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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Hello peeps. Just anther quiet boring fiesta. Mr N went to work.
Yes woofy we play that music in car.
Weather here very clement, lots of early tourists (I blame Ryanair for starting direct flights so early) No idea where these people stay as hotels are not yet open. They are in shorts and tees and we locals are still in boots and jackets!
Yet another bump
...and again
Oh the flute playing hobgoblin was back at 4am. 4 times it sounded. I was frozen under the duvet honestly. It terrifies me. Its a sad haunting couple of notes
And the damned cat was out and shouting to get in, i opened the window, the mossie blind and the shutter quickly and grabbed Mousey and shut it quicky. It really scares me! Mr N says it's is something to do with all my internet stuff!!!
And now my bed has chocolate stains! Honestly i can't eat a creme egg and half a chocolate egg without getting in a mess!!!
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thank you for the e card Jno, it must have come the scenic route
I have replied to Easter card jno. It arrived on time but I didn't recognise who it was from and have just had a reminder. Very pretty.
Sorry about the postal delays, they all went at the same time give or take five minutes, but I suppose Easter traffic jams and all that.
Good morning all. Dull and overcast just as I need to wash my bedding due to choc staining!
Jno how is OH getting on? Mind you Im getting a lot of heartburn these days in the daytime.
Robi that was a good Corrie wasnt it although I did predict that Phelan had planned his "death" but from the fishing boat. Ive grown to like him!!!
OH is going for a final preflight checkup tomorrow. Unfortunately things are not looking as good as I hoped, OH has reverted to just energy drinks and yogurt and they are not going down very fast (though not coming back up again). OH suspects the duodenum is closing up again. Plus the jaundice is getting worse so OH looks like Bart Simpson.

We’ll have to see what Dr Gastro thinks.
Oh poor OH jno. Not good is it. Is it a direct flight home and if so how long?
Got all bedding washed and dried but due to some twisting in drier it now needs ironing!!!
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oh no!
So after typing my last post I went straight into spare room and ironed it all! [Deep joy!]
Just heard that one of my little ex pupils has died aged 50. Its not right . She was Dutch and could speak 7 languages at the age of 5 years.
Ive forgotten how to type in italics! Help!!
Direct flight, Neti, about 28 hours, lands Saturday and we may end up in A&E soon after that. But we’ll see what the doc here recommends, he’s been pretty good.

That’s very sad, Neti, 50 is so young these days.
28 hours jno! I couldnt do it. 6 hrs from Dubai bored me silly. You'll be in the skies same time as hija, do try to avoid her plane !
28 hours Jno ? I'd be stir crazy.I hope you have plenty of leg room.
Sorry to hear things are not so good.I expect you'll be glad to get home.
Another gloomy drizzly day but it brightened up a bit in the late afternoon.
That's very sad Neti ,far too young.
I see one of my favourite authors died last week.Philip Kerr.He was 62 .I love his Bernie Gunther books.There's one last book in the series to look forward to though which he had finished before he died.
Not much doing here otherwise. Night all.
We were originally having a few days in Hong Kong but I decided it wasn’t a good place to be sick in, so we canned that and are flying straight home (with a couple of hours rushing between planes). Get home ASAP is the plan.

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