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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Enjoy your lie in Woofy ..Oight Oight folks .
well, it's going to be sunny, showery or thundery, depending who you listen to. My mouth is feeling less vile so we may go out and see the opening of the cable car and try a ride. Which means I don't need thundery, thank you.
Oh wow that looks like fun. It has rained overnight here but sunny now and Shughy is much better. I might get back to junk sorting today.
Morning the site up to speed?
Sooo humid here, I'm an all four puffy paws today.

Oh dear jno, be prepared for some stares if you go out. (Remember when my jaw turned all the colours of the rainbow after having a tooth out?) Just tell 'em the other person's in traction and you'll get a cable car all to yourself. Enjoy it.

Woofy I believe you're a year older than me, by the time I read the Wild Swans she had eleven brothers. By my reckoning she must have over 200 now and I expect she has to weave hoodies. :)
oooerrr, it's gone very still and as black as yer 'at here :o/
Ha what a good way to update the story....Its very hot and sticky here. We were going out for lunch but its too hot to pile the dogs in the car. I have done some junk sorting but its hard work so have stopped to do some chips for lunch. Stuff healthy eating.
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hello lovelies
Very humid here too .I've just done some pegging out .What's the betting it'll rain .It's clouding up now .
Hope you are all OK .
Ooh I saw that on the news Jno but I'm afraid you wouldn't get me in it these days . Hope it keeps fine for you .
Weather warning ENORMOUS amount of rain just fell here and it's heading east... heck, I was considering lying in the gutter on me lilo and heading out to sea.
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If I see you floating this way Robinia I'll alert the coastguard and have a cuppa waiting :)
Lol..I've just been sent an email welcoming me to AB ..
Afternon each and every - humid, you don't know the meaning of the word, am drenched, pool is half finished so another couple of days I reckon, can't cope, cannot get dry afte a shower, just to damp!

Sister sent me a lovely £10 maxi dress from Primark it is really pretty and has an elasticed bodice so look OK, will wear it onSat for Golden wedding party. Computer man coming yup today to sort out my utorrent and downloads cos I've beggared up something after all these ye4ars of doing it, can't watch EE or Corrie or anything.

Come on Spain and Nadal (apologies to Mr s!!)
erm, excusez moi neti..."humid, you don't know the meaning of the word"

in Derby it's 94% humidity today whereas Ibiza is 70%

blows raspberry
throws a coconut i HAVE TO PRESS TWO KEYS TO GET THAT!!

Well if you will live in a smokey built up tow of course your humility will be greater!!! ha ha
or town even!!
never mind sport neti, get yourself a spade
I've been offering my land to the public for years, twas only the council who wanted it (for a road), so it is open to offers and weeds at the moment!
Its hot and I have lugged boxed till I am melting and I haven't finished lugging boxes a breeze is coming up which should help a bit. My garage is half full of rubbish again and I haven't yet finished. moan grumble groan
quite sultry out there but it stayed sunny for our little trans-Thames jaunt. Obviously it was a shambles in the great Dome/Terminal 5 tradition as they got the hundreds of first-dayers they were hoping for but still had only three people selling tickets and none of them seemed to know how to work their computers. They also had ticket machines but didn't bother telling anyone. And they sold us the wrong tickets so we had to get out at the other end, walk round and get in again instead of just staying in our little portakabins. Oh, and because of the crowds they whizzed us across in 5 minutes whereas it's supposed to be 10.

But the view is very nice, to Canary Wharf and even the Shard upstream, and ooking down on the Thames Barrier on the other. The Shard opens next week, and I shall be up there like a shot when they open the viewing deck. I do like looking down on people.
lol jno that's your pedigreed breeding. I have finished lugging boxes for the day and I think my junk is breeding. The bedroom is still about 2/3 full and now I have filled half of the garage as well. Hurtyleg is all better so we will be out in the morning.
Help needed, my computer man cannot solve the problem. When i download Eastenders etc to utorrent (a bit torrent) it now say that it cannot find the associated helper and to change association in preferences?? any ideas??
in control panel I think, there is a thing that associates file types with what program you want to open them. So you can say open all jpegs in windows paint for instance. I think there is something similar for music and video type files. but cant really remember any more than that but I hope this helps. it might be that you will beed to re download a bit of software.

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