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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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Morning all...I'm having a bit o' bovver with this site, it keeps timing out. Other sites are ok.

I watched some of that Turn Back Time last night shaney, I wouldn't have wanted to live then either. I'm never sure about including very small children in these things, I felt quite sorry for them when they cried. I fell asleep at some point and woke up in a massive state of panic, horrible, but I managed to get a grip and get myself off to bed.

Dull and muggy here. Hope your new shoes are waterproof jno, looks like plenty more is on ithe way. Hotter shoes are comfy, there used to be some good sales in a shop near to where we visited our brother....I think he spent a fair amount of time parked in his chair in the corner while we looked around.
Hope your mouth's settling down.

now, will this post....?
Good morning all, AB keeps freezing on me too so if I dont get back in after this (assuming you read this ha ha) I am fine. I didn't see turn back time Robi but I agree about not having children in these things, they cant choose and we don't know what harm we may be doing to them, its like having littlies in dramas where the adults row in their presence, I just think its wrong.
Yes, I'm reading you woofy...If I get on here at all I can't move about.
I might go and wash my hair and watch it turn into kapok in the humidity.
Nothing freezes here, I wish it would, unbearably hot. Mr N is going to start on the pool manaña, yay, so I must now brave the fearsome heat and clean the debris from it, including dead things yuk!
Well I know jno and puffywuffy have given op on AB today, but works fine for me. ♫... Lonely, so lonely♫

Man coming tomorrow to sort out y downloading as have3 beggared it all up yet again!! Oh the joys of being an silver surfer, I have surfed off the page, and now we have an invasion of ants which are also biting me!
Am gardening and I'm hot and sticky and still coughing!!

I love broccolli !!! (and I love sprouts too)
Are we moving on here?
I've been pottering an abundance of nettles down the bottom end if you fancy weaving a coat. Some mozzies the size of bats too, it's all this bloomin damp weather.
am back and it seems to be working...apparently they were moving server. Its not me who is the injured party today, as I emailed, Shughy has got a hurtyleg. He was running around fine in the forest this morning then suddenly stiffened up mid morning so I suspect he did something stupid in the garden. He is being very brave about it, eating medicinal chicken like a brave boy and resting lots.
Robi isn't that from the Wild Swans at Coole? The princess who had to weave shirts for her brothers?
Hi All I've been a Lady what Lunches today. Went with one of my tai chyi friends to a Flaming Grill just opened. Really tasty it was too. Then we went for a walk to the Charity shops as my friend is an avid buyer from them. I just mosied along with her and about an hour later we walked home and had a cuppa tea.
Going to watch the footie tonight. I think I might just support Spain this time. Eh Neti are yer listening.
It's beautiful outside now. My washing got dry and I have now a pile of ironing. That wont be done in as hurry I might add. What with tennis as well tomorrow heaven knows when it'll be.

I'm not having a problem with Ab at the moment which is unusual for me or maybe it has improved since earlier.

I'm off now so I hope you all have a good evening see yer later 'gater(s) x
Still blooming hot here, Oh England where art mine England!

Glad you others are here, looking forward to the Spain/Portugal match, I do hope Spain wins cos I hate that Ronaldo big headed wally!!!! (WALLY I said!)
Ooooh, nettles down the bottom end - try Germaloid Robi!!
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Is it working ? Seems to be now .Perhaps someone waved a magic wand .
Hope all Biddies are well .Those shoes look very nice Jno and I've perused that site throughly (twice) but kept my purse in my bag :)
Really hot here today and I wish I had a pool to jump into .Just did a few early errands and then pottered about in out of the garden .

I suppose I could put my feet in a bowl of cold water .......
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I've already told you that Germany are going to win Neti :))
Mr S is dug in already for this evenings game ....clutching his scorecard ...
lol Lottie...there's not a dock leaf in sight either.

yes woofy, I just remember it as The Wild Swans. I loved fairy tales when I was young...some would say I'm still away with the fairies most of the time. Poor Shughy...but I bet he knows how to milk it.
And she didn't have time to finish the seventh shirt, so the youngest brother spent the rest of his life with a swan's wing.
Yes Shughy is milking it. He's much better tonight so i am allowing him out in the garden.
still very battered, face is going black, and groggy from the painkillers - too doped up even to monitor the situation, so no point asking Sqad's advice. I did go and pick up the shoes, which are very comfy. I've put some lasagne into the oven for dinner and... I think that's about it.
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Good grief Jno ...I couldn't put myself through that agony .I'm no wimp and can put up with all sorts but I'm quite happy with my bridge at the top and partial denture at the bottom which was quite enough pain ..thank you :) You are brave to go through that .
Lol Woofy he giving you the sad face ? Chicken always goes down well .
The bruising is evil isn't it? have you tried icepacks?
yes I am getting the woe is me look. bed now and no walk tomorrow so i get a lie in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Whitechapel tonight

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