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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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Congratulations Woofy and DH a bit late but Hope you've had a good day. x
Woofy ..Happy Anniversary to you both .Congrats and wishing you both many more happy years together and most of all good health xx
Evening all. I want to be a morning person but I just feel better in the evening and during the small hours of the night. All those years I worked and got up at a quarter to six, I don't think I ever fell asleep before 2a.m. I've tried hard to reform but when I go to sleep at ten in the evening I wake up at 12 or 1 in the night. I'm kinda sad about it cos when I am forced to go outside in the morning I love it so much, it's a different world, squeaky-clean. But then I fall helplessly asleep in the afternoon and feel like crip, or I stay awake for far too long - and feel like crip. Da night is in mah bloodz, I guess. (Sorry, bit of lolspeak there:)

Been out to buy some turqoise boxes (boxes the colour of turquoise) and to check a handbag out. I like my old handbag but I landed on it four times last winter, lol, so... it's a bit worse for wear. Anyway, I've seen one I like but the flap was damaged, grrr. Can't find it on the internet!

Somebody told me a true story about somebody they knew who was out walking and felt sort of stalked cos there was this sound of somebody walking behind and every time she stopped, it stopped. It was a weird sound, like the shadow had a metal heel. When she got home she found a hanger dangling from the sash of her coat... I guess it had been colliding with her bag or something for every step she took. So yeah they do have a life of their own! Amen and out! (I giggled during this morning's assembly:)

Congrats Woofy and Mr Woofy!

Neti lovely photo of Ibiza sunset, you are one lucky (if bald;-) biddy.
oh I can easily cat na....
hehe...Heck, you lot come alive at night & here am I propping my eyes open with microstiks & it looks like I'm ignoring you.
I don't seem to have chance recently to cat nap, always something to attend to, phone ringing, Charlie wanting to go out, come in, go out again...

I used to write a little something in a diary every day, did it for years, but these past few years I've let it lapse. I never, ever write down feelings and thoughts though, well hardly ever...heaven forbid, someone might read what's going on my head :o/
When I'm peed off I just garden or come in here & swear, thwack neti and slam desk lids on my head. :o)

Many Congratulations woofy & Mr woofy, love, best wishes & good health!
I'm not far behind you Robi. I'm sitting here doing a Sudoku and listening to the radio and yawning my head off!! I wont be long before I'm off to bed....
I'm still up too..listening to something on the radio with Quentin Letts about public libraries .
I used to write a diary when I was at school and still have them but that was the only time I ever wrote one .
My diary these days consists of peoples birthdays ,anniversaries,appointments ,hair ,doctor ,hospital ,shopping lists and so on .
My days of writing about boys ,dates ,clothes and the time of the month fizzled out somewhere along the line :)
Hahaaa......teenagers go to libraries to induge in heavy petting apparently ........

There's nothing new under the sun .....

Hands off my public library Mr Cameron !
oh no shaney, not something else I missed out on at the library (I could never find the books with the mucky bits in) it too late now?

I don't think I'll be able to focus on the sudoku, I think much scribbling will be done.
Sorry Lottie didn't realise your email was the thread ! Wrote an epistle on here and then lost the chuffing thing so I lost the will to live (or write anymore!) I don't know where my Notebook is on here so cannot write on there first. Happy Anniversary Woofy and OH .i loved school and wanted to be a Teacher but events and circumstances prevented it. Favourite subjects were everthing except Music -I could never identify notes being played on the piano -excellent at the theory side of it so always got 50% .Loved the actual music being played though .Passed the 11+ and went to Grammar School ,loved it .Hopeless at GYM -too short and stocky -played netball in our green blouses and navy blue knickers in the playground to the delight of the boys in the next building ! Will leave here in case I lose it again .Bye for now xx
Hi Dolly.. Good to see you wondered where you were.
Well I've just listened to a programme about Butlins really good with the likes of Shane Fenton, Johnny Ball, Ringo, Cliff Richard and many more who all started or appeared in the entertainment there. Well I'm off to bed now, Goodnight Campers oh no sorry Goodnight Schoolmates!! See what I did there? :~)
See yere later 'gater(s) x
Aaaw the lovely Elton .
I went to see him live in Rotterdam years ago .Brilliant man .Wonderful concert .Just him and a piano and a bit of orchestral .He was marvellous .

Oh Yoohoo Dolly . Late for school :)).Nice to see you .Hope all is Ok with you and yours in the land down under .

I really ought to go to bed ..but there you go ..I've livened up now ..strange .And tomorrow morning I'll be like a bear with a sore a rse .
Perhaps I'll go and see what knockout drops Mr S has in the way of drink in the cupboard .......Hmmm.....
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Are you still there Shaney? Mr LL has just gone to bed and I am thinking about it. Been gardening and been bitten all over the place again, as has Mr LL. It must be something lurking out there that is getting us both. I am once again itching all over. At least I know it's nothing in the house or on the animals.

I never did like Elton or his music I'm afraid apart from 'Daniel my Brother' or whatever it is called. He comes only slightly above Cliff Richard in my list of dislikes.

Don't tell Jude, but I don't like Jamie Cullen either. What I do like is the Monday evening radio with the gorgeous ex Manfred Mann Paul Jones. I just love the old R and B music.

Nice to see Dolly, glad to see you. Infuriating when you lose a long thread isn't it!! I did it the other day.

Try going to your start menu and seeing if you have Notepad on there. It usually is. If not go to start again and try clicking on run. Type in 'Notepad' and it should open.

Never have really watched The Bill, but tonight watched the last ever episode. It was quite good - but somewhat late now for me to start watching it!!

Off to Morrisons in the morning to replenish the food cupboards, so must make an effort to get up. If I can get up and out I am often the better for it. But it is such as effort at the moment. Even thinking about getting ready wears me out. The dreams about my Mum last night have stayed with me all day. We had such a traumatic relationship since my Dads death in 1981 and it's all coming back now. I had tried to push it all to the back of my mind, but it's not working.

See you all tomorrow. Thanks for being there and for being so lovely.
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Attention Shaney. Message for you in Books and Authors. xx
Haha very own FAO ..fame at last ....don't tell Sqad :)

Ooh yes the lovely Paul Jones ..Chatham Central Hall circa 1964 ...5-4-3-2-1..
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Do you ever listen to his programme on Tuesday evenings Shaney. He's still absolutely gorgeous. I liked his successor too, Mike D'arbo. He is still very much involved in the music industry, but hasn't aged as well as Paul.
they have finally released Privilege on DVD (don't think it was ever on videotape)

as I recall Paul Jones and Jean Shrimpton were rather good
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Jean Shrimpton was just lovely. What a gorgeous pair these two made
I don't think I ever saw that Jno ....must have been made in the sixties .I remember The Shrimp .
Funnily enough on Movie Roadshow this week there was a home movie clip about the mods and rockers and these youngsters doing a mod revival thing in London in the eighties .Clubs and music and so on .
Dan was flapping as usual .)
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Nite nite both.

I have been reading through this.

Have you ever met him jno? You seem to have met a lot of people in the broadcasting industry.

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