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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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good morning all and thank you for your good wishes. We had a pleasant evening eating steak and drinking champagne. sorry to hear that the Pledge spray isn't working Lottie.
Hi Dolly glad you made it. My in box is full of letters from nice folk offering me ATM cards preloaded with thousands of dollars, and its easy to lose stuff.
I remember when Privelege came out. There was a huge furore around the fact that Paul Jones was photographed with a halo. i always thought he had a lovely smile.
Does anyone else remember a string of LP's (vinyl) called The Rock Machine? DH had cassettes of some of them when we first met. Anyway the cassettes went the way of all cassettes and we never found replacements until this year when i found the vinyl versions on Amazon. I got them for him for his birthday together with a clever turntable that plugs into a computer and turns the sound into an MP3. I feel like I am travelling backwards in time at the reading Ngio Marsh and Georgette Heyer, baking cakes and listening to the music of my youth. Its very comfortable somehow.
Lottie if your brain wants to revisit old hurts then you won't stop it (personal experience) Listen to your brain and it will stop yelling at you in your dreams.
Mornig you lot, blimey you can't 'arf rabbit!

Glad that thwacking me is therapeutic Robi, glad to be of help!

Woofy unmatching socks, eeek!

We saw Paul Jones in a greek restautant in Brompton Road in 1979, he was good looking !
Good morning school ☼
At last a decent night's sleep, well I woke at about 3.30 but the next thing I knew it was 6am... then 6.45...that'll do for me
c'mon get moving...

You too Dolly, glad you made it, you've some catching up to do. To find notepad you could try clicking Start - All Programmes - Accessories - Notepad.

shaney I'm very envious that you've seen Elton live, I thought I was the only fan here (although Vinny's posted Tiny Dancer a couple of times). I love his music especially the early love songs. I've never been one to bother with live gigs, there tends to be people there :o) but there's a handful of people I wouldn't have minded seeing.
I listen to Paul Jones occasionally, my hippy friend was sure that one of his songs was significant for wasn't then so I wait to see if it ever is.
And I quite like Jamie Cullum but I prefer Michael Bubbly.

Think I need to go back to the shops today, I remembered something earlier I'd forgotten yesterday...only now I've forgotten what I remembered.
there you go, I was awake again at 3am (but thinking of you lot) I realised that it was only 2am back in old blighty, so I am defo out of tune with the Biddies! Want to go shopping but can't think of a thing that I need!!!
My mother died 21yrs ago and whenever i dream of her is she always cross with me, it is most upsetting. I rarely dream of my dad!
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Morning All,

Neti we seem to have had similar mothers. My mother was very much the life and soul of the party and really attractive. She was also very attention seeking and liked to control people and be in charge. She turned against me when my Dad was very ill and then passed away. She used to be really nasty to him and she really did turn me against him in my childhood. It was only when I left home that Dad I I became really firm friends. He also was a very attractive man and had many facets to his life, but he was far from attention seeking. Everybody liked him. After he died, I think she felt guilty and turned it on me. His illness and the period afterwards were one of the worse times of my life. I had lost my Dad and my Mum did her best to make my life miserable.

My dreams too are about dreadful rows with my mother and her screaming at me and going hysterical (which she did!).

I have tried to sort this out with various counsellors, but to no avail. My childhood was happy and my parents were both good to me, but I think the relationship between them and my mothers influence have caused my acute anxiety.

Having said all that, I feel better. So I might just write my feelings down for you all.

I am off to Morrisons shortly and then back to the garden. Later this afternoon I will take Meggie for a run in Holt Country Park and am then driving to Sheringham to meet Mr LL for a walk along the prom, and then back to Holt for a meal. The weather is so glorious.

Thanks for being there.

May I point out that the socks in my picture are not actually mine - I plucked them out of the interweb ether!!

I don't wear holey socks!!

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Phew, what a long thread that turned out to be and I didn't use notepad!!!
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I quite like Michael Bubblegum too. Just can't take to Jamie or his music though. I still love Robbie Williams and idolise Tom Jones.

Cliff Richard was on the Radio this morning...................... I didn't let him spoil my day!!
Morning all Lovely morning but a bit chilly, got a cardi today. I'm pleased it helped a bit to write down your stressful story Lottie. I have a recording of my story which takes all of 2 minutes and it would give you the reasons why my life has been in turmoil a lot of the time. That doesn't mean I'm not having a good life and have memorable times cos I am. Dear me, that's a bit deep for this time in the morning so I'll change the subject.
A not very much livlier one though.I'm off for my 3 monthly blood test today. I've decided to walk there and back as I didn't do much yesterday. Hoping the test is ok.
Also hoping the weather stays like it is cos I've washed my rugs and they are out to dry.
Have to organise my car service and MOT today as well. More expense.
I heard Cliff on the radio too this morning Lottie, I'm not his greatest fan either. I wonder how much plastic surgery he's had and hair dye. He must have had some.
I only remember dreaming about my Dad once since he died and in it I was on the phone to him telling him I had bought a piano. That dream I do remember, I was in Amereca with Obama in a limousine and I told him I wanted to speak to my Dad and he stopped by a phone box so I could ring him. Daft innit!! Have no idea why America!! I do dream about my Mum but she is always a young woman in them.
Off now ~ have a good day each!
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Hi Jude,

Just wanted to say that generally I have had a good life and don't want to sound complaining. Just think that the last couple of years, the issue with my Mum and how I feel after her death, and this ruddy arthritis have got to me. I have actually visibly aged in the last year and my hair is turning quickly grey!! Don't think much of that either.

But hey ho, I'm off out. Life is what you make it - but sometimes it's so difficult to start making it good.

Hope your blood tests are OK. Mine are overdue, but I don't want to see my doctor whilst I feel like this because he would ask me what the problem was and I would probably cry!!!

Off to Morrisons.......................... how exciting!!

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By the Way - Shaney, am always thinking of you and Mr S. xxxxx
My anxiety/depressive side is most certainly inherited from my mother/grandmother...thankfully my pottiness is inherited from my dad's side to balance things up a bit...wouldn't surprise me if I'm borderline bi-polar.

Why oh why have Take That taken Robbie back? Their comeback has been great, I freely admit to liking them, especially Gary, and they don't need Robbie. I like his music a lot & he's great on stage but a very worrying personality. ♫ There may be trouble ahead...♫
Morning yokels.
Happy congratts woofy.weathers magic init.I have all the old elton LPs.Yellow brick road..fab.The rock machines one's..fill your head with rock and the one with flock on the front playing violin.must buy the CDs.I like take that since they made there comeback....r.williams...not my cuppa tea.
On the brown dirt cowboy album (inside)there's a pic off elton before he was famous standing on ilfracombe seafront...he and bernie was camping round ere.ooh arrrrr.!(:O)
ooh Vin have you got his old Love songs album, the one with Chloe, Tonight, Elton's song etc, not the newer one? I'd love to find a cd but I doubt I ever will, it was an import from Germany or The Netherlands or somewhere...I'll look for it later, I've remembered what I forgot... :o)
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Hi Vinny,.;

Yes Robbie has a worrying personality, but it brings out the mother in me (as well as other things). He is very vulnerable and I find that an attractive trait.

But surely his worrying personality is nothing compared to Elton!!

I didn't think that Robbie and Take that were back for ever, just for the one tour. I must admit to liking Take That but wouldn't especially going to see them, but with Robbie.................... I would give an arm and a leg for tickets.

Two distinctly different types of people Robbie and Gary, but I respect them both enormously for their talents. I hope that now they are much older and wiser that they don't clash again.
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I must admit some of Elton's earlier was was OK, but nowadays his music is all the same and thoroughly boring >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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My mother's mother, my lovely grandmother was a complete dipstick and I like to think some of me has been inherited from her. The complete hatred of housework and the love of adventure certainly came from her, although my Mum was a very adventurous lady too - never afraid to try anything new or go anywhere new, even on her own. I suppose I am a bit like that, but not at the present time!!

What I need is a kick up the backside. I still haven't got to Morrisons. I've been pulling up weeds!!
Hurry robi...
one left.:O)morning lottie.
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Can't use You Tube at the moment, computer is again running slow. Just as well Vinny when you keep posting links to Elton!!
Lottie, my mother sounds exactly the same as yours (almost) She was very jealous of the love we sisters have for each other, and was always trying to come between us when they came to visit, ie not letting me speak to them on the phone, or saying they were too busy to meet up, but the sisters soon sorted that out. She was a control freak (my sister and I have the same trait)and she always wanted to be the centre of attention, which she was when she was younger. Having said that, she was very good to me when I was in an abusive relationship and she got me out and got me over here away from it all. She did have favourites, my eldest bro and my eldest sister. I was .Dads pet and my poor middle sister felt really unwanted, and talks about it now. She has tuned out to be the best of the bunch, she helps us all and is so kind.

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