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Food Shortages.

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gulliver1 | 19:52 Tue 21st Sep 2021 | News
332 Answers
"The British Retail Consortium" Which represents all the major food and retail chains in the UK.
Has said it expects to see food shortages and more empty shelves by the end of this week.
This is no longer about... will Christmas be OK ......It's about keeping the wheels turning and the lights on so we can get to Christmas..... Come on Boris ... time to step in. Before there is a winter of discontent under your leadership.


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Its not a case of disagreeing or agreeing with gully, its looking at the facts. As someone who normally sells product to the EU, I personally am hitting brick walls trying to trade with the EU. They are making a scapegoat of the UK in a vain attempt to try and stop other Nations from thinking about coming out. Boris did not make good deals and God knows he had plenty...
19:25 Thu 23rd Sep 2021
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Jacks gone very quiet, ..... has he hit the road again?
No shortages here, ( just sayin’)
It seems the same people suffer these food shortages (repeatedly) while the rest of us can stuff ourselves with gay abandon, as it were.
While I was a committed Brexit supporter, I think it's a rotten trick to single out Remainers for starvation.
Let's face it, they led miserable enough lives when they had plenty to eat.
Well done, gully. Another 100+ thread. You're not the ABed in disguise, are you?
But I’m a Borisette Spicey ;0))))
During the war Canada sent "Care Packages", including food and clothing, to the UK...It looks like we'll have to do it again:)
Goethe liked capers in his Kartoffelsalat (potato salad) me too, but then he was a genius & I'm not.
So we forced Canada to send us stuff, who knew?
"Forced"? What a srange response.
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Breaking news..... Tesco has warned the Govt that they are worried about panic buying in the run up to Christmas, leading to more empty shelves
Blaming shortage of lorry drivers and it could be worse than the stockpiling that took place at the start of the Pandemic.
Tescos worried about panic buying? their worried about it not happening. I been into several supermarkets this week, and everyone of them have already pulled out their palate loads of piled up tins of chocolates blocking the gangways, they can't wait for the scaremongering to get into top gear.
Lol gully
People panic buy every single Christmas and this one will be no different
Over indulgence and stuff going out of date is the norm in the UK
So much so that every year people get ready for a three day zombie apocalypse (or so it seems) only to realise that the shops do in fact open the day after Boxing Day
You seem to revel in misery so keep up the good work bless you !
Bobbisox don't know which part of Newcastle area you live in, or even if you actually go food shopping rather than get delivered, but the shortages in the Metro Centre and Eldon Square were pretty evident a couple of weeks ago.
This is not about starving or running out of luxury goods. Its concrete evidence that Brexit, along with other unavoidable events, has had a huge impact on Imports into the UK. The UK relies(relied?) on out of season fruit and veg coming in tons daily from the EU. Add onto that the fact that home grown fruit and veg are rotting in the ground and on trees because all the EU workers went home , well.......... we are much better off now aren't we. Free to get into bed with flaky joe and get involved in a potential clash with china. (but at least Jonny foreigner won't get a council house in peckham lol!)
Who is this 'Johnny Foreigner' you keep banging on about?
APG, Its the knitting club sticking together again, even though they know your right. You may get a different reaction if hair dye and nail varnish vanishes from the shelves. :0))))
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Breaking News...BP has had to start closing down its petrol stations due to lack of supplies because of shortage of truck drivers.
OMG PLease not har dye and nail varnishes , I couldn’t cope :0(((
There are a variety of interesting comments following that story.
Bobbi, you beat me to it!! Oh woe!!!

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