For the last decade or so there has been an almost World wide programme in effect whereby it is discouraged to criticise a nation or culture based on their skin colour or demographic origins. This has been seized upon, enthusiastically, by our own law and order organisations from top to bottom. (Starting at the top). Any misgivings, or ill ease, regarding multiple real crimes committed by certain identifiable "groups" are and will be treated as crime itself and great lengths are taken by our forces of law and order, main stream media, and politicians not to mention the bleedin obvious for fear of setting the general public and common sense population off on a course of action that they cannot control. When I say that no assumptions are to be countenanced regarding the vile perpetrators of real crime, it is however encouraged by the very same people who insist that population groups cannot be labelled or demonised, to do exactly that to one section of the population. As a white person I am racist for being born white, over privileged, responsible for slavery, associated with Nazis because of my skin color, any dissenting speech I make on issues I'm concerned with is hate speech, which they can't even define. Terrorism is the new normal. Christianity is racists but Islam can't be questioned.