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Whitechapel tonight

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shaneystar2 | 00:04 Tue 06th Mar 2012 | TV
1089 Answers
When they went into the house to arrest the man they thought was the murderer and he was watching that old film there was Kent and Stockman but who was the other guy ?


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I've used Norton for years and never had a problem with it. I have a thing called Parallels on the Macs that fools a bit of the mac into thinking its a windows computer so i can run Paintshop Pro because that doesn't come in a Mac version. I use Norton to protect that bit of computer and even though Parallels can be tricky, it runs quite happily with Norton.
Its still grey and windy here. if it stays that way we will go out later, if it brightens up I will just pop to tesco as I have run out of dog chews.
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I 've managed to get round it by downloading it as a Pdf .What a faff. I'm going to have to go cap in hand to Picky next time he comes over and I'll get huge sighs, raised eyebrows and "why do you have to fiddle with things Mother "
haha, I know the feeling shaney...I feel guilty asking about computer problems I haven't even caused.
I remember we had just bought a brand spanking new computer years ago (arm and a leg time) DH had to go away for a few days and he was convinced that I couldn't manage alone and would do something silly and burn the house down or similar (I have a bad record with remembering to lock doors and windows) Anyway the first day he was away, I lost my door and car keys at work and the new computer went kaput...was dreading (well not dreading but you know what I mean) telling him when he got home. Was never so relieved in my life as when i found out that a work colleague had taken my keys in mistake for her own and the computer had a mother board fault and would never have worked for long.

I love it when things aren't my fault!!
I feel so daft about the footie. I was thinking about Italy playing Germany in that match which they'd already lost der!!
Just walked 4 miles in 70 minutes not bad for a biddy but I couldn't do it everyday!!
Don't worry Jude, I feel daft about something on a daily basis :)
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Blimey Jude ..I can manage about four yards in seven minutes atm .
My bloomin' leg is playing me up again .All swollen and my instep is really painful .I've had to rub in loads of leg gel and put those ruddy socks on ..Deep joy in this humid weather .
Typical's been fine for ages.I suppose this means a trip to the doctor if it doesn't go down and the leg clinic ..again . Tut and double Tut.
I expect the leg clinic has been missing you Shaney. I just threw the dogs into the car to get some groceries (dog chews) and a sandwich, then the plan was to go over to a local craft shop, park in the village carpark and eat lunch then go and shop the craft shop. Anyway when we got there it was brilliant sunshine and too hot to leave doggies so we ate lunch and came home....its now grey and rainy. Grrrrrr
oooh, hope your leg gets better shaney, I think it's the humidity that causes a lot of inflammatory conditions to worsen. It's a bit better here, it's been sunny this afternoon but very windy.
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Same here Robinia weather wise .
Much as I love the hot weather I'm beginning to think it doesnt love me .
The damp weather doesn't love me either (:
There must be some climate somewhere in the world that loves me !
Me too shaney, I'm sure jno once told me about a place somewhere that was moderate all year round but I've forgotten where it was...can you remind me please jno?

it's probably some remote place where they eat biddies for dinner
lovely and cool here tonight. Wishing you all better health tomorrow. Oight oight.
Hi all! Sorry about your leg Shaney I really hope it eases off soon for you. I think I'm so lucky with aches and pains. I should say without, shouldn't I.
I'm just having a Baileys and coffee with some supper. I've been in for only about half an hour after seeing the Torch go passed in town and I was standing right where it was changed from one carrier to another and we didn't know it was going to be there when we chose our spot. We were on a wall by a church which is now/was a restaurant. Robi willl know where I mean. We waited there for about an hour and half before the torch came along.
Fuschia stayed in town for another walk round but I got the bus home after waiting almost an hour for it. The bus station was so packed. Anyway I don't regret going it was a really good atmosphere with plenty of laughter and fun!
I'm off now to catch up on the tennis so oight oight everybody Sleep tight,
See yer later 'gater(s)
well, here are some suggestions

but I think I'd go for San Diego in California. Las Palmas in the Canaries is highly thought of too.

I feel my health would be perfect in any of the above and my jaw would stop aching.
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Been relaxing with my leg stuck up in the air and watching catch up teevee before I blew my top with a certain person regarding leg ulcers .
If someone asks for peoples experiences I don't think they need a lecture from an ex medic .Hold ....back .
Anyway I watched the Portland Road .Brilliant but sad . I could cheerfully have slapped that woman who sat there pontificating whilst someone filed her toenails .Then I watched The House Fifties Built ...BING BONG Neti ....I just caught the last one .
More 4 won't let me watch the previous ones on my computer unless I download some Adobe thing which I'm not going to do in view of my recent louse up .So I was disappointed as it was very good .
Then I watched The Strange Case of the Law ..also brilliant .
And that's yer lot .I'm orf to bed ...Goodnight all sleep tight .
Morning all, busy today, party tonight, be back when i can.
lol shaney, I saw that post.
Neti is a little gadabout isn't she? Quiet day today I think. I am freecycling atm. Nice man came yesterday to collect some computer speakers and while we were chatting, his girlfriend was on freecycle in the car. She realised I was also offering boxes of mixed stuff for a car boot or fair and her Mum is carbooting today for St Francis animal charity. She said could she have some stuff please so we loaded the car as full as it would take. Happy happy people and happy me.
Brilliant Woofy. I wish the Collectors with the Hooter would come round here tomorrow as I've had 3 bags of things for them. Old toaster, chip fryer, etc. They usually come on a Sunday and have this great loud Hooter thing.
I might be going to Darley Park to nbight to listen to some music. ot definitely made my mind up yet but Fuschia has. We have to take something to sit on as it could be a bit damp if this morning's anything to go by it was Persisting at 6.30 am.

Have a good weekend Everybiddy..laters 'gaters
still clutching jaw, still feeling grumpy, not going to any party tonight anywhere.

However, I have just eaten a strawberry the size of a pumpkin, and it was delicious. I thought it would be one of those tasteless American things but it wasn't.
Shaney the bumptious doc apologised!!
I am back to sorting junk today....almost finished which is lovely. next step is to put the good stuff (of which there isn't much!!) back in the attic.

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