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Food Shortages.

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gulliver1 | 19:52 Tue 21st Sep 2021 | News
332 Answers
"The British Retail Consortium" Which represents all the major food and retail chains in the UK.
Has said it expects to see food shortages and more empty shelves by the end of this week.
This is no longer about... will Christmas be OK ......It's about keeping the wheels turning and the lights on so we can get to Christmas..... Come on Boris ... time to step in. Before there is a winter of discontent under your leadership.


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Its not a case of disagreeing or agreeing with gully, its looking at the facts. As someone who normally sells product to the EU, I personally am hitting brick walls trying to trade with the EU. They are making a scapegoat of the UK in a vain attempt to try and stop other Nations from thinking about coming out. Boris did not make good deals and God knows he had plenty...
19:25 Thu 23rd Sep 2021
Woe, Bobbi, woe. There is nothing else for it. We are undone! Gully said so. See you in the pub later. We can cry in our gin. ;o)
Gulliver...your tea is ready pet! Grandmas made a lovely fruit cake out of toe clippings and dandruff -your favourite :-)
There will be no French gin lol!
Will there be Grey Goose ?
Might as well get it before the French stop it altogether Naomi
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15 57 "Grey Goose" whats that? is it some sort of hair dye?.
You do know Grey Goose is made in France don't you lol! You should try Durham Gin its lovely and made just down the road from you.
15.57 lol! could be, but its french vodka
And you do know the GG is vodka don’t you? So shy would I wand Durham Gin:0))))
Pah! Who needs the French to supply drinks when we have the whole world to buy from?
Damn sausage fingers, will sausages be in short supply as well? This gets worse :0(
Because it tastes nicer than vodka? lol!
I’ll ring my mate Vladimir, he’ll see me okay I’m sure
Get those spades sharpened folks

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16.16 "We have the whole world to buy from" But not from 27 countries in the E/U and not from America by the look of it , think Boris has got to start looking to Mexico and partners..... Desperate johnson.
Cheap Tequila ! Yeh!
Gulliver, why do you think we can’t buy from the EU?
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16 39 Because you can not get anything through Uk customs without huge expense and great delays , It's called shooting oneself in the foot with a Blunderbuss or a Borisbus take your pick.
Don’t be ridiculous Gulliver. Trade will go on - as will life.
//Gulliver, why do you think we can’t buy from the EU?//

It's a strange old attitude, naomi. Throughout the Brexit debate there has been a theme running which suggested that trade would no longer take place between the EU27 and the UK if we left. So I don't suppose any BMW or Mercedes cars have been sold in the UK since last January. I imagine the supermarket shelves are devoid of French wine and cheese and Belgian beer. Hang on though:

Volkswagen: 104,852 January to August '21 - (Top brand seller)
BMW: 77,614 (4th best sellers)
Mercedes: 69,469 (5th best sellers)

And here's me, as an ardent Brexiteer, thinking all this would stop. As well as (apparently) wanting to banish all foreigners from these shores, I didn't want any of their trashy muck being sold here. Perhaps nobody told these manufacturers that we've left and can no longer buy their goods! Perhaps it's just a few they had left over. Either way, I've been swindled and I demand an immediate re-run of the referendum. :-)

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