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maggiebee | 09:04 Fri 24th Jun 2016 | News
108 Answers
Can't believe that fear, greed, and a xenophobia, that has NO place in the 21st century, has triumphed. I'm sorry England, but you need to hang your collective heads in utter shame. Roll on the next Scottish referendum.


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> no more money to the EU - yay

Apart from the money we give over the next few years until we find a workable way out that avoids paying-in
"no more money to the EU!"

Except for the next two years, and at levels that -- if today's market response is anything to go by -- could disappear from our economy every hour or so for quite a while.

Obviously I hope the market panic isn't going to last, but it could be a hollow victory to claw back some money from the EU at the same time as losing ten times as much.
Won't be the same though, you won't burst my bubble !
Might not be a EU much longer. Watch it collapse like a house of cards. Even the French,Italian,Swedish and Dutch electorate are 50% in favour of leaving the EU and were hoping for a UK Brexit Victory !!
What won't be the same though, jambutty? We'll still pay in £350 m a week and hopefully we'll still get around half back in different ways (unless they decide to teach us a lesson to deter others)
Turnout: 69.6%
Remain: 2,263,519 (60%)
Leave: 1,513,232 (40%)

Independence for London too? More people than Scotland, bigger economy than Scotland and also a significant Remain win.
Will our overseas aid budget be reduced, or used to bail out the EUSSR when it goes belly up? Purely out of pity and magnanimity of course, we cant be forced to now can we.
Maybe retrocop- but that would take a year or so to arrange a vote and a few years to leave. Maybe by 2020 though things will look quite different.
Jim, when you grow up, you'll come to realise that sometimes we all, even me, get things wrong. It's just rather churlish not to face up to the reality of that situation when it happens.
Perhaps all the "London remainiacs" will move to Scotland Ellipsis. Birds of a feather and all that.
I don't think the EU determines the size of our Foreign Aid budget, Togo - that was a G7 target I think.
They say that it was the Labour vote that fixed it, so at last we have something to thank Labour for.

Well at least those that didn't blindly toe their party line.

///Independence for London too?///

If only, ellipsis. If only...
FF "Apart from the money we give over the next few years until we find a workable way out that avoids paying-in " - Stop the DD now I say.
maggie..SNP no longer have a majority in Holyrood neither do they have the correct mandate in depends on westminster and in the words of Kenny McAline..former justice minister "anyone who thinks a second referendum will occur is delusional " point of law..not opinion
Lets see how enthusiastic Turkey,Albania,Serbia,Montenegro,and Macedonia are to join the EU now that the major financial contributor is leaving. Merkel and the Germans can make up the shortfall!! :-)
Breach of contract, TTT?
what they going to do? take us to the European court? PMSL
I'm pleased that so many of my fellow Countrymen and women voted, like me, to leave the EU.

I think it is a little bit rich to paint us all as fearful and greedy xenophobes.
anyway who cares we can see the light of freedom at the end of the tunnel.

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