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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Stent remap day approaches. OH has been feeling tired, and has turned yellow, because of the bile duct blockage but hopefully that will all cease when the stent has gone, but the duodenum will stay open.

OH suspects this was all caused when they took some biopsies before Christmas, since the healing was going well before that but the scar tissue appeared afterward. Annoying if true.
More bumps.
And more.
Remap? Removal.
Hello all.
Oh goodness me jno. I do hope it all goes well.
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hello all. mega fingers crossed for Jno's OH. Discovered why I was so tired yesterday, it turned into the mother of all stomach upsets, spent most of last night wandering from bed to loo and back. Happily picking up again today.
Oh dear woofy, you are nocturnal arent you? Hope you feel better today.
Woohoo, 75,000 answers, that’s what comes of sitting on a sofa for two months solid. I seem to have lost a badge at the same time; perhaps it was one for short-termism.

Oh well, better out than in, woofy?
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hello all, feeling much better today thanks, hope everyone is feeling chipper
OH is stent-free and eating (having fasted before the gastrostrosoposcopy): hopefully all will be well for ever, the jaundice will go away etc etc. I am optimistic, anyway, in spite of previous ops that failed within 12 hours.
Well done jno's OH. Keep up the good work. Am just going off for blood tests. I usually go at the crack of dawn but decided to be the last today.
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That is good news Jno. Hope things continue well for you both
Much as i dislike summer it is a summery day today and gorgeous. Ive cleared out some rubbish fromshelves on back patio. Old saucepans etc but didnt realise as one was still full of manky oil which spilled in the car boot. Grrr, no idea how to recycle it all and huge vinegar pickled onion jars so just put in household and glass bins. Couldnt open the jars to get vinegar out as rusted !! Still so much more to do. Where does it all come from????
Robi, what about Holby then? Ive gone right off Oliver Valentine, has he left the programme? and all that nose stuff coming out of Henrik, well not nice!!!!
Hello all
Nice bright day but chilly. Yesterday was dire,rain all day.
Pleased to hear about your OH Jno .Hope things continue to be on the up.I expect you'll be glad to get to home.
Hope you're all ok.
My my have you all absconded?
Hope jno and OH are ok! Guess they are winging their way back to Blighty.
Another lovely day here. Had natural nails done, she filed them shorter as they are weak and tend to bend which puts my teeth on edge. Now reasonable looking nails painted pearl pink. It was my nails that has split it was the gel polish. We have acrylic long ones put on in the summer.
How is everyone?
Hi shaney didnt see you there!
Yay shaney we are up and running. The Americans series 6 episode 1 now downloading!
Hello, here I is...what day is it? No idea where I am in space and time. We had a couple of glorious days and I overdid it outside so I've been paying for it ever since, headaches etc, and my sleep pattern is a kaleidoscope. I never learn. The weather's rubbish now, cold and wet.
Sorry for my random visits, my head's all over the place, every time I think I've got things sorted something goes and gets me all of a dither again. Hey ho, enough about me.

I'm pleased there's good progress for your OH at last jno, everything's crossed for a complete recovery now.

Neti I don't know what's happening to Holby, it's nothing like it was. I don't like any of the new ones, bring back Zosia and Arthur (not possible I know but they brought Bobby Ewing back to life in Dallas)

Hope you're all as well as possible. I won a LD on the lotto last night and £2 on a £1 instant so it's not all bad :)

Thursday...I hope it's Thursday, I've put the bin out.
Still another week of sunbathing, Neti, who knows, I may end up the same yellow as OH. (I had expected the jaundice to start fading by now.) I hope Europe’s weather is picking up properly and no more beasts from the east.

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