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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Government pension? I doubt it Neti, although it may be worth asking just to see if she has any uk pension rights in her own right....although if she has never paid any uk tax or become a citizen of the uk then the chances are vanishingly slim.
It's not exactly a bespoke cupboard Robinia :)But it'll do for what we need it for . I do know that it's been screwed in very securely and will probably survive WW3...haha.
Neti, is this his state pension or a private pension. If private it'll depend on the t&c's of his former employer/s.E.g if Mr S dies before me I get 75% of his company pension.I don't know about state pensions but she could try contacting the DWP.
Thanks . I have a feeling she hasnt told the pensions office about his death yet. I'll leave it to her.
Good day. Nice sunny day here but cold. Urgent call from Athens, running out of money, so had to empty my pension bank, wait ages in post office only to be told Western Union not working! Hotfooted it to a locutoria ( a foreign shop where Arabs go for dealings with home) and managed to send it! B..... KIDS! Am now completely broke!! Can't tell Mr N, he'll go mad!!
Athens is running out of money? That's what comes of joining the euro.
No worries jno, I've sorted Athens out. Like I do keeping UK afloat every summer with my pension!
Robi what do you think of Corrie atm? Isn't it awful? I now watch the 80's ones in the afternoons. Much nicer!
Good morning empty biddyland!
Guess who left the mini oven on all night? Oh dear it's starting!!
Hija leaves Greece today. She loves it, says it is beautiful and the People so friendly.
Morning all
It's freezing out there ,no snow though .Looks as if it'll be getting worse later with high winds and rain forecast.
We've had several holidays in Greece Neti.Would love to go back but doubt I ever will now.
Nothing exciting to report. I unpacked a box of stuff yesterday.Found what must be plates given out at confirmations with a picture of Jesus and a bible text on them. I think they must have belonged to the great aunts of Mr S. There are three, all dated and are over 100 years old.
Hope you're all ok .Keep warm.
Morning all... thankfully no snow here just a bitterly cold wind but it's been blue sky and sunshine and the washing's been flapping wildly. The grey clouds are looming now though :(

We don't know what to do with family 'treasures' but we really need to do's just a case of getting a round tuit.

Yes neti, Corrie's terrible, no one is real anymore, people just aren't like that. Well, the ones I know aren't and I'm almost a northener. I've never like Anna so the sooner she goes the better. The only amusing ones are Tim and Sally.

My routine last thing at night includes locking up, checking all gas taps are off and the fridge and freezer are closed tight. Then I can relax, teeth out, curlers in, embalming lotions on :)
My routine at night is clear kitchen, have a bath then bed in time for Corrie (8.30). I usally do lock back door and turn everything off, and I thought Mr N would check when he retires at midnight but apparently he doesnt as I have left back doir unlocked in the past and its not been soitted! Had i got up at 9.30 to make coffee I would have spotted it!
Hija's flight to Estambul was delayed an hour but luckily she has time to catch connecting flight to Dubai. She loves Greece so we are planning on going there next January as long as there is not a run on my pension!!
January, neti? I'm told it can be very pretty

(That's apparently this winter)
Oh yes jno that would suit me very well. But hija said it wasnt too chilly there.
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hello all. My beloved laptop is back with noo battery and I am happy again. Tis blooming cold here though not as windy as forecast
Woofy glad you are happy again! My lappy needs a new battery but i just use it as a desktop one now.
Back in the good books as i made a delish turkey curry with a veg side curry. I have ensured that all kitchen equipment id off and back door is locked so I can rest in peace. Oops Corrie's on.
a bit nippy out there but we went to see one of the winter lights exhibitions and had a Carluccio on the way back
Afternoon! Jno that looks really nice. Just not sure I cba yo go out in the cold to see them.
But chilly here today.
New good hairdresser in town so asked price of spiky hair cut. €35!!! Ill stick with my chinaman at €10!
Afternoon all
Very pretty lights Jno.
Freezing here and awful windy and stormy last night. Been quite a bit of damage round the county,trees down etc.
Our fence at the side went for a burton ,not the whole thing but the cross battern split and several panels went flying.I think it's seen better days anyway so I had a chat with my neighbour and she said we could go halves on a new one which was nice of her .It's only a short fence so shouldn't be too expensive. The young chap the other side has shored it up for now.We've been very lucky with our new neighbours and it was worth putting up with all the DIY for months on end.
Hope you're all ok .

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