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Smoking ban.

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anotheoldgit | 11:30 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | News
149 Answers

Could this common sense approach be the answer to what must be one of the biggest infringements of a person's civil liberties?

I am not a smoker, may I add?.


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Yeah sqad, i also blow smoke rings in his face. I'm hoping to to get a photy of me mobile of him holding one too, it'll look soooooo cool!

Give me some credit will ya?
its not nice when i take my 13 year old out and my 2 step daughters of 8 and 10 to the shops and kids are smoking that sh1te on street corners
weed stinks we are not tough enough on the laws regarding it in this country
The suggestion that the ban would apply in only some parts of pubs is unworkable. I remember when pubs had “no smoking” rooms, bars or areas. The smoke drifted, doors were left open, smokers passed through non-smoking areas whilst smoking. In short, it simply did not work.

As has also been mentioned, staff members will have to work in those rooms in some capacity or other and one of the principle aims of the legislation was to protect staff. This is the most significant reason why pubs will not be allowed to elect whether to allow smoking or not.

I’m always amused when anybody says that their “civil liberties” or “Human Rights” are infringed by being unable to smoke amongst others. It suggests s that they have an inalienable right to inflict the results of their habits on others in order to enjoy their “freedom”.

Of course, we could always adopt BOO’s attitude:

“...Those miserable, whining buggers can stay at home then.”

“... all those rabid, rothing at the mouth non smokers...”

“...the do gooder non smokers would still flail their arms about whinging about the stink”

Fortunately those framing and passing the legislation took a more compassionate view.! no! that wont work with sqad.

When he comes to your house, do you smoke whilst he is in the room..YES or No?
"Fortunately those framing and passing the legislation took a more compassionate view. "

yep, im sure the landlords of those failing pubs agree with you whole heartedly too :-)
I smoke on my backdoor step whether he's here or not sqad.

Failing to see where you're going with this?
BOO....not far, as you are giving me all the wrong answers for my "clever little plan" LOL
As a lifelong non smoker a few whiffs of tobacco smoke don't bother me, sometimes they mask the diesel fumes and the BO. A choice is nice though.
I would totally oppose any lifting of the ban. I smoke, and one of the BEST thing about the smoking ban is a) I smoke a lot less when I'm out with my mates and b) there's a little known truism - you always meet the best people when you're out on the pavement puffing away.
"you always meet the best people when you're out on the pavement puffing away." Who said that, Oscar Wilde or Quentin Crisp?
It used to be nice sitting in a country pub garden enjoying a pint. Now such places are the preserve of the smokers. Same with coffee shops with a few tables outside on the pavement. Just walking past starts me coughing.
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I don't suppose any of you anti-smokers drive diesel or petrol driven cars with their own giant smoking devise jutting out of the rear of the vehicle?

Of course not, you are all good environmentalists who cycle, walk, or drive electric driven vehicles, because you wouldn't wish to inflict the results of your driving enjoyment on others, so as to enjoy your freedom of travel..

Good for you, I say.
I am surprised you have not taken up smoking to aid the cause AOG..
McMouse, you can't have it both ways. You wanted us smokers out from inside the pub, now you're moaning when we smoke outside due to the ban you wanted?

I had no problem with smokers in the pub boo. If it got too thick I had freedom to leave.
so the pubs are struggling..because?
not enough customers?
the cost of a pint?
-- answer removed --
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/// It used to be nice sitting in a country pub garden enjoying a pint. Now such places are the preserve of the smokers ///

Haven't they always been, so how did you enjoy it then?

When I was a smoker, I also loved to sit in a country pub garden, puffing away on my pipe, and enjoying a pint or two or three.

I can do neither now, 1/ Because I no longer smoke, 2/ Because of the 'Drink Driving Laws'
I'm sorry AOG but did I read this right?

'Of course not, you are all good environmentalists who cycle, walk, or drive electric driven vehicles, because you wouldn't wish to inflict the results of your driving enjoyment on others, so as to enjoy your freedom of travel.. '

Are you comparing say a lorry driver, a person doing their job each day to help deliver all manner of someone smoking in a pub?

Thats one of the stupidest things I think I have ever read on this site. Well done.
I think that the only sensible solution is to forcibly sterilise all smokers so that they can no longer breed and euthanise the rest of us still living, so that we may no longer be able to pollute this fair planet with our foul habits. That way at least we will not be around to face the massive rise in taxation incurred as a result of the loss of revenue to the Exchequer which our evil perversions have so generously funded over the ages.

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