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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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that's even normaller in this house :)
Oh dear another old friend's wife has died. They ran one of the most successful bars in Ibiza back in '73 and we had so much ridiculous fun. She was 81 . Her OH is in a fug and so lost, as they were married 63 years.
Hands knees and bumps adaisy....
Shaney I do hope Mr S gets sorted soon. They are a worry arent they, these men!
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Shaney I hope the doc sorts Mr S out in short order. I am channelling a huge dose fo good health for all of us for 2018
Hello all
It's been a lovely sunshiney day but chilly so I left the house. I had to go out as so fed up stuck indoors and desperately wanted fresh air and sunshine. So drugged myself up and went to Morrisons with Mr.S Had some lunch ,few bits of shopping and tottered back.
I don't like those wet rooms one bit .We had one in a house we lived in the Netherlands and I used to feel all exposed standing under the shower as it was so big.I used think someone was going to leap through the door and say ..Ve haf vays of making you talk...
Sorry about your friend Neti. 63 years is a long time to be together .Same as my brother ,they were together 65 years in total,so the poor chap must be lost.
I'm sure there's nothing too much wrong with Mr S . He's not lost any weight and he goes out for a walk nearly every day.It was just that he said he felt dizzy and a bit wobbly the other day,so it could be high BP.Best to get it checked .The lump hasn't got any bigger but it still needs looking at.
Did you get the Poirot book for nothing Jno? I got it the other day .It's one I hadn't read . Hope your OH is feeling a bit better now especially after the spectacular shower and that the rest of you and the woofers,torties,mousey etc are all ok.
Btw Woofy, I've just read a book called The Mitford Murders by Jessica Fellowes .Another one of those between the wars type book.
Based on the true story of the Florence Shore Nightingale murder which took place on a train in Bexhill circa 1919 after she had returned from being a nurse during WW1.Very good ,something you may like too.
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Thanks Shaney, its now heading for my Kindle
A quick visit for now, I've done a speed read and things don't seem to be going well in here so I'll be back for a better look at you all.

I just wanted to send you good wishes for your birthday jno...happy birthday isn't really appropriate...wishing it was better for you.
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What Robi said. I hope that your birthday brings you good news.
Happy Birthday jno
Was trying to do a card but all things techno are up the spout at home so am doing this sitting at a pavement cafe in the cold and wet.
Hope OH is ok
Have as good a day as you can on your birthday Jno. Best wishes to you. I hope things are improving for you OH.
Afternoon all...oh dear me, this home is less Saturday and more Hell's Kitchen.

I echo what the others have said jno, your OH is in hospital for good reason, you can't do everything yourself. Take it as easy as possible, we don't want you to be ill, and get back home soon.

Hope you're coping neti...and mr s too shaney. Keep on baking, I can't remember the last time I had a bun in the oven. The mini demolition squad brought me some home made cup cakes ...not fairy cakes I was informed :)...on Sunday, along with flowers and goodies. They make me laugh, a question a minute and an answer for everything. I told them I'd be in trouble if I gave them too much sweet stuff to which little man snowflake said the police will come and you'll go to jail. haha...harsh punishment for grandparents these days.

I went down mexico way yesterday for a meds review and all set for a moan about my painful jaw but it actually eased at the weekend, typical. I did tell him how bad it had been (almost in despair last week, it goes right down my ear and up/down my face) and he was very sympathetic. Guess what? Bloomin hurts again today. pah!

Chin up every one, surely we're due a good spell, health and weatherwise.
Birthday bumps
Ah my previous post is missing not in wormhole.
Mr N and i celebrated jnos birthday by having a lunch out. I had confit of duck and it was ace.
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hoping that Jno is out enjoying life even if its enjoying hospital life
Went out for a birthday meal with sis but the service was almost comically bad. My steak was nice but hers was barely warm (so they popped it in a microwave); at the end she asked, politely, what became of the sour cream with her potato skins and the waitress said indignantly "You should have asked" (we said "We did, it's called ordering") and we had to ask for her dessert three times. We didn't bother tipping.

A friend came and took me out for the day while another friend came to the hospital and sat with OH, so that made a nice break for a few hours. We are hopeful OH is about to be discharged but nobody's yet turned up to do a blood test, so it could be some time yet. However the weather is warm and sunny, and I am wincing at the thought of more blizzards at home; OH is definitely better off out of that.
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yes...while you may want to get home, sun and no snow definitely has its advantages. I am glad to hear that you had some birthdayish stuff today and that OH is improving....also now the docs know what is going on, a longer stay till things are more stable is better perhaps than coming home and starting again on "what seems to be the problem"
Pleased to hear you had a nice day Jno.
Yes, we're in for a few bitterly cold days again with snow forecast but I don't think it's going to be as bad as the beast from the east. However if OH is feeling better the warmth and sun will do more good than the cold here.
Yoohoo Robinia.So d's law that when you get in the surgery whatever it is eases off.This miserable weather isn't helping anybody.
I want hot sun on my bones.I made two Weetabix cakes today and froze one.I've still got forty loaf tin liners .You'll all be getting one for Christmas :)
Night all .Sleep tight .
Mornig all
Jno glad you did something special on your birthday and pleased OH is improving.
Ok Shaney what is a weetabix cake?
Am off for a ECG a bit later, am not panicking as thinmy heart is still ticking.
Hi woofy and Robi

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