Quizzes & Puzzles10 mins ago
The Donald Is Back!
Great speech, straight from the heart, no baloney, & no autocue. Sleepy Joe, be afraid.
https:/ /news.s ky.com/ video/d onald-t rump-fo rmer-us -presid ent-giv es-his- first-s peech-i n-washi ngton-d c-since -leavin g-offic e-12659 735
The voters in America will once again have to make a choice. It will not be influenced by the narcissist rage of a few wannabe opinion brokers on an obscure website in a foreign Country. They will have to choose between a candidate with a brash and and guileless personality who has America's best interests, and therefor theirs, at heart and as the core of his...
18:53 Wed 27th Jul 2022
I re-post; "Under Trump, the American economy performed well. Inflation was 1.4% when he left office; petrol at 2 dollars a gallon. Under Biden inflation is 9.1% and a gallon of gas costs more than 5 dollars. The now daily flow of thousand of illegal immigrants crossing the southern borders was substantially stemmed by him, now they are flocking in again & to spare the embarrassment & cover up the fact are being re-distributed across the USA on special flights.
Trump has been much reviled on this AB website, but in hindsight however, his foreign policy looks impressive, especially against Biden's. He regularly rebuked the Germans (A.Merkel) for empowering Putin, through their reliance on Russian hydrocarbons, & when you look now at the war in Ukraine & the disastrously high energy prices in Europe, was he wrong?
A couple of weeks ago, Biden went to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil & was ignored. Trump in contrast has just hosted a Saudi-funded golf tournament on one of the golf courses he owns."
And all you can find to criticize, is that he watched rioting on tv, seemingly ignoring the fact that he was the President of the United States - what do you think he should have done?
Trump has been much reviled on this AB website, but in hindsight however, his foreign policy looks impressive, especially against Biden's. He regularly rebuked the Germans (A.Merkel) for empowering Putin, through their reliance on Russian hydrocarbons, & when you look now at the war in Ukraine & the disastrously high energy prices in Europe, was he wrong?
A couple of weeks ago, Biden went to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil & was ignored. Trump in contrast has just hosted a Saudi-funded golf tournament on one of the golf courses he owns."
And all you can find to criticize, is that he watched rioting on tv, seemingly ignoring the fact that he was the President of the United States - what do you think he should have done?
he should have called off his goons the moment they started attacking congress... instead he waited three hours to see if they were going to be successful, and then called them off without renouncing them...
why do you think he removed a line from his speech saying that the rioters did not represent him or his movement?
why do you think he removed a line from his speech saying that the rioters did not represent him or his movement?
I think he should have gone down there and pleaded for calm. I think the fact he didn't speaks volumes about his twisted mind.
I'm not ignoring the fact that he was President; I'm actually saying, as a President who made a speech which was clearly the catalyst for the storming of the building, it makes it much more than an 'all you can find' event.
If you can't see that, then I pity you, I really do.
I'm not ignoring the fact that he was President; I'm actually saying, as a President who made a speech which was clearly the catalyst for the storming of the building, it makes it much more than an 'all you can find' event.
If you can't see that, then I pity you, I really do.
https:/ /www.np r.org/2 022/07/ 25/1113 461598/ trump-v ideo-ed its?t=1 6596266 32407
picture there of the edits Trump made to his speech...
the phrase 'I want to be very clear. You do not represent me. You do not represent our movement.' is crossed out.... by him.
also crossed out are the parts which promise legal consequences on those who participated.
picture there of the edits Trump made to his speech...
the phrase 'I want to be very clear. You do not represent me. You do not represent our movement.' is crossed out.... by him.
also crossed out are the parts which promise legal consequences on those who participated.
If he is as guilty of all these crimes of commission & omission as you say he is, you have nothing to bother yourselves about, because they will prove beyond doubt his culpability.
Do you really think this circus is going to do that?
Trump isn't at all fazed - he calls them, 'The Unselect Committee'
Do you really think this circus is going to do that?
Trump isn't at all fazed - he calls them, 'The Unselect Committee'
> when you look now at the war in Ukraine & the disastrously high energy prices in Europe, was he wrong?
Trump's policies towards Ukraine were hardly helpful with respect to the war that was going on in Ukraine during his presidency! Talk about insensitive ... try this for starters:
https:/ /editio n.cnn.c om/2022 /03/26/ politic s/trump -putin- ukraine /index. html
Trump's policies towards Ukraine were hardly helpful with respect to the war that was going on in Ukraine during his presidency! Talk about insensitive ... try this for starters:
It's not really our problem, it's the USA's problem and those in the USA should want what's best for the USA. If you ask me, what would be best would be :
1) Trump declines to run again for POTUS
2) No attempt is made to prosecute Trump for the Capitol riots
Whether those two things would be related or not, who can say ...
1) Trump declines to run again for POTUS
2) No attempt is made to prosecute Trump for the Capitol riots
Whether those two things would be related or not, who can say ...
If Trump becomes POTUS again, this is why:
https:/ /www.bu zzfeed. com/dav es4/dum b-thing s-ameri cans-ha ve-said
Khandro's people.
Khandro's people.