At this point it doesn't matter what any of us think, the whole thing is a badly managed mess. People who were not equipped to understand the full implications ( you, me, in effect everyone in the country) were asked to vote on something we should never have been asked to vote on because we can't understand enough of it to make an informed choice. Now our unelected PM is trying to foist a truly terrible deal that keeps no-one happy on us, yet in fairness to her she's the only one who has stuck with it. All the clever boys so busy criticising her have run off when asked to help with the poisoned chalice, so you have actually got what you voted for, someone else ill equipped to understand it doing their best. It's like putting me in charge of NASA, the whole thing is ridiculous, and I'm almost at the point that I no longer care if we stay, go, or even sink under the waves, we're on a hiding to nothing all ways round now.