News12 mins ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
https:/ /news.s story/l abour-m p-mike- amesbur y-says- he-was- involve d-in-ch eshire- inciden t-where -he-fel t-threa tened-1 3241866 another swaggering Labour thug. ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/19 67786/r achel-r eeves-l iz-trus s-budge t ...
https:/ / /news/t ommy-ro binson- charged -with-t error-o ffences -after- handing -himsel f-in-at -police -s/ I wanted a different title but chief mod an interference officer-in-chief would no... ...
I think it will be all the more poignant for the demonstrators knowing that their hero lies in Durance Vile. If I could offer them one piece of advice it would be this: Remember, the police are our... ...
https:/ /video. twimg.c om/ext_ tw_vide o/18502 0078927 0310912 /pu/vid /avc1/7 20x1280 /3Dz7hx ExqKfoW tjk.mp4 ?tag=12 If you are in a union your hard-earned was spent on this. Hope you are proud of... ...
//Phone calls and 64 seized devices snared child sex abuser... Some of the children were as young as four. Some had never told anyone what they had been through - until police knocked on their... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /ce31w8 dzepno https:/ /www.yo utube.c om/watc h?v=fNk niZU4Vs A ...
//The chancellor is set to increase the National Insurance rate for employers to boost funding for public services including the NHS. Rachel Reeves is also expected to use Wednesday's Budget to... ...
...a guest house in Southern Lebanon. The Israelis do seem to think the ongoing butchery they're committing is best conducted with as little press coverage as possible. Agree or not?
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/worl d/19675 14/eu-s ues-uk- over-sa nd-eel- fishing -ban How do the EUSSR think they have the right to access our waters? ....and what court are they suing us in? ...
Just been watching the news on these so called savings on these cards. My opinion is that there are nothing more than a scam. Why? because they inflate the price of a product then reduce it back... ...
I guess it is true - some folk will steal anything not tied down. https:/ / /news/a rticles /cje03d q2pyyo ...
https:/ /news.s story/n azi-obs essed-c allum-p arslow- guilty- of-atte mpted-m urder-a fter-st abbing- asylum- seeker- 1324078 3
a nazi has been found guilty of attempted murder because he attacked an... ...
a nazi has been found guilty of attempted murder because he attacked an... ...
In relation to untitleds post. https:/ / /news/a sylum-s eeker-h otel-wo rker-27 -stabbe d-to-de ath-man -charge d-murde r/ \\Residents of the Park Inn by Radisson Hotel, close to Walsall FC’s... ...
They look bored stiff to me.
MPs Pile pressure on Keir Starmer by forming a new group demanding closer ties with the EU .This new group which calls itself ...UK-EU Relationship...held it's first meeting on... ...
https:/ /news.s story/s ir-keir -starme r-says- those-w ith-ass ets-not -workin g-peopl e-pavin g-way-f or-poss ible-ta x-rises -132405 21 More warped thinking from the clueless PM. So how did I buy my... ...
A man with a massive gold hat, a throne and many houses chats about "finding creative ways to right inequalities that endure" Staff were on hand to provide sick bags for those affected by these... ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/19 66883/S moking- Starmer -Labour -ban-pu b-smoki ng pity I was looking forward to being able to sit outside at pubs again. ...
Is there any chance any of them will apologise for their public support of Kaba now that it is widely known what an utter scumbag he was?