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More Problems With The Vaccine

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Barsel | 11:02 Wed 09th Dec 2020 | News
120 Answers
A few people have had an allergic reaction to the vaccine so we are now being told people who have allergic reactions to some medicines, food etc might not be able to have it.I'm allergic to penicillin but don't know if this comes under significant allergy or not.


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I have some significant reactions when I read some of the posts on any of my threads, but normally a small brandy does the trick in bringing me round again.
////80% pen allergies arent///

Exactly PP
thx s
I will don a laurel crown and sit on a tuffet ( plus or minus lyre)
Dave and I were discussing the vaccine last night. We're both keen to have it as soon as possible but my instinct was for me to wait for the Oxford one though I didn't know why.

I will now wait and hope there isn't the same problem with it though I do wonder why those with allergies and those administering the vaccine didn't read the patient information leaflet where there was a very clear warning that those with severe allergies shouldn't be given the Pfizer vaccine.
//A few people have had an allergic reaction to the vaccine so we are now being told people who have allergic reactions to some medicines ...//

Why have they only now discovered that some may have an allergic reaction to it? I was under the impression it had been thoroughly tested. Did none of the guinea pigs have an allergic reaction?
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sqad, when I had a anaphylactic shock, my daughter rushed me to hospital and I was treated straight away with steroids and something else, then put on a drip and kept in overnight. Is that considered a significant allergy, that's all I want to know?
I thought the same.
Barsel, I know someone who had an anaphylactic shock. She is very lucky to be here.

Read this Guardian article before making uninformed comments - it makes it very clear what Pfizer themselves said in the information provided to the NHS and patients :

"The patient information leaflet with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine warns that it should not be given to people allergic to any substance in the vaccine, raising questions about the wisdom of NHS Trusts selecting those staff members to be vaccinated."

It could not have been tested on people with severe allergies (it wouldn't be ethical) and so should not have been used on these people until further data was available at a (much) later date.
Pp/Sqad 80% pen allergies arent///
Exactly PP//

I think I’m one of those 80 %. The doc’s and dentist’s computers flash up with a warning if they think about prescribing me pen. I have to use erythromycin instead. Apparently I came up in a rash when I was two after taking pen. Not serious at all. Probably many more people like that.
Barsel read my post 11.48.
Let me know which bit is confusing.
Thanks sd.
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naomi, they told me that if my daughter hadn't got me there as quick as she did, I could have been a goner. I can't praise the doctor and nurses in A&E enough for the speed of what they did.
Dave, it says that "after" two people became ill. It didn't seem to be known before it was made public?
Barsel, when my GP was telling me why I should carry two epi pens after a serious reaction he said that it's now not how bad the last one was because I'm still here to annoy him.

It's how bad your next one will be and that we don't know until....x
It was already in the patient leaflet, Pixie - someone has screwed up very badly in putting forward people with severe allergies for the vaccination.
// Did none of the guinea pigs have an allergic reaction?//
those with allergies may well have been filtered out

prelim results in the Lancet I think

and it looks as tho the answer was no

[but you do have to read it]
Barsel, I don't doubt it.
Ah, thanks. They clearly have then.

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