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More Problems With The Vaccine

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Barsel | 11:02 Wed 09th Dec 2020 | News
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A few people have had an allergic reaction to the vaccine so we are now being told people who have allergic reactions to some medicines, food etc might not be able to have it.I'm allergic to penicillin but don't know if this comes under significant allergy or not.


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I intend to have a long chat with my GP before any vaccination for Covid.
‘Vague buses’.....we knew what you meant ;)
Oh that's lovely! The image of a red double decker rolling up to inform patients has given me a smile! Thanks, Apc..... :-)
dannyk13 Woofie, so will the nurse giving the vaccine to a housebound patient hang around for fifteen minutes?

Danny I have no idea. All I am doing is reporting what has been said by the nhs.
OK, Thanks Woofie.
//I intend to have a long chat with my GP before any vaccination for Covid.//

excellent idea - there is no question about having a jab you dont think is absolutely safe
// The image of a red double decker rolling up to inform patients has given me a smile! //

probably be the Brexit bus with "Brexit" crossed out and "Vaccine" written in crayon.
Crumbs! I am allergic to something but it was many years ago I can't remember what it is and I'm being vaccinated on Friday.
Informing a patient is a double edged sword, don't give them enough information and they may well sue you,give them too much information and you may frighten them off.
One cannot win here.
Medical and popular definitions of "significant allergy " maybe and usually are, quite different.
Sqad, would not any significant allergic reaction be in your medical records?
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What about people who have an intolerance to say lactose? I don't know what happens to people who are intolerant to something like that, but what if that was in the vaccine, how would that affect them?
Informed consent involves much more consent compared to when you were a bairn sqad

why they even say that when a consultant is doing a special then he should consent a patient himself!
Danny.....Good point,it would indeed.

Barsel,the mechanism of allergy may differ from what allergy may be and all I will say is that the chemical pathologically pathway is quite different in many types of allergy.
The bottom line, in my opinion, is my understanding of significant allergy as defined in my post above.
dannyk13 "Sqad, would not any significant allergic reaction be in your medical records?"

As an ex NHS worker and a service user AND someone who was involved in managing the service use of my late husband, I have got ZERO faith in Uk medical records. Assuming they can actually be accessed by the service you are seeing AND that the record is complete and hasn't burst from its folder somewhere and had pages lost AND the professional seeing you having time to struggle through it.....well then they might be able to check to see if you have an allergy...and yes big red stickers are supposed to be everywhere on your notes.
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danny, when i went for my flu jab this year, we all had an appointment and we had to queue a safe distance apart down the corridor at the doctors surgery. When I was called in, it was to see someone I'd never seen before. He had a list of names and times of appointments, no notes, and he ticked your name off his list. He didn't ask if I had any allergies and I never thought to tell him. It probably didn't occur to those 2 NHS workers to say anything because I expect they thought it would be safe as we have been told. I expect it will be the same when we go for the Covid vaccine. It will probably be given by someone who doesn't know anything about us,and only for the fact I've read what has happened, I probably wouldn't have mentioned my allergies either. agree entirely.
Woofie, as i am housebound I expect that a nurse will call to give a jab.I do know for gfact that my allergies (5 of them) are on my records at the GP's surgery.
//Oh that's lovely! The image of a red double decker rolling up to inform patients has given me a smile! Thanks, Apc..... :-)//

And that's if you can make out it's a bus , if it's vague

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