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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Well the mental image of jno in a cable car hurtling across the Thames like one one of those whizzy cash carriers has had me in fits...did you come back with a co op divvy receipt and fourpence ha'penny?
I did have to deliver a bolt of Marimekko fabric and a bag of chips on the way back.
can junk reproduce? My garage is filling up and my spare room isn't emptying.....
Thanks puffywuffy, have found that, no absolutely no idea what I have to change it too!!
oh dear, hope all is well in the Shaney household
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Lol..Jno .Mr S looks as if he's lost a pound and found a penny .Picky has a face like a smacked bum and now they are on the blower discussing it all ....
At least I can get to see something I want to see now :)
Neti what are your association options?
It's lovely and cool here and we are all flakers.....oight oight
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Oooh Gawd ....Pumpkin bum is out of Wombledon too .Glum faces in Ibiza no doubt :-)
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Cooled down here too ,nice cool breeze off the sea .Oight Oight .
well, thanks to JJ I know the Cook Islands are still doing well in the netball, so all is not lost

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Oh damn and drat .I've lost my toolbar .The whole lot .
I have no back button ..nothing .Just a blue line along the top and I don't know what to do .Help !!!
sorry shaney probably can't help with that one as I have a mac....What happens if you put your arrow right at the top of the blue line anywhere?

Nice day here, grey and breezy sort of seasidey. Time for a snooze methinks

pumpkin bum lol....wait till Neti sees that!
Good morning all. Hope you are all keeping well. I have been here and there in the past few days as well as watching Footie and Tennis.
Sorry about Nadal Neti. Astonishing match that was. I didn't find out until I saw it after the footie last night.
Shaney have you tried doing a system restore. That's what I do before trying to get help from my local computer shop. I think Germany are going to win the footie if that's any consolation.
I'm looking forward to going to see the Olympic torch going through Derby this evening with Fuschia. Just hope the rain keeps away. I've got my washing blowing in the wind at the mo so it had better do!!
I'm off out for a walk now so see yer later 'gater(s
Morning all...cooler and dull.

bangs side of I know zilch about footy but haven't Germany been knocked out Jude? :o)
Sorry shaney, I'm no computer techie either.

Better creep out before neti gets here....
OOPS Shaney a bit late wasn't I about the footie....sorry
I don't know where I went wrong Robi! I think I need and early night !!!!
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Morning all
Managed to get it back last night after viewing that very post Jno ,..thank you
Luckily I still had my bookmarks so had to shuffle about as I had no back button or open a new tab button.It's not the same as it was and I can't seem to reset Google as my home page. I get AVG coming up as the home page but I've put Google into bookmarks as I prefer that .This all came about because AVG have blocked a crossword forum I use and I clicked around and loused up .
Hope all Ok today .At least we seem to have avoided the dreadful weather some have had .
The Germans are out Jude . Glum faces at Shaneytowers !
I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't dump AVG and install Microsoft Security Essentials, which seems to be all the rage these days. AVG keeps turning up unasked for in toolbars and search pages.
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It does that with me Jno .Picky installed it after we had that Met Police scam thing .
It's a pain . I'm breezing along alright atm but I've realised the printer icon is nowhere to be so ,so can't print off my Guardian crossword .....poop .

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