wasnt in the wormhole!
Weve been out for a delightful lunch where I decided to throw my red wine over the table, the floor, my new jacket and the chair! So i had another glass! Now home in cuddly pjs and sitting by a glowing warm fire.
Hope you are all ok.
More sad news, the friend who committed suicide a week ago, well her brother died yesterday from cancer. His poor wife! Her daughter died last summer from cancer and then all this to deal with! Not fair really.
Some good news. My nephew has just got engaged. Its a long and quite sad story so wont bother you with it but he is trying to get visiting rights to his 3 young children. Sister is paying a solicitor £265 per hour!! So the fact that he has moved on emotionally from his bitter ex is good news indeed. Well pleased!!
goodness, that poor family, neti. It must be very hard for her to cope with everything.
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Oh Neti, some people can’t catch a break.....
I am so fed up of these filthy black days and the dreams...I wonder if a sad lamp would help
Good dull Monay moring.
Oh dear woofy you got the black dog? You are usually so upbeat. Dreams are very disturbing, especially mine as I am always young in mine, then I wake to reality.
Hope you feel better soon andcShaney andcRobi. Jno I take it is fine!!

That's a lot of sadness all at one time neti, things often seem to happen that way.
We had some sad news too. I don't know if you remember me telling you about an uncle who was the only survivor of the crash of the bomber Macrobert's Reply in May '42? His son and a writer published a book about him. He sadly died last week, age 97. He was a very quiet, shy man so I doubt there are any tv/radio interviews.

Yes, it's yet another filthy grey and very wet day here too and it's getting me down to the point I felt like crying yesterday. I'm definitely SAD and have thought about a lamp too.

I keep having the same old dreams as well, it's becoming boring. After watching Vera I'd hoped I might dream about Kenny Doughty but he was obviously too busy to appear.
When I win the lottery ill buy anice villa and private jet and youcanpop over whenever you need. Mind you tis cold but not as bad as uk. Lots of snow on mainland.
Afternoon all
Can I join the sad club? Sloshing with rain and so gloomy out there.
Sorry to hear all the sad news . Your uncle sounds like he was a lovely man Robinia .A long life well lived.That's just awful for that family Neti. Makes the minor crosses we have to bear seem very minor when you hear that.
We've spent the weekend being the carpenter's gofer. Some progress in the spare room at long last .All we have in there is a futon and cupboard where I keep my stash of non food items . But, we still have boxes stacked there as well from my some of my MiL's stuff so we had wood delivered which Picky measured up and he arrived with drill and and what seemed like a thousand screws and nails and has built a floor to ceiling cupboard along one wall.It just needs sliding doors which he'll do next week hopefully. In the meantime I have to inch my way round the boxes which are now stacked in my bedroom! At least we can now unpack the boxes and see what there is and decide what to do with it all.
Shaney towers has turned into Casey's Court .
Chins up girls and KBO....January is always a bad month for me.I like having my birthday and to have reached the age I am but I never forget it's the same day my Dad died.It's always bittersweet. It'll pass.
Can one of you answer a question. My American friend's British husband died last summer. Can she claim his UK pension or part? They lived in Spain, she has never worked in uk.
I'll buy a villa when I win too neti. Can't help with your Q I'm afraid.

Casey's court, haha, I haven't heard that phrase for years. Lucky you shaney, it'll be nice and tidy soon. I'd love a wall of built in wardrobes/cupboards. Make sure to keep one especially for handbags and tins of srdns :)

Well it brightened up just before dark and after I'd got rained on fetching some chs and a stew pack. There's enough chicken casserole in the cauldron to feed me for a week....just as well, there's some high wind and snow on the way :(

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