Lottie, SNAP!! My mum ignored Mr N when she could as he also wouldn't pander to her whims, and she's caused a lot of probs with me and my eldest bro by saying that Mr N wouldn't do things that she asked, the only thing I can remember is that he wouldn't install an illegal gas heater in an unventilated space as it was too dangerous, and for this, my bro hasn't bothered with me for 32 years. It hurts sometimes, but I've got used to it. My eldest sister panders to my eldest bro (who fiddled my dad's will and owed us a lot of money each when we found out) so she can be a bit strange, but luckily I have many more bros and a sister, so no probs. I do stand my ground though when they argue. It'll be fun all meeting up in 3weeks time!!!