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LoftyLottie | 17:22 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | Film, Media & TV
573 Answers
I know it's only fictitious, but the script writers are just so ignorant of how schools are run, what you can and can't do, LEA'S, etc. The whole thing is getting to me now!!! I watch it and am driving Mr LL nutty complaining about all the mistakes whilst I am supposedly enjoying watching it.

I used to quite like it. It is totally ridiculous now!

Anyone agree?


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Neti, yes my Mum was good to me too, but terribly jealous of both my father and my husband. She sort of wanted me all for herself. Any attention I gave to anybody else obviously made her very insecure. She also made a bee line for my boyfriends. Not that she would have done anything untoward, she just wanted me to have less attention and her more. She helped me out a lot financially and would buy us things. However she once sent me a list going back years - like an accounts sheet listing all the money she had given me and what she had bought me. It was weird. When she ever gave me money, she always stipulated what it was for. She also refused to acknowledge Mr LL for years and years. She didn't like him, he didn't take any of her nonsense and never put her first!!

Still haven't gone to Morrisons, the garden and a cup of coffee was more tempting. I will have to go soon!!
Mr n has just called, he's been to the specialist about the inarticulate mouse in his knee, and he's got to have blood tests and something else (which I'll work out when he is here as he doesn't understand it) and then on waiting list for op, which is only a one day stay, and walking in a week! Should be in a couple of months as they don't like unnecessary ops in the summer heat. Hope it's not when I'm in England.
Lottie, SNAP!! My mum ignored Mr N when she could as he also wouldn't pander to her whims, and she's caused a lot of probs with me and my eldest bro by saying that Mr N wouldn't do things that she asked, the only thing I can remember is that he wouldn't install an illegal gas heater in an unventilated space as it was too dangerous, and for this, my bro hasn't bothered with me for 32 years. It hurts sometimes, but I've got used to it. My eldest sister panders to my eldest bro (who fiddled my dad's will and owed us a lot of money each when we found out) so she can be a bit strange, but luckily I have many more bros and a sister, so no probs. I do stand my ground though when they argue. It'll be fun all meeting up in 3weeks time!!!
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Hi again Neti. They do sound very similar. My Mum put a lot of our family against Mr LL by saying how dreadful he was and how he would never help her. What she in fact wanted was a son-in-law who would be at her beck and call, a handyman, a chauffeur, etc. etc. Well, it didn't happen. Funnily enough for the last two years of her life she thought he was wonderful and tried to turn him against me!!

No wonder I am mixed up!!

I am an only child Neti.
I am the 6th child of 7,(not counting the adopteds) but you and I have parallel lives. The rest of my siblings get on with Mr N although as they live in other foreign climes they rarely see us anyway, but do invite us to stay with them! Mr N is not coming to the family reunion, he just is too laid back to worry about any of it, and has warned me to keep my mouth tightly closed! let's see if I can!!!
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Mr LL is laid back too Neti. Good job really having me around with all my anxieties. He is now accepted by my family. I have opened up and told them the truth about things. It is amazing how much I have learned from them about what my mother has told them in the past. She was very good at fabricating as well!! She was an excellent actress.
Are we sisters Lottie, identical mothers!!!!
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I wish you were my sister Neti!! Would be good fun. And Mr N and Mr LL would probably get on very well!!
Hello, not interferring in your conversation Neto and Lottie but what you were talking about made me think about my Mum and how she was. I remember very well when me and my husband separated, even though there was no 3rd party involved, she was on 'his side', and I felt there was no loyalty to me. Of us 3 older girls I was the middle one and always felt left out and was always vieing for my parent's attention but never got it. I have always had the feeling I was just a war baby. I told my sister about it the other week and she couldn't believe that was how I'd felt all these years.
Also I have just read my last post and I apologise for it sounding quite melodramatic. It wasn't meant to at all and I'm sorry about that.
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You are welcome to join in our conversations Jude. That is what these Biddie threads are for. We are all friends after all. I thought Neto was a cheap stack em high supermarket!!

Your last post was just fine. You have nothing to apologise for.
Oh well done Vinlock! Shame it's Australia & funny money, I'll ask Tarquin to work that out for me, I'm terrified of internet shopping, I just know one day I'm going to open the door to find the elephant I accidentally ordered has arrived :o)

Well I just did my famous trick of not eating & had a minor wobble...better now I've stuffed my face! :o)

Can we have a home entitled'll run for the rest of our time on the internet, haha...on the 10th it'll be 9 yrs since my mum passed away, I think I'm just starting to understand her.
You do realise that somewhere out there our offspring are banging their heads because of their mothers...hahahaha
Welcome jude, yes my middle sister feels the same way, we are all war babies although my middle sister and I are of doubtful parentage, but why is that our fault. i carry the shame although it was not of my doing!

Ha ha lottie, Mr LL and Mr N would just sit in companionable silence!
Yers Robi, mine keeps blocking and then unblocking me from FaceBook!!!!!

This is my heart's delight (hopefully it's the right one)
OCD woman alert! :o)
I cannot believe how much easier and less stressful it is now to hang out the washing, love it!
Neti, if it feels good do it.... We have been buying up IKEA, including a bottle of Lingonberry juice, the lad on the counter looked at it and asked me if it tasted nice? I said dunno, never tried it before "Hmm" he said "It looks like a bottle of medicine to me!"
I hope his manager didn't hear lol.
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Quite honestly Neti, I don't think I could ever get excited by clothes pegs!! But whatever turns you on.....................
....and Mr n has phoned and is bringing home a curry, yum, me having spent all afternoon making a meat, pot and mushroom pie, still, never mind eh?

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