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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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jaw is calming down, it no longer feels as if being kicked by a horse, more by a pit-bull. Feeling groggy from all the pills I have crammed down (I have stopped cramming the other one up). Maybe I will wander round AB writing incoherent posts that confuddle people.

Finally got onto Britain from Above and found a photo of the far end of my street. That's about all Google Street View does too, so obviously our leafy garden suburb has been revelling in anonymity for a long time.
Good morning all..must have been a "lets torture biddies" night last night. I had cramp on and off all night and my puffy paw is back so another quiet day today. lol at jno's post about wandering around making confusing posts, do we need medication to do that? I thought is was the default state of biddydom.
Good Morning all. I'm about back to normal now with washing etc. My Dental appointment is in half and hour. I'm goin to discuss the price of a partial denture replacement which I have. Apparently you can get one that isn't rigid like they usually are. It molds (Sp!) to the roof of your mouth, very thin and see-throughable. I have seen one and they look good so I'm going to discuss prices and try and get one on the N.H which I have doubts about.
Later it will be tennis for me. Anybiddy somewhere interested in it as well. I'm also trying to organise a trip down to Devon to see Steadier.
Steady, here, is still having problems and is a worry at the moment. His girlfriend is over at the with him but she is on cutches after a foot op. What a pair. I just hope they both get well soon.
Anyway, it looks lovely out there, I hope it is where you all are. So I'm off...
Laters 'gaters!
cutches!!! Ym Pytign etgs rowse!!
grey but okay here. I have just managed to shower. I think we'll go out later if it stays cloudy. I am also creating a beaded evening bag to enter in the crafts section of the local show (the one what my mate is show sec of) If it turns out okay i will post pics, its a slow business though as its hand sewn so i can only do it when dogs are quiet otherwise they come to see what i am doing and try to get their nose between the needle and the fabric.
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Very brave of you Woofy .If I was sewing thme on they all fall off the minute you opened the bag :)
Glad your teeth are somewhat easier Jno .There were quite a few pics of our area on there .One was of the massive wood yards that used to be on the quays .Alas they are all gone now .It also showed the church and the rows as they looked before it was all bombed during the war .Also the seafront which all looked very genteel pre kiss me quick hats and candy floss .
Are you feeling a bit ragged Robinia ?
I hope you feel better now and that you have blue skies rather than the blues It's a lovely day here ,warm and sunny ,washing out and had my brekkie in the garden for the first ( and probably the last if the weather doesn't hold ) time this year !
Good luck at the dentist Jude .
Pip pip for now .
a''s a bit muggy and very overcast out, had to discard a layer at the shops and the t shirt I'm wearing underneath's a tad short...I've probably been tottering round showing me midriff, tut.

I like the tennis Jude but not as much as I used to, I just dip in and out now.

yes shaney, feeling rather ragged and forlorn at the moment...

I keep getting the Isle of Man waved at me, you know, the way when something keeps popping up at random unconnected moments ...someone must be trying to tell me something. I have been there but a long time ago.
Well I'm back from the Dentist. It would have been £650 or £209 so you can guess which I opted for!!

Woofy I get cramp in bed sometimes and when I do it's chronic. I have to jump out and keep bending and stretching my legs. I hate it!

I'm hopeless at sewing except for buttons on and hems up. I'm quite good at knitting though but cant be bothered now.

The rain has stopped play already once today Robi so I'm watching Countdown now instead of waiting to watch it on 4OD.

Eventually Imay get round to washing my dinner pots. I had thewierdest meal. Carrots, broccoli, new pots crispy bacon and cheese sauce - home made with about half a pound of cheese - That might be a slight exageration.

Back in a bit...
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Half a pound of chse Jude ? Blimey ..having said that when I went shopping the other day with my bro and SiL we went for a lunch to a garden centre .i ordered a chs salad and a hot sausage roll thinking it would just be some salad and grated chs ......oh no was two enormous wedges of chs ,new potatoes and mounds of salad ..I wrapped the sausage roll up and brought it home .
Clouded up here now but at least we got some sunshine .I tete a teted with myself while Mr S watched some tennis but it rained and they had to put the roof over he says. I do watch it when it gets nearer to the finals .
Cheer up Robinia .....I'm sending you some pixies to help
Hee Hee! Shaney. I love cheese but don't have it very often because of the fat but when I do I make up for that!!
lol shaney, what the heck are they supposed to be? :)

ooh, change the broccoli to cauliflower Jude and that doesn't sound weird, I love cheese sauce. Think it's a jacket spud for me tonight...with erm, something on it, don't know what.

Piddling down here
I'm not too fond of Cauli Robi!! But I'll give it a go..
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Oh Nooo ....It's a lovely evening here far .The cloud disappeared and it's got out a bit sunny again .I expect it'll rain later though .You can't have to much of a good thing :)
Lol ..backatchya Robinia ...pixies ,gnomes ,dunno really :)
I was just trying a hat on ......but the sandals don't match ...
No Jude, please carry on eating the broccoli...someone's got to :)

lol shaney, I used to know a woman who looked a lot like that...although I never saw her in a bathing cozzy.
It's like a steamy bathroom outside, weird.
I used to eat cauli and broccoli then i grew out of it :-)
We went out to collect the new storage boxes today then had lunch looking at the sea. Its sort of seasidy grey here.
it's when you hear the native drums you have to worry, Robinia.
Its too quiet out there tonight....and the mist is coming down....
Oight oight all
our Olympic tickets have arrived. My jaw is hurting ever so slightly less though it still looks as if I have a tennis ball in my mouth. And some nice comfy Hotter shoes I ordered are waiting for me at the shop. I suppose that means I have made some progress today.

Oight oight.
Good morning to you all, inc fatface and puffywuffy!!

Nice shoes jno but not the type that I would wear. Are they very comfy? Stinking hot here and I am still covered in mossie bites, I scratch and they get worse.

Another day of cleaning and washing awaits me, and damn cooking, so boring.

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Whitechapel tonight

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